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BioChem Review.

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Presentation on theme: "BioChem Review."— Presentation transcript:

1 BioChem Review

2 I will identify acids & bases as numbers on the pH scale & will explain how buffers are used by living cells to maintain pH balance.

3 I will differentiate between inorganic & organic compounds & will identify them when given a chemical or structural formula.

4 I will identify the four major organic compounds in organisms and the subunit of each.



7 I will describe the basic functions of each of the four major organic compounds.
Lipids Proteins Carbohydrates Nucleic Acids

8 I will discuss the organic compounds that provide the body with energy vs. the organic compound that is building material.

9 I will name several examples of each of the four major organic compounds.
Lipids Proteins Carbohydrates Nucleic Acids

10 I will identify the major indicators to show the presence of organic compounds.

11 I will explain that proteins differ in their sequence of amino acids and that this sequence determines the structure of the protein thus its function. Discuss how proteins change between different parts of the body. Mouth (5.5), stomach (3), intestine (8).

12 I will identify enzymes as types of protein that regulate all chemical reactions in an organism.

13 I will interpret a graph showing the rate of a biochemical reaction with and without an enzyme and will explain that enzymes catalyze the reaction by lowering the activation energy.

14 I will diagram an enzyme mediated pathway, labeling shapes to represent the enzyme, substrate, enzyme-substrate complex, and products.

15 I will differentiate between a synthesis and decomposition reaction and provide an example of each.



18 I will identify environmental factors that can cause an enzyme to denature, and explain that this will cause the enzyme to lose its shape meaning that it can no longer perform its function.

19 I will discuss the characteristics of enzymes (specificity and reusability) and demonstrate these characteristics in a lab setting.

20 Mod 2 on weebly.

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