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Roberts’ Weekly Reader

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Presentation on theme: "Roberts’ Weekly Reader"— Presentation transcript:

1 Roberts’ Weekly Reader
Story of the week: The Ugly Vegatables Reading Essential Question: What can you learn from planting a garden? Comprehension Skill Focus: Drawing conclusions, analyze and evaluate Target Vocabulary Blooming, muscles, nodded, plain, scent, shovels, tough, wrinkled Vocabulary Workshop-Unit 1 words Test Grammar Skill Focus: Plural nouns and proper nouns This week we will comparing measurements and solving word problems involving lengths. Xtra Math and or Math facts in a flash – fact practice online. **If you aren’t’ sure about this, please contact me. Spelling Skill this week: Double consonants, ck words Words on the back of the newsletter. Social Studies: Maps. Science – Matter Weekly Newsletter 10/2 Mark Your Calendar Walk-a-thon – 10/6 Hispanic Heritage Celebration 10/13 Columbus Day No School – 10/9 Early Dismissal – 10/11 Technology = assessment

2 Spelling List (B) dress spell class full add neck stuck kick rock
black trick doll will off pretty cried

3 Spelling List (A) across pocket chicken address cotton backpack wreck
guess dollar check yardstick sudden seasick windowsill pretty cried

4 Dear Families, Please make sure your child can read and spell these words. Have a wonderful week. up bug mud nut tub friend full good hold many

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