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Implementation on video object segmentation algorithm

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1 Implementation on video object segmentation algorithm
Kuo, Yi-Ting and Wu, Chia-Peng May

2 Outlines Introduction Algorithm
Architecture of hardware implementation Systolic array for texture feature extraction

3 Introduction Our project is focused on extracting moving objects from video. The algorithm of moving object segmentation can be applied to MPEG-4 standard which enable content-based functionality. Also can be used in traffic surveillance system.

4 Algorithm Change detection Previous frame In-1 Current Frame In
Find moving object edge Smooth edge Moving object

5 Mean and Variance Features
The two features (mean and variance),ft1(m,n) and ,ft2(m,n) are textural appearance of the area surrounding a pixel (m,n) in a small window centered on this pixel, Nw is the number of pixel of Ws * Ws of window W .

6 Systolic array for texture feature extraction

7 Systolic array for extracting the two texture features ft1, ft2
Systolic array for extracting the two texture features using 5x5 window The luminance component of a reference frame fy(m,n) are scanned Into 1+4Nc size FIFO. Nc = number of columns of reference frame Block A: accumulates luminance components. Block M: generate a mean value by dividing the accumulated result by Nw Block V: calculate localvariance texture feature.


9 References [1] Changick Kim and Jenq-Neng Hwang, “Fast and automatic video object segmentation and tracking for content-based application,” IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, vol. 12, No. 2, Feb. 2002, pp [2] J. F. Canny, “A computational approach to edge detection,” IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Machine Intell., vol. PAMI-6, pp , Nov [3] Jinsang Kim and Tom Chen, “Real-time video objects segmentation using a highly pipelined microarchitecture,” Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference, Visualization, Imaging, and Image Processing, Sep. 3-5, 2001, Marbella, Spain, pp [4] Rafael C. Gonzalez and Richard E. Woods, Digital Image Processing.

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