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The Nervous System.

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Presentation on theme: "The Nervous System."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Nervous System

2 Nervous System The nervous system is made of: The brain The spinal cord The nerves The senses

3 The Central Nervous System
Brain Spinal cord

4 The Brain (FYI) Protected by : The skull/cranium Meninges – A membrane that covers the brain and spinal cord

5 Parts of the Brain (FYI)
Cerebrum Cerebellum Brain Stem

6 Cerebrum (FYI) Divided into 4 lobes

7 Cerebrum (FYI) Frontal: emotion, reasoning, planning, movement, speech, personality Parietal: touch, pain, taste, pressure, temperature Temporal: hearing, memory, meaning, language Occipital: vision

8 Divided into 2 Hemispheres (FYI)
Right Hemisphere Controls left side of body Left Hemisphere Controls right side of body

9 Functions of the Brain Controls voluntary movements
Interprets messages picked up by the senses Controls Intelligence Controls Emotion Regulates physiological functions (hunger, alertness, body temperature) Centre of balance and movement coordination Helps us to do many activities all at once Controls internal stimuli Controls involuntary movement

10 The Spinal Cord *Protected by vertebrae* 2 Functions:
Carries nerve impulses The reflex centre

11 The Spinal Cord What is a reflex?
A rapid involuntary reaction to a stimulus Quick reaction time in an emergency Ex: Pulling arm away from sharp object

12 The Spinal Cord Reflex Arc The series of nerve impulses that occur
during a reflex

13 Peripheral Nervous System
Connects body to the CNS. Made up of all the nerves

14 Peripheral Nervous System
Role: Transportation of nerve impulses from senses to brain (sensory nerves) Transportation of nerve impulses from brain to muscles (motor nerves)

15 Staying Sharp! Physical activity
Challenging your brain (mental activities) Interacting with people (social activities) Positive thinking (reduce stress factors) Healthy eating habits (omegas!) Getting enough sleep! Avoid drugs...

16 The Neuron Specialized nerve cells in the nervous system that receive and transmit messages. FYI: the human body has an average of 100 billion neurons!!!

17 The Neuron Parts of the neuron
Dendrites – receive message Cell body - contain nucleus Axon – transmit message Axon terminals – send message

18 Role of Neurons To pick up stimuli, transform them into nerve impulses and transmit these

19 Stimulus A stimulus is a change in the environment. Example: a hot stove tripping over a rock

20 Nerve Impulse An electrical signal transmitted by a neuron

21 Characteristics of the Neuron (FYI)
Can be stimulated – by a stimulus by changing it into nerve impulse Conductive – transmits nerve impulse from one neuron to another until reaches its target Consumes a lot of Oxygen and Glucose. Lives only a few minutes without oxygen Live more than 100 yrs. Cannot reproduce or be replaced if destroyed

22 Transmission of nerve impulses (FYI)
A nerve impulse travels from neuron to neuron until it reaches its target. It travels from dendrites to axon terminals

23 Transmission of nerve impulses (FYI)
Nerve impulses travel from one to another by Neurotransmitters (chemical substances) secreted by axon terminals The transition zone between 2 neurons is called a synapse.

24 Nerve Impulses (FYI) Nerve impulses move quickly from neuron to neuron and can reach up to speeds of 430km/h. Making sure there is rapid transmission of information to many parts of body.

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