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Evolution Classification Meiosis RANDOM RANDOM 2 100 100 100 100 100

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Presentation on theme: "Evolution Classification Meiosis RANDOM RANDOM 2 100 100 100 100 100"— Presentation transcript:

1 Evolution Classification Meiosis RANDOM RANDOM 2 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

2 $100 What is an adaptation?

3 An inherited trait that improves fitness

4 What is natural selection?
$200 What is natural selection?

5 Those that are better suited for their environment are more likely to succeed and reproduce

6 What has to happen for natural selection to occur?
$300 What has to happen for natural selection to occur?

7 Sexual reproduction!

8 What is artificial selection?
$400 What is artificial selection?

9 When humans choose the traits they want passed on, like breeding dogs!

10 What is disruptive selection?
$500 What is disruptive selection?

11 When both extreme phenotypes are selected for!

12 What is the two name naming system called?
$100 What is the two name naming system called?

13 Binomial nomenclature

14 In the name Homo sapiens, what is homo and what is sapiens?
$200 In the name Homo sapiens, what is homo and what is sapiens?

15 Homo- Genus sapien - species

16 What are the taxonomic levels of classification?
$300 What are the taxonomic levels of classification?

17 Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species

18 What kingdoms are prokaryotic?
$400 What kingdoms are prokaryotic?

19 Bacteria and Archaebacteria

20 What kingdom do humans belong to?
$500 What kingdom do humans belong to?

21 Animalia

22 What type of cells do meiosis?
$100 What type of cells do meiosis?

23 Sex cells or gametes

24 What is the end result of Meiosis?
$200 What is the end result of Meiosis?

25 4 genetically different cells

26 How many chromosomes does a sex cell have?
$300 How many chromosomes does a sex cell have?

27 Half the number of a body cell

28 What are the 8 phases of Meiosis?
$400 What are the 8 phases of Meiosis?

29 Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase, Prophase 2, metaphase 2, anaphase 2, and telophase 2

30 $500 What is crossing over?

31 When chromosomes exchange genetic material, it helps to ensure genetic variation

32 What does the central vacuole do?
$100 What does the central vacuole do?

33 Holds water

34 What does the phloem do in plants?
$200 What does the phloem do in plants?

35 Transports sugars from roots to leaves!

36 What are the steps of the cell cycle?
$300 What are the steps of the cell cycle?

37 Interphase, G1, G2, and Mitosis

38 What is facilitated diffusion?
$400 What is facilitated diffusion?

39 Movement of large substances through a channel protein from high to low

40 What is active transport?
$500 What is active transport?

41 Movement of substances from Low to High with energy

42 $100 What is an atom?

43 The smallest unit of matter

44 What makes a compound organic?
$200 What makes a compound organic?

45 Carbon

46 What part of the pH scale is for Acids?
$300 What part of the pH scale is for Acids?

47 1-6.9

48 What is the difference between prokaryotes and eukaryotes
$400 What is the difference between prokaryotes and eukaryotes

49 Eukaryotes have a nucleus, prokaryotes don’t.

50 Where are proteins made?
$500 Where are proteins made?

51 In the ribosome!

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