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Accelerated Precalculus

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1 Accelerated Precalculus
How do I love permutations ? . . . Let me count the ways. (With apologies to Elizabeth Barrett Browning)

2 One-Minute Question If m AE = 100 and mC = 20, find m BD. A B C E D

3 Ready to start? Watch carefully. Take good notes.

4 And Don’t Panic... Ask Questions if things aren’t clear!

5 4  3  2  1 = 24 The letters M , A , T , and H are to be used
Problem: The letters M , A , T , and H are to be used to create a password to log onto the computer. If no letter is to be repeated, how many different four-letter passwords could be created? Solution: First, draw blanks. 4  3  2  1 = 24 _____ _____ _____ _____ Then, count how many choices there are for each selection.

6 Definition (to know and use):
Factorial: If n is a positive integer, then n factorial, written as n!, is computed as: n! = n  (n-1)  (n-2)   3  2  1

7 Now try these: 720 362,880 6 1 120 6! = 9! = 3! = 1! = 5! =

8 Special Case Definition:
I realize zero is not a positive integer, and, therefore, does not fit the definition for a factorial, but we will need 0! to be defined as such: 0! = 1

9 Problem: From a stack of 9 different books, 4 books will be placed on a shelf. How many different arrangements are possible? Solution: Again, draw blanks. 9  8  7  6 = 3024 _____ _____ _____ _____ Then, count how many choices there are for each selection.

10 Definition (to know and use):
Permutation: An arrangement of things in which order is important. The number of permutations of n objects chosen r at a time, is computed as: P(n,r) = nPr = ___n!___ (n-r)!

11 Solution: Use the formula this time.
This was a permutation!! From a stack of 9 different books, 4 books will be placed on a shelf. How many different arrangements are possible? Solution: Use the formula this time.

12 Now try these: 20 10 360 120 1 P(5, 2) = P(10, 1) = P(6, 4) = 5P5 = 5P0 =

13 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 = 420 (3  2  1)  (2  1) But Wait!!
Problem: How many different arrangements can be made using all the Scrabble tiles: A A A P P R K ? But Wait!! If we switch the places of the A’s - will anyone notice?? Solution: Again, draw blanks. 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 = 420 __ __ __ __ __ __ __ (3  2  1)  (2  1) Then, count how many choices there are for each selection. *But then, divide by the number of ways each repeated element can be arranged. (3! for the As and 2! for the Ps)

14 Problem: A group of 6 children are forming a circle to play “Ring Around the Rosie” ? In how many ways can they join hands? But Wait! As soon as they start moving, won’t some of these ways be repeated? Solution: Again, draw blanks. 6  5  4  3  2  1= __ ___ ___ __ ___ __ 120 6 Then, count how many choices there are for each selection. *But then divide by the number of places to which the first person could move.

15 Classwork!

16 Assignment: Pg. 634: 3, 9 – 25 odd, 35 – 39 odd, 43, 46, 55 – 81 odd, Work together on this and ask each other questions!

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