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1.2 Feedback 2017 Visual Text Level 1 English 90850.

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1 1.2 Feedback 2017 Visual Text Level 1 English 90850

2 General comments It was great to see that most students knew their texts, had studied and gave the exam response full effort. Especially good to see that some managed to integrate their evidence. These exams are your best chance to highlight areas you need to work on, then you should take all your opportunities to improve for the external exams. Lack of film techniques were a common weakness.

3 General comments In order to gain a Merit or Excellence grade it is important to refer to several visual techniques throughout your response. Many students referred only to dialogue. You should aim to integrate your techniques to include the context. Any reference to camera shots and angles should reflect the purpose/effect created. It is not convincing to mention that a shot is a ‘wide shot’ if the discussion that follows has no mention of the purpose/effect created by this wide shot. The questions ask you HOW these techniques create/influence/develop aspects of the texts. 

4 To ensure that you are responding to BOTH parts of the question
To ensure that you are responding to BOTH parts of the question. Rewrite the question in your own words before you begin writing if it helps to make the whole question clearer in your mind.  Paying attention to "author's intentions", especially when included as part of the question. WHAT did the author want to show?  Clear topic sentences for explain paragraphs really help with making your point of your paragraph convincing, showing the reader what your idea is and also making it easier for you to not run off track. Often students get to the point at the end of the paragraph or sometimes not until the conclusion.

5 General comments Please clearly indicate the number of the question that you are answering and make this very clear in your introduction. The best essays show evidence of planning. Read the question very carefully to make sure that you are answering that specific question – and each important part of the question.

6 Question 1 “Describe at least ONE character or individual in the text(s). Explain how visual and/or oral language features created a positive or negative impression of that character or individual. A straightforward question quite well handled. Good structures included one character per explain paragraph OR one paragraph on negative AND one on positive. Really strong essays looked at change or contrast to show director’s purpose.

7 Question 2 “Describe at least ONE important relationship in the text(s). Explain how the relationship was a powerful teacher for you. Support your points with visual and/or oral language features.” This question is a chance to talk about the director’s purpose, the themes/ideas/messages of the text. Students who discussed only what is taught about the characters missed a chance to show perception.

8 Question 3 “Describe a key scene in the text(s).
Explain how the visual and/or oral language features in this key scene developed your understanding of important issues for people. Be specific about the issue – this needs to be for people in general, not just the characters in the text. Again an opportunity to talk about the author’s purpose. The key scene definitely needed visual and/or oral language features.

9 Question 4 Describe at least ONE change that occurred in the text(s).
Explain how the change helped you understand the creator’(s’) intentions in the text(s), supporting your points with visual and/or oral features. Strong responses described BOTH before and after the change. Evidence and techniques needed for both stages. A turning point is good but not sufficient by itself. Make sure your explain paragraphs really do focus on the ‘creator’s intentions’ rather than continuing to focus on ‘change’.

10 Question 5 Describe an emotion you felt during your experience of the text(s). Explain how the creator(s) encouraged this emotion in you, supporting your points with visual and/or language features. Not a popular topic. Responses tended to be simplistic. Focus on creator’s purpose brought more depth. Analysis of language features needed to explain how it caused that specific emotion. Question asks for ONLY ONE emotion.

11 Question 6 “Describe at least ONE important setting in the text(s).
Explain how this setting developed your understanding of a character or individual, supporting your points with visual and/or language features.” Note” Setting is the time, place and circumstances that form the background which characters or individuals live and act. Setting questions work better when discussing social settings which are different to ours. Not a popular question.

12 Question 6 When describing a physical setting it is important to consider how the setting reveals important ideas and understanding of characters. When describing a setting keep it in context of the film, mention specific characters and places etc. Setting questions work better when discussing social settings which are different to ours.

13 Question 7 Describe at least ONE influential idea in the text(s).
Explain why the text(s) influential idea(s). Explain why the text(s) influential ideas are important for wider society to consider. Full knowledge and examples of ‘wider society’ needed for this question. Analysis of the text must link to wider society, go beyond the text. This is a difficult question and does not give you the opportunity to display as much knowledge of the text itself.

14 Question 8 Describe a moment of significant tension in the text(s).
Explain how visual and/or oral features are used to build this moment of significant tension. The question asks you to discuss ‘a moment’, this means ONLY ONE A straightforward question. For this question it is best to keep the ‘describe’ brief to avoid repetition in the explain sections.

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