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The Psychology of Learning and Achievement

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Presentation on theme: "The Psychology of Learning and Achievement"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Psychology of Learning and Achievement
Mindset: The Psychology of Learning and Achievement

2 Fixed Mindsets or Growth Mindsets Which do you have?

3 Born SMART….?


5 Question? To become a top football player what do you think the balance is between talent and effort? Talent Effort

6 What we’ll be looking at
Are we born smart or stupid? Is intelligence fixed from birth? Do we have ‘built-in’ talents as a baby? Or… do talents, abilities and intelligence itself grow from experience??

7 Importance of development
At birth, we can’t WALK or TALK These abilities don’t pop up overnight…. ….. they DEVELOP as we LEARN!!

8 So, are we born… Good at maths? Good at acting? Good at football?
Good at music?

9 Was Einstein born a genius?

10 Was Justin born a POPSTAR?

11 What do you think? Are our abilities determined from birth?
Discussion within group about intelligence and abilities, and whether they are pre-determined or changeable. Possible opportunity for electronic participation, tally up scores of Birth vs. growth intelligence belief?

12 Two beliefs about intelligence

13 Do you avoid or give up on certain tasks…
because they are hard? to avoid failing?

14 Do you view failure as an opportunity to learn and improve?

15 What do you believe about effort?
Do you believe that with hard work and effort you can help you to improve? or Do you believe that putting effort in only shows that you were not good at it in the first place?

16 Think about your hero… Do you think of this as someone with extraordinary abilities who achieved things with little effort?

17 Fixed mindset Believes: Talent is CARVED IN STONE
We should always look SMART OR TALENTED AT ALL COSTS Intelligent people shouldn’t have to WORK HARD Failure reflects a LACK of INTELLIGENCE

18 Growth mindset Believes: Potential can be DEVELOPED

19 Research Findings… Results show that those players who have growth mindsets will go on to reach their full potential! Those with Fixed mindsets will fail, cheat or give up further down the line!

20 Example From Golf… Which mindsets do these two golfers have?
Tiger Woods Colin Montgomerie

21 Question….. If I have a Fixed Mindset at the moment, is it possible to change my mindset to a Growth Mindset?

22 Thinking about mindset
OBSERVE the mindset you adopt You can CHOOSE to adopt a growth mindset When you meet challenges REMIND yourself about the growth mindset

23 Question… Are there any famous people who were not deemed to be talented at an early stage in their life but through hard work managed to achieve success?

24 Prime Minister Winston Churchill REPEATED a grade during elementary school He was placed in the LOWEST division of the LOWEST class

25 Composer Beethoven’s teacher called him a HOPELESS composer
He wrote 5 of his greatest SYMPHONIES while DEAF

26 Walt Disney was fired by a newspaper editor because…
"he lacked imagination and had no good ideas”

27 Next time you get feedback or marks that you didn’t want…
think about what you can learn

28 Question? To become a top football player what do you think the balance is between talent and effort? Talent Effort

29 Ronaldo’s Answer… 80% Effort : 20% Talent
“When I was young I did not know I was going to turn in to ‘Ronaldo’ as I am today! So I worked hard and continue to do so, so that I can be the best!”

30 Mindset tips Try out new ways to learn
Find learning information in failure Remember marks or scores do not show your potential - they only show how you are doing right NOW. If you are having difficulties finding new strategies or learning information ask someone who could help you.

31 Summary A growth mindset helps people to be motivated and to succeed.
A growth mindset can be learnt. We can foster a growth mindset in others by the type of feedback we give and by teaching them about the brain’s huge potential. Role models give people evidence of the growth mindset in action.

32 ‘People are made, not born’
The ‘growth mindset’

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