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Scatter Plots Section 1-5.

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Presentation on theme: "Scatter Plots Section 1-5."— Presentation transcript:

1 Scatter Plots Section 1-5

2 Notes Tips for making good scatter plots
Find the Independent and Dependent Variables Find the spread (Max-Min) for both sets of data, then divide by the number of grid marks, and round down. Possibly use a break line. Make sure to use the first increment to show the scale. Label the graph

3 Notes Independent Variables: Occur without being reliant on anything else, usually time. Dependent Variables: Rely on the independent variable

4 Examples Hours spent watching television vs. test scores
Amount of money you have vs. the number of hours you work Price of a car vs. amount of miles on the car Can you come up with your own?

5 Notes Domain: The values for the independent variable, x-axis
Range: Possible values for the dependent variable, y-axis

6 Question Why is this a bad graph?

7 Question Why is this a bad graph?


9 Notes Trend Lines reflect the direction of the data

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