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Lincoln on Leadership By Donald T. Philips

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1 Lincoln on Leadership By Donald T. Philips
Quinn Duffy

2 Background Abraham Lincoln, B , D Occupations: Store Owner, Surveyor, Lawyer, Politician, Amazing Boxer. Served as US President from , during the Civil War, a time of death and suffering across the whole nation. Completely Transformed US Presidential Powers, Military Organization and Procedure, and reshaped the nation

3 Lincoln on Leadership 1 People 2 Character 3 Integrity
4 Decision Making 5 Persistence 6 Communication 7 Trust Lincoln on Leadership The qualities that made Lincoln the leader he was, and everything we can be, are very simple and involve a lot of trust.

4 People Encourage innovation, give people the tools and freedom
Trust that your people will do their job, do not micromanage Get out of the office, “mix with the troops” Build alliances, cooperate with other organizations Persuade people rather than coerce them Explain yourself, give strong advice, and criticism General Mclellan, General Grant, Secretary of War Stanton

5 Character Humor Sarcasm Compassion Understanding Patience Honesty
Lincoln was a man of intricate personality, and very well could be the most well rounded person who served as president.

6 Integrity The Myth Vs. The Man Impact on Leadership How to utilize
When to avoid

7 I walk slowly, but I never walk backward
Decision Making Be decisive Be bold Be confident in your choices

8 Persistence Set goals and be results oriented
Do not give up until you achieve what you want Take charge of the situation to control it Keep “searching for your Grant”

9 Communication The art of public speaking Correspondence
Be accessible, and available If Lincoln were here today… Gettysburg Address, Probably the most famous presidential speech

10 Trust General Sherman, Bottom

11 What this means to you… When you find yourself in a position for leadership, don’t let it pass by. Exercise good judgement, trust your team, and keep your eye on the prize. Who you are will define your leadership style. Be true to yourself and to others.


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