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TxDOT Near-term actions
Randy C. Hopmann, P.E. Director of District Operations 44th Annual TXAPA Meeting September 20, 2018
FY 18 Statewide Letting -- Accumulative Planned vs. Actual
FY 2018 planned vs Actual Accumulative lettings (August Letting pending Commission Approval)
FY 18 Total Lettings, Obligations, and Design-Build Procurement
Getting to Nearly $8 Billion/Year Statewide Lettings = $5.76 billion Local lettings = $630 million (Cities, counties, regional mobility authorities, other toll authorities, etc.) Design-Build Procurement = $1.13 billion (Executed SH 249 in Montgomery/Grimes Counties October 3, 2017) Other obligations = $326.2 million (Public transportation, air quality studies, etc.) Billions of Dollars Total lettings, obligations, and DB procurement for FY 18 = $7.85 billion Totals and percentages may not sum due to rounding. FY 2018 total lettings, obligations and Design-Build Procurement $ 7.1 Billion now expect $7.5Billion by years end DBB -$5.53Billion - $6.0Billion DB - $ 500Million – SH 249 Local lets – $753Million Other obligations (Pub Transportation, etc) - $314Million Summary goal for 2019 and after: Consistent and Predictable Contract Award Portfolio $8.5 Billion Contracts Awarded DBB to 1200 projects ($6.0 Billion) to 100 projects/month ($500 Million/Month) Over 95 % less than $50 Million => 80 to 90% less than $15Million DB – 3/yr ($1.5 Billion) -
FY 18 Project Portfolio Statewide Letting
FY 18 Statewide Lettings At beginning of FY 18, scheduled statewide letting was $4.8 billion. During FY 18, $1.5 billion was added. A few projects were delayed for various reasons. Statewide Letting of $5.76 billion, includes schedule modifications and delays. FY 18 Project Portfolio Statewide Letting Small Projects (<$15M) 753 91% Medium Projects (>$15M <$50M) 58 7% Large Projects (>$50M) 16 2% Total Number of Projects 827 100% FY 2018 Statewide Lettings $4.8 Billion scheduled at beginning (Sept 2017) $1.2 Billion is being accelerated from within the UTP To Date $1.5 Billion Added More coming $509 Million Delayed from FY 18 $5.79Million so far. Projected to let $6.0Billion Chart – 745 projects, so far. 90% Small, 7% Medium, 3% Large Totals and percentages may not sum due to rounding.
FY 19 Total Lettings, Obligations, and Design-Build Procurement
Getting to Over $8 Billion/Year Statewide Lettings = $6.25 billion Local lettings = $332 million (Cities, counties, regional mobility authorities, other toll authorities, etc.) Design-Build Procurement = $1.48 billion (IH 635 Dallas/IH 2 and IH 69C Pharr) Other obligations = $136 million (Public transportation, air quality studies, etc.) Billions of Dollars To date, total lettings, obligations, and DB procurement for FY 19 = $8.20 billion Totals and percentages may not sum due to rounding. FY 2019 total lettings, obligations and Design-Build Procurement $ 7.1 Billion now expect $7.5Billion by years end DBB -$5.53Billion - $6.0Billion DB - $ 500Million – SH 249 Local lets – $753Million Other obligations (Pub Transportation, etc) - $314Million Summary goal for 2019 and after: Consistent and Predictable Contract Award Portfolio $8.5 Billion Contracts Awarded DBB to 1200 projects ($6.0 Billion) to 100 projects/month ($500 Million/Month) Over 95 % less than $50 Million => 80 to 90% less than $15Million DB – 3/yr ($1.5 Billion) -
5 Year Design Build Plan 6 6
Is TxDOT Ready?..... or Is the Transportation Industry Ready?
2017 Sunset Review Timely completion of projects (20% of projects in liquidated damages) Implement contractor performance review process and consider past performance when determining bid capacity Project remedies Production rates Performance reviews We Build Texas – what makes a successful project? Safely Quality On-time Together
Is TxDOT Ready?..... or Is the Transportation Industry Ready?
Acceleration Construction Program Policy issued by Chief Engineer Techniques and methodologies Managing project risks Project selection – not all projects, but the right projects Economic Benefits of Acceleration to support engineering decisions Accelerating projects begins with good planning and design Get in, Get out, and Stay out Quality asphalt pavements Long term focus of TxAPA has been and continues to be quality Education and training Expert resources Partners in Quality Recognition and awards to quality asphalt pavements
Is TxDOT Ready?..... or Is the Transportation Industry Ready?
