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Chapter 11-4 Wilson Fights for Peace

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1 Chapter 11-4 Wilson Fights for Peace
WW gets a hero’s welcome throughout Europe But can’t get the US to join the League of Nations

2 In order to reduce disruptions…
Get all materials before class begins. Handouts on front table Get a colored pencil, sharpen a pencil Get all TP (Kleenex) you need for the hour After class begins, 1 person out of their seat at a time. I’ll let you know about exceptions.

3 4 3 F A 1 2 C B E 6 D 5

4 Objective: to learn about…..
Some of Wilson’s 14 points. Why the US didn’t join the League of Nations. The very negative consequences of the Treaty of Versailles. Why? The Treaty of Versailles planted the seeds of WWII.

5 Focus Q: Jan. 6 Read p. 396. Schenk v. United States Notice headings:
Origins of the case The ruling Legal reasoning Summarize in a thorough paragraph: Who? What? When? Why?

6 Focus Q According to what you have read, how did the Treaty of Versailles treat Germany after WWI? Was it a fair treaty? Why or why not?

7 Focus Q: Jan. 8 Page 400-01, read “The Treaty’s Weaknesses.”
List the 4 weaknesses. In your opinion, was the treaty fair? Guess what a result of the Treaty of Versailles is?

8 What does this tell you about the American economy due to World War I?

9 ***14 Points: Wilson’s Plan for World Peace & to prevent another world war**
1-5 address issues that caused the war no secret treaties (alliance system) keep seas free for all countries lower tariffs for free trade—(imperialism) reduce arms—(militarism) soften imperialist policies—(imperialism)

10 14 Points: WW’s Plan for World Peace
6-13 dealt w/specific boundary changes—ethnic groups would decide what nation to belong to or to start their own country 14—League of Nations—place for nations to discuss and settle diffs like those that caused the war—most controversial WW wants the US to become more involved in world affairs US had a moral obligation to maintain world peace

11 14 Points: Wilson’s Plan for World Peace
***intended to increase world peace and prevent another world war***

12 Allies Reject Wilson’s Plan
“Big 4”—WW, Clemenceau, George, Orlando WW didn’t understand the hatred Allied leaders felt toward Germany Georges Clemenceau—FR—lived thru 2 GER invasions David Lloyd George—BR—won re-election w/ slogan “Make Germany Pay” Orlando—IT—wanted Austrian territory

13 Wilson Orlando Clemenceau Lloyd-George

14 Allies Reject Wilson’s Plan
Peace conference: didn’t include the Central Powers (that’s unusual) or Russia (fought for 3 yrs., now Communist)

15 Treaty of Versailles 440 articles
1. 9 new countries Poland Czechoslovakia Yugoslavia Finland Estonia Latvia Lithuania Austria Hungary demilitarized Germany—no Air Force, 100 K army GER: $33 B in REPARATIONS to Allies GER: give up all colonies


17 T of V Weaknesses: short answer Q
Plants the seeds of WWII humiliates Germany WAR GUILT CLAUSE— GER had to admit they started WW1 Pay $33 B in REPARATIONS to Allies Couldn’t pay reparations—too much $

18 T of V Weaknesses 5. Russia left out of peace talks
3. demilitarized Germany—no Air Force, 100 K army 4. GER lost her colonies in Pacific GER returns Alsace/Lorraine to FR 5. Russia left out of peace talks fought 3 yrs.—9.3 M casualties lost more territory than GER determined to regain lost land

19 T of V Weaknesses SE Asia—FR rule Indochina
6. ignores self-determination by colonized peoples SE Asia—FR rule Indochina Ho Chi Minh—Vietnam vs. FR, then US

20 Why Didn’t We Join League of Nations?
Wilson won’t compromise w/ Congress Wanted Congress’ right to declare war added to treaty ***US Senate refused to ratify the Treaty of Versailles b/c the treaty contained ideas that could pull the US into another war***

21 Schenck v. US (1919) Charles Schenk—official of the US Socialist Party distributed leaflets that criticized the draft and compared it to slavery. Convicted of sedition, sentenced to prison. He argued that his conviction, punishment and the law (sedition) violated his 1st Amendment right to free speech. Supreme Court agreed to hear his case.

22 Schenk v. US (1919) 1. Ruling of the Supreme Court
Is there a “clear and present danger” that something very bad will happen? (like lose the war) Unanimously upheld Schenk’s conviction b/c ***Schenk v. US: in a time of war, the govt can restrict the 1st Amendment right to free speech***

23 Treaty of Versailles left side
I visualize…. I wonder…. Weaknesses of Treaty of Versailles Picture This reminds me of…..

24 Optional assignment ideas…..
Venn diagram Original cartoon Poem, (rap 16 lines) 1 page summary historical fiction: then/now? Illustrated time line map w/pics, captions Campaign poster Diary entries cause/effect Post card: ½ story, ½ page picture brochure: new weapons Report card: US involvement in WWI 4 minute man speech Pic/caption: eliminating all things German

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