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American Revolution Turn in APPARTS!!!!.

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1 American Revolution Turn in APPARTS!!!!

2 British Problems in the Colonies
After French & Indian War: Heavy debts Sugar Act, Stamp Act, etc. Relations with Native Americans Proclamation of 1763

3 Colonial and British Response
Boycotts of British goods Bloody Massacre (Boston Massacre) – March 5, 1770 Called Boston Riot by British 5 men killed Paul Revere – Propaganda??? John Adams defends troops (6 innocent, 2 guilty

4 The Boston Massacre

5 Discuss with your partner…(90 Seconds)
To what degree did Paul Revere use Propaganda in creating his drawing & title for the events on March 5th 1770? Your answer…

6 Tea Act (1773) Monopoly for importing tea granted to British East India Company - Boston Tea Party

7 Intolerable Acts (1774) Boston put under martial law
General Thomas Gage Port of Boston closed Quartering Act

8 Thomas Paine: Common Sense

9 Declaration of Independence (1776)
Popular Sovereignty

10 Discuss with your partner… (90 Seconds)
How are the ideas of Thomas Paine (Common Sense) & the Declaration of Independence different from those of Thomas Hobbes (Leviathan)?

11 Saratoga: the “Turning Point”
France enters the war

12 British Surrender at Yorktown

13 Surrender @ Yorktown Yorktown, Virginia – October 17th, 1781
Cornwallis refuses to give sword to Washington British band plays “The World Turned Upside Down”

14 Setting up a New Government
Treaty of Paris ends war Unconditional independence U.S. promises to repay prewar debts Returns land to loyalists Articles of Confederation – Gave states too much power but… Created the most democratic government of the era!

15 North America After the Treaty of Paris

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