Quality seal coats TxAPA developing educational series on quality seal coats Most cost effective pavement preservation technique 20,000 lane miles treated each year $250 million spent annually There are complaints about seal coats each year Windshield breakage, noise, failures Efforts to refocus on quality seal coats Training to raise the level of expertise and performance with all parties Material testing to validate specifications Audience includes contractors, asphalt and aggregate suppliers, TxDOT personnel TxAPA and AGC collaboration Kevin King spearheading steering committee Dr. Jon Epps, TTI – assisting with development of curriculum We succeed or fail together!
Initiatives within TxDOT
System Safety, saving lives Texas Clear Lanes congestion relief in 5 metropolitan areas IH 35 Red River to the Rio Grande River – Main Street Texas Rural Initiative with Trunk System/Super 2 connectivity Energy Sector focus
FY 2020-21 LAR Sources of Funding 2019 Legislative Session
GAA Adjusted $11.31B $11.05B $0.004B $0.31B $3.52B $2.68B $7.85B $2.60B $8.73B $8.63B $0.73B $0.78B $0.23B $0.61B $0.27B Bond Proceeds $1.27B TxDOT Grand Total $32.68B $28.20B This first pie chart highlights the Sources where you will see the Federal with the largest single source, but you will also see the individual breakdown of the Traditional SHF, Prop 1, and Prop 7 methods of finance as these are tracked and reported separately under different Methods of Finance even though they are technically part of the Appropriated State Highway Fund. You will also see our General Revenue is nearly non-existant as this was previously related to our debt service on our Proposition 12 bonds that will now be paid for out of Proposition 7 sources which you will also see in our exceptional items. The other item that you will see no longer expected in is Bond Proceeds that we are expecting to completely spend down within the biennium as Prop 1/7 continue to increase.
Exceptional Item Requests 2019 Legislative Session
Priority Description FY 2020 FY 2021 1 GO Bond Debt Service Payments $311,852,000 $307,378,000 2 Veteran Toll Discount Program $9,285,000 $11,140,000 3 Rail – SORR Rehab Fort Stockton/Sulfur $12,800,000 Unexpended Balance (UB) 4 Rail – SORR Rehab Fort Stockton/Belding $8,000,000 UB 5 Rail – SORR Rehab Paisano $3,000,000 6 Rail – SORR Inspection Facilities $500,000 7 Aviation – Aviation Facilities Development Program $4,000,000 8 Public Transportation – Rural Public Transit Program $41,000,000 9 Maritime – Ports Capital Program $125,000,000 10 Maritime – Ship Channel Improvement Revolving Fund $450,000,000 11 Rail – NETEX $6,000,000 12 Rail – Heartland Flyer $2,500,000 Total $973,937,000 $370,018,000 This page represents the exceptional items that are in the LAR that are needed to support various programs where we do not have other funding sources available to pay for those programs except for the first item which I previously mentioned that use to be GR funded. You may notice there are also two large port related dollar items. The first one being related to the capital program which includes a prioritized list of projects that support this amounts. The second relates to the Ship Channel Improvement Fund which is related to the revolving fund that we have recently been working to draft the rules to administer this program so this would be the funding that would be needed to start the program. There is an amount for each of these programs including the veteran toll discount program that continues to increase as well as items for various rail projects, aviation, and public transportation.
Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) Allocations
Current Allocation: 12,213.5 Request for 2020–21: 12,527 Lastly, this final page related to FTE request that will be to asking for the remaining portion of our original 627 FTE request last biennium where we only received half of the request or The previous need is still there to add positions primarily related to project development and oversight needed for the increased workload that is occurring so we will be asking to complete this request to provide the remaining position. If asked: projected to hit 12,213.5 ~Dec 2018 and 15,527 ~May 2019 based upon projections Currently at 11,600 as of end of July
Summary Is TxDOT ready? Heck yeah! Is the transportation industry ready? I believe so! FY 18/19 Lettings are the highest in our history Healthy design-build program with 5 year plan Execute and deliver – build public trust! We Build Texas Acceleration Construction Program Quality asphalt pavements Quality seal coats Success is certain, if we all work together for the same goals Partners in safety Partners is quality Partners in on-time project completion Partners together!
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