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Fish Dish Pizza.

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1 Fish Dish Pizza

2 Our Team Our team is made up of: Mary Cross Colin McKenna Neil Maher
Josh Rumgay Lauren McLaughlin

3 The Product – Fish Dish Pizza
Fish flavoured pizza shaped like a fish We decided on our ingredients based on market research findings as well as what foods were appropriate to put on the pizza We decided on a fish pizza because fish has become more popular as people realise how healthy it is.

4 Our Target Market Our product is a family sized luxury item
Our Target Market is adults who purchase take away items. Our chosen ingredients made the pizza quite expensive to make and this shows in the price, however, we looked at competitors when we chose our price and we feel that although it is expensive it is competitive

5 Where we will sell our pizza
We have decided to sell our pizza in take away outlets The reason we have decided to do this is to promote healthier take away choices – so that people can still satisfy their “junk food” cravings with convenience food but they get the health benefits of eating fish

6 Why we chose our product
We decided on a fish pizza because fish has become more popular as people realise how healthy it is. According to the government fish is packed with vitamins and minerals and is a major source of omega 3 fatty acids. Eating fish can help to protect against a range of diseases including cancer, heart disease, alzheimers, depression and arthritis.

7 How we made our product We discussed pizza ideas and decided to put fish toppings on the pizza. After our first attempt we were happy with the taste but wanted to change it so that it was shaped like a fish. After our second attempt we were much happier with the fish shape and after asking people their opinion of the taste we decided to try adding some spices. For our third attempt we changed the red onion for red pepper and added basil instead of mixed herbs – we felt this made it taste much nicer

8 Our Slogan We discussed what we wanted our slogan to tell people and since we were aware that a fish pizza may not sound very appetising we decided that we wanted it to say how tasty our pizza was. We chose “Delishy, fishy, dishy pizza”

9 Our Advert We made a poster to advertise our product and we included our group name, our slogan, our price and where to find our product £9.00

10 Ingredients 1 packet pizza base mix 1 tin of tuna 1 packet of prawns
25g Tomato puree 75g Mozzarella Cheese 1 red pepper Pinch of basil 3 mushrooms 1 olive

11 Costing the ingredients
Price Pizza Base Mix (x2 packets) £0.70 1 tin of tuna 1 packet of prawns £1.00 Tomato Puree £0.07 Mozzarella Cheese £0.66 1 Red Pepper £0.32 Basil £0.03 Mushrooms £0.20 1 Olive 0.03 Total £3.77

12 Pricing It cost us £3.77 to make the product so we have decided to sell it for £9.00 this will give us a profit of £6.23 per pizza. We used market research to decide on our price. We checked with competitors Dominos and Pizza Hut who were selling a similar product.

13 Market Research We looked at Pizza Hut and Dominos take away prices to compare them with our chosen price. Dominos do not sell a pizza with ingredients like ours however in pizza hut you can choose your own ingredients so you could have tuna/pepper/mushroom and black olives which is quite similar Outlet Size Price Dominos Personal (7”) £5.99 Small (9.5”) £11.49 Medium (11.5”) £13.49 Large (13.5”) £15.49 Pizza Hut Small (6 slices) £8.99 Medium (8 slices) £12.99 Large (10 slices) £14.79

14 Packaging Ideas We liked this handle because it looked like a fish fin but it was going to very difficult to make it so we chose this box as we felt it was a bit different to a normal pizza box

15 Final Packaging Choice
Logo Ingredients

16 Us working on the project….

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