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Compensation and Classification Town Hall September 13, 2018

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Presentation on theme: "Compensation and Classification Town Hall September 13, 2018"— Presentation transcript:

1 Compensation and Classification Town Hall September 13, 2018

2 Introduction to Our Team
Danielle Taylor, Senior HR Director of Compensation, Classification and HRIS Danielle has been with UAMS for a little over a year. She came to us from her 23 year career with Windstream Communications, where she held various roles in IT, Finance, Business Processes and Operations. Her experience in process development and improvement along with her strong background in financial controls and analytics brings a new perspective to Compensation and Classification. Michelle Thomisee, Senior HR Consultant – Compensation & Classification (Lead) Michelle joined the UAMS U-Temps team in January 2015 and was promoted to the Senior Consultant-Compensation role in November of She holds a BA in Business Administration Management with an emphasis in Human Resource Management from the University of Arkansas at Little Rock. She brings 12 + years’ of various Human Resources experience and has a strong background in HealthCare administration and analytics. Tammora McClendon, Senior HR Consultant – Compensation & Classification Tammora joined UAMS in January She has 30 years of Finance and Accounting experiences including leadership roles. Tammora has a bachelor’s in Accounting from UALR. She has proven experience in process improvements and efficiencies. Her strong analytical skills and experience with HRIS systems make her an excellent fit for the Compensation and Classification team. Amber O’Hanlon, Intermediate HR Consultant – Compensation & Classification Amber joined UAMS in April She has held various finance and accounting positions. Amber has a Bachelor’s in Global Business and Public Policy from the University of Maryland. She brings a strong analytical foundation and proven process improvement background to the team. Gregg Gibbs, Intermediate HR Consultant – Compensation & Classification Gregg has been with UAMS for over 2 months. He held previous positions in public, private, and private non-profit organizations including DFA’s Office of Personnel Management, Arkansas Children’s Hospital and Dassault Falcon Jet as well as previous UAMS experience. His diverse background over the past 28 years has primarily been in classification and compensation along with incentive/bonus plan coordination, performance evaluation/performance management and merit/equity increase administration.

3 Process Update Overview
What happened on 8/1? Process Update Overview On 8/1, OHR rolled out the new Position Management Process for FY19. This process was developed in conjunction with senior leadership and leaders from Finance (including Grants Accounting and Contract Accounting), Budget Office and various teams within OHR. Position Management requires a new approach to budgeting. Each position that is available in SAP or will be requested in FY19 must be budgeted at the position level. All budget requirements must be resolved before a position can be moved forward for recruiting. Policy and Instruction documents can be found on the OHR Website under ‘Position Management Process’ at:

4 What does Classification and Compensation do?
HR Actions Any request that has a dollar impact on Payroll Claims Commissions Submissions Salary Surveys Compensation Plan Development and Maintenance Position Management Requisition to Hire Offer to Candidate State and Federal Reporting Projects Reorganizations, Restructures, Positions Reviews, New Initiatives

5 Position Management Process
FY19 Position Management Process Guide

6 Position Management Process
Instructions for Hiring Budgeted Positions Guide

7 Position Management Process
Other Helpful Documents

8 Grant Funded/New Position Workflow for Hiring

9 Grant Funded/New Position Workflow for Hiring con’t
Approval Path Edited If approved, the requisition will come back to the requesting HR Comp & Class Analyst, who will then allocate a position in SAP and associate the position dummy number to the allocated position.

10 Requisition – Reclass to Post Requested position not currently in use (This position must be researched via market salary data in order for HR Comp & Class to provide a recommended title and salary) Once research is completed, budget will be reviewed to see if additional funding is needed to support the reclassification request.

11 Requisition – Reclass to Post Requested position not currently in use (This position must be researched via market salary data in order for HR Comp & Class to provide a recommended title and salary) Con’t Once research is completed, budget will be reviewed to see if additional funding is needed to support the reclassification request. NO Budget – The department will be asked to provide funding information

12 Requisition – Reclass to Post Requested position not currently in use (This position must be researched via market salary data in order for HR Comp & Class to provide a recommended title and salary) Con’t If the position has budget to support reclassification request, the position will be reclassified and the requisition will be approved by HR Compensation & Classification.

13 Workflow Volumes 7/1/2018 – 9/7/2018

14 Workflow Volumes 7/1/2018 – 9/7/2018
Requisition Flows

15 Workflow Volumes Since 7/1/2018 – 9/12/2018
HR Actions

16 Workflow Volumes Since 7/1/2018 – 9/12/2018
HR Actions -Pending

17 Strategic Direction of Compensation
Engagement of Vendor (10/2018) Standardization of Titles Career Laddering/Job Family Identification Salary Ranges for Standardized Titles/Jobs Annual Review of Compensation Plan Funding of Future Market Adjustments

18 Questions Submitted Q: Is there anything we can do to improve the workflow for requisitions or offers that require clarification from the departments? It seems these are going back into the work queue with all the other requests which is causing additional delays. YES! Thanks to feedback from many of you, we have implemented a change to our process that will greatly improve your turnaround times. If a member of the Compensation team asks for clarification, they will insert themselves into the workflow after you. This will ensure that your workflow goes straight into their personal queue, which they will work as their first priority. Q: How can we get a salary range for a position prior to posting? How do we know what the max for that salary range is? HR Compensation & Classification has started using the Salary Data Form. This form includes much of the information you are requesting and is now made available on new positions or reclasses to post. Maximums are only provided if there are campus comparisons for equity. We are not currently providing full salary ranges for positions. Sample Salary Data Form

19 Questions Submitted Q: Why are we experiencing delayed or no response to s and phone calls to HR Compensation & Classification? Due to the extremely high volume of workflows we have received in the last 6 to 8 weeks, I have asked the team to focus on the workflows without interruption. Many of the s we receive are following up on items in the work queues that we are distracted from by answering s and phone calls. This is not a long term solution. We are hoping we see a reduction in our volume so we can get back to our normal service levels. Q: Are we required to bring someone in at market entry? Yes. As long as there is not a significant gap in internal equity, we will require hiring in at market entry. HR Compensation & Classification does extensive analysis of internal equity (campus wide, division wide and department wide) when they make a salary recommendation. We are making every attempt to close the salary gap that we have at UAMS. We are working diligently to ensure that we can develop and fund a plan that will get each employee to their market entry. To do this, we have to ensure that more employees are not brought in below market increasing our gap. Q: How can we get guidance/training on writing Position Descriptions? On what kind of skills, education, etc. fall into what job categories? How can we get assistance from HR in navigating the process when we may not be HR professionals and this is only one piece of our job. Each area is assigned an HR Manager. Please reach out to your HR Manager for assistance in creating Position Descriptions. If we have questions when we are reviewing your PD for the posting requisition, we will reach out to you.

20 Open Q&A

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