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Religions in Africa.

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1 Religions in Africa

2 Religions Religion by definition is:
The belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods. Zoroastrianism Rastafarianism Judaism Christianity Islam Hinduism Buddhism

3 Rastafarianism It was developed in Jamaica in the 1930’s by working class African citizens. They sought to recapture and celebrate their black heritage from their oppressors after being taken into slavery in the Caribbean. Their leader was Haile Selassie I, former Emperor of Ethiopia who was seen as the God incarnate. The text of the Bible are reinterpreted into an Afro-Centric way. One of the most well-known leaders is Bob Marley. Over 1 million in the world, it’s seen as a way of life opposed to a religion to some.


5 Zoroastrianism One of the oldest monotheistic religions
Founded in Iran by Zoroaster Believes in one god, Ahura Mazda Worship in a fire temple The Avesta is a book of holy scriptures

6 Judaism In Africa, Jews from Europe and the Middle East and indigenous Africans who claim Jewish or Israelite descent were the two main groups. Africans take the biblical text and use it to justify their customs to western missionaries….such as polygamy and ritual sacrifice It’s a set of ideas on how you should live your life Abrahamic religion that originated approximately 3500 years ago in the Middle East. Teaches that there is only one God in this lifetime

7 Buddhism 300 million people practice it
Siddhartha Gotama reached enlightenment, became Buddha Follow 8 Fold Path: live a moral life No God, but they do pay respects to the Buddha Try to reach Nirvana

8 Hinduism Belief in one transcendent Super Being.
Believe that the soul reincarnates through many births, until all your karma has been dealt with. Worship at temples and shrines, while performing rituals for their God. End goal: Reach Moksha Release from endless cycle of rebirth and be at peace Hinduism

9 Islam 1.6 billion Adherents One God (Allah)
Practice the Five Pillars: - Faith, Prayer, Alms, Pilgrimage, Fasting. Definition: The religion of the Muslims, a monotheistic faith regarded as revealed through Muhammad as the Prophet of Allah.

10 Christianity They practice worshipping through: One God
Prayer Bible Study Missionary Work Baptism Communion One God Founded in c. 30 CE Founders: Jesus, Peter, and Paul

11 Mythological Gods and Goddesses



14 Quiz Answers 1. C - Rastafarianism 2. A- Iran 3. C- 3500 years ago
4. B- Fire Temple 5. A- Nirvana 6. C - Hinduism 7. A- One 8. C- Jamaica

15 Work Cited heard-of?sub= _ &sf=jkgkjnk&utm_term=.oxMzyM9aM#.nodVj9JG9

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