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Unit One Vocabulary Week Nine.

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1 Unit One Vocabulary Week Nine

2 Ad hoc (adjective/adverb)
Latin phrase meaning: for this purpose refers to something hastily arranged or for an informal purpose The class formed an ad hoc decorating committee for prom. .

3 attrition (noun) gradually wear down without replacing
Over time the enamel on our teeth wears away through the process of attrition.

4 Indicative (adjective)
serving as a sign or indication This symbol is indicative of bio-hazardous material.

5 inquisitive (adjective)
curious .

6 lionize (verb) glorify Statues are built to lionize fallen heroes.

7 Phantasm (noun) ghost The house was haunted by a phantasm.

8 philanthropic (adjective)
altruistic promoting the welfare of others by donating money Bill and Melinda Gates established a philanthropic organization.

9 proxy (noun/adjective)
the authority to represent someone else especially for voting a substitute To remain anonymous on the web, use a proxy server.

10 sobriquet (noun) funny nickname . Claire’s sobriquet is “bear”.

11 traipse (verb) walk without purpose
Tiffany likes to traipse through the hallways.

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