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New Kingdom (EGYPT) and the Assyrians

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1 New Kingdom (EGYPT) and the Assyrians

2 The New Kingdom End of the Middle Kingdom… drive out Hyksos and Exodus ( BCE) 1550 to 1050 BCE Empire building Hatshepsut – female pharaoh Failed religious reforms Ramses I and Ramses II End of the Egyptian Kingdoms… 1550 to 1050 BCE – use Hyksos technology to reclaim Egypt Egypt VERY WEALTHY! Period of Empire building in Egypt against Syria and Nubia Period plagued by wars with chariots and bronze weapons Period where Egypt engages in diplomacy with outside regions Hatshepsut = female Pharaoh who wore a beard – WHY? (1473 to 1458) Efficient and she has a great deal of military success – BUT MORE TRADE THEN WAR! Builds lavish temple After death backlash against female ruler = picture defaced and name removed from records PUNT Expedition = TRADE! Stepson (Thutmose III) takes Nubia = very warlike; her memory is “erased” Religious Reforms Unsuccessful and damages the empire Amenhofep (married to Nefertit) tries to make Egypt a monotheistic empire – Aton (sun) only god Possibly political move to centralize power with the pharaoh (name invented during the New Kingdom) and not the priests Battles with the priests over religious issues Destroys much of the Egyptian religious doctrine and monuments Followed by King Tut who returns Egypt to a polytheistic empire Ramses I and II = military and territorial height of Egypt Takes Syria and Palestine / Hittite conflict / PEACE in 1285 = FIRST TREATY for 100+ years Ramses II = Ramses the Great – 60 year rule from architectural success with tombs, cities, and statues Known as the last great Egyptian ruler 200 wives and 160 children DECLINE – INVASTIONS by “sea peoples” Philistines = never regains power and conquered by Libyans in about 1000 BCE; also neighbors to the South (Nubian Kingdom of Kush) – evenutally kicks out Libyans and takes over in 751 to guard Egyptian heritage

3 Hatshepsut Seated Painted limestone Height: 76 cm

4 Great Temple of Ramses II

5 Ramses II

6 Ramses II Tomb

7 The Assyrian Empire Rise of the Assyrians Military Society
Government system (model) Great warriors and builders ASSURBANIPAL = first library! Babylon under Nebuchadnezzar Chaldeans fall to Persians… 850 Assyria developed due to weapons and military Greatest power in SW Asia Came from Mesopotamia region Warriors in response to invasions MILITARY SOCIETY = iron weapons, leather armor, etc., strong military techniques, no mercy 650 Assyrian PEAK = local governors report to central authority = model of government management Empire keeps expanding CULTURE = great warriors/builders; first library under Assurbanipal = organized by subject/cataloged Declines and Fall…Chaldeans destroyed capital at Nineveh – but tablets remain (clay)! Babylon reborn under Chaldeans = Nebuchadnezzar (hanging gardens of Babylon for wife) Beautiful buildings and archetecture Chaldeans fall after Nebuchadnezzar to Persians



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