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International Trade in Goods Statistics Methodology Akos Gerencser

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1 International Trade in Goods Statistics Methodology Akos Gerencser
Hungarian Central Statistical Office Dpt. of Services and External Trade Statistics International Trade in Goods Statistics Methodology Akos Gerencser MEDSTAT study visit on ITGS Budapest, May, 2013

2 Basic methodological principle
IMTS record all goods which add or subtract from the stock of material resources of the country by entering (imports) or leaving (exports) its economic territory Physical movement of goods vs. Change of ownership between resident and non-residents

3 Basic terms Goods – all movable property, including electric current Community vs Non-Community goods Criteria entirely obtained in EU customs territory foreign goods from released for free circulation in a MS goods obtained in EU customs territory using foreign or domestic goods Statistical territory - The statistical territory of a country is the territory with respect to which trade data are being compiled. Approximated by Customs territory. Economic territory – …area under the effective economic control of a single government. The economic territory of a country has the dimensions of physical location as well as legal jurisdiction...

4 Trade system General Trade System – records all goods entering economic territory of the country Special Trade System – records the goods entering in to the part of economic territory (free circulation