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The Church and Young People

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1 The Church and Young People
Section 5: The Church and Young People

2 Part 2: Sent with the Holy Spirit
Section 5: Part 2: Sent with the Holy Spirit

3 Introduction Part 1 = called to Christ through the Church
Part 2 = called to discipleship and service Assisted by the Holy Spirit for a specific mission Using your gifts & talents to be salt & light for the world Ordinary skills in our daily settings can make a huge difference—often counter cultural Impossible without a prayer, sacramental life, & help of the Holy Spirit Live the little way with the end goal in mind 3 Articles (A. 55) -- Sent As A Disciple (A. 56) -- Discipleship in Daily Life (A. 57) -- Empowered by the Holy Spirit

4 Article 55: Sent as a Disciple
Living out Discipleship in Deed & Word—1 Jn. 3:18 Salt & Light—Mt. 5: 13-16 “You are the Salt of the earth.” Preservative Enhance flavor “You are the light of the world.” “Enlighten” a dark world Do not hide the light Strong by itself but brings out the goodness in ourselves & others Share our talents & gifts Reveal the truth with joy

5 Article 55 cont.: Sent as a Disciple
Being Salt & Light for the World Become aware of your gifts, talents, & skills Use them for others & the world & you will use them for yourself too Pope Benedict (Shadow Box) “Do not waste your youth…Do not seek to escape from it. Live it intensely. You are the future of humanity & of the Church… The Church needs you to be the face of Jesus Christ, visible in the Christian community. Without this face, the Church will appear disfigured.” (Meeting with Youth: The Address of His Holiness, Pope Benedict XVI)

6 Article 55 cont.: Sent as a Disciple
How Are You Needed? We are called to share our talents, gifts, & skills with the Body of Christ (narrow then broad) Consider how we as teens can benefit others/world  self What are opportunities for Christian Service hours? School: March for Life, FCA, Theology After Hours, NHS, … Family: Chores, babysitting, obedience, … Church: Youth group, liturgy, parish council, … Community: Abortion mills, shelters, jails, … Global & National: Catholic Relief Services, Catholic Campaign for Human Development Example of Dorothy Day & the Catholic Worker Movement

7 You Tube Videos: Sent as a Disciple
Propaganda: Why Discipleship is Important The Parable of Salt and Light (Mt. 5: 13-16)

8 Homework Read AA. 56-57 in the e-Book Section 5, Part 2
review questions #’s 1-2 (Optional) Looking Ahead 5.2 review questions #’s 1-6 due Wednesday (Optional) Information will be tested on the Final Exam

9 Article 56: Discipleship in Daily Life
A Day in Your Daily Life as a Disciple Discipleship is counter-cultural “Me!” Law Success Image Coolness Opportunities to be a disciple in everyday life Morning How do you start each day? Prepared, rested, kind, ready? Be proactive & creative. As opposed to, “Do onto others as you would have them do to you.” (Mt. 7:12)

10 A. 56 cont.: Discipleship in Daily Life
School Grades vs. learning; cheating, asking for help? offering help Proper goals & perspective Fight procrastination or cramming Thoughts & Feelings Healthy self-image; thoughts about others Guard windows (senses) to thoughts & feelings Direct towards positive—Breastplate of St. Patrick Evening & Weekends Relax & rest but also help, take care of responsibilities Schedule contingent upon spiritual help so make time Discipleship = conscious choices to follow God throughout our day Example of St. Therese of Lisieux—the little way of love

11 A. 57: Empowered by the Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit in Church History as professed in the Nicene Creed Mary’s Yes, Pentecost, Early Apostles, Scriptures, Communities, Baptisms, Jews & Gentiles, Martyrs, Councils, Saints, Doctors, Fathers, Theologians, Cathedrals, Universities, Art & Music, …Our Yes? Acts of Apostles – the book of the Holy Spirit & joyful explosion How can we live like an early Christian community here & now? Don’t waste your youth or life but live with the end in mind -- silence What is your destination in life?  TRINITARIAN COMMUNION What are your career options? What is the motivation? Vocations…rather than fear, rash reaction, or drifting Lifestyle options? Marriage, Single, Consecrated, Ordained? How do you integrate your faith/career into these choices? Not a magic choice in the future but preparing now—begin discerning & living

12 You Tube Videos: Discipleship & The Holy Spirit
David Platt: What Does Discipleship Look Like Day-To-Day Fr. Barron: St. Therese of Lisieux, The Little Flower

13 Homework 5.2 review questions #’s 3-6 [Optional]
5.2 review questions #’s 1-6 due Wednesday (Optional) Information will be tested on the Final Exam

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