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While we get started… How many data presentation methods can you think of? (Think back to your Tynemouth work from last year!)

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Presentation on theme: "While we get started… How many data presentation methods can you think of? (Think back to your Tynemouth work from last year!)"— Presentation transcript:

1 While we get started… How many data presentation methods can you think of? (Think back to your Tynemouth work from last year!)

2 Learning Outcomes EQ1: How and why do places vary?
Content Today we will present the data we collected last lesson to help us analyse some of the changes in our two contrasting areas. Process We will do this by looking at data presentation methods and drawing up some graphs. Skill Presentation and analysis of data collected.

3 Data Presentation What data do we have to present?
Liverpool fieldwork data Photos QoL survey- quantitative Census profile- quantitative and comparison Interviews- qualitative (can some of the questions be converted into quantitative data?)

4 Today’s task Today is fairly independent…
You have your data, and it is your choice on how to present it. Get yourself some paper, graph paper, rulers, pencils and anything else you need and present the data you have found. You have 25 minutes.

5 Data Analysis, Findings and Conclusions
What kind of things do you want to focus on in your analysis? Trends Anomalies Common factors Give a one paragraph analysis of each piece of your data, and a summarising paragraph of what you have found. You should address your findings on your local area, Liverpool and any comparisons you can see.

6 Review Have changes in Liverpool been well received?
Has the area benefited from governmental policy making? How have our social influences changed? And our economy base?

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