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Intermodal Portal Testbed 1 : Waterborne Single Desk

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1 Intermodal Portal Testbed 1 : Waterborne Single Desk
Port of Loading ship agent IP Discharge Local Port Community Tore Flobakk MARINTEK Testbed 1 : Waterborne Single Desk Testbed 2 : Intermodal Waterborne Node Testbed 3 : Hazmat Dangerous Goods

2 Valencia Bremen Helsinki European Single Desks : Ship Rotation, Dangerous Goods , Virtual Ship Agent (A.1) Intermodal Nodes (A.2) agent transshipment forwarder rail carrier

3 Centralised / Decentralised solution

4 Situation in the Nordic countries
Norway ShipRep is a national system operated by the Coast Directorate. Port systems: PortWin used by 44 ports. Finland National system used also by most ports, Customs and Maritime Adm. SHIPREP Sweden No national system, plans to buy Port systems: PortIT in 9 ports + locally developed systems, e.g. Port of Gothenburg

5 IP nodes SHIPREP Local system

6 Data exchange between IP nodes
SHIPREP Communication and message standard

7 IP messages XML-APERAK Application Error and Acknowledgement
XML-VESDEP Vessel movements XML-IFTDGN Dangerous goods notifivation XML-CUSREP Customs conveyance report XML-CUSCAR Customs cargo report XML-BERMAN Berth management XML-VOYPLAN Voyage plan

8 XML messages / E-mail SHIPREP XML-VESDEP XML-IFTDGN Inform receiver
XML-APERAK Inform receiver XML-APERAK IP-node in Finland IP-node in Norway Receiver in Norway (eg. an agent)

9 IP Demo 1 2 3 5 4 Dangerous goods notification agent Finland Port@Net
retrieve DG notifications from IFTDGN, APERAK 2 Certified IP node Certified IP node 3 5 ShipRep agent Norway 4 Confirm messages








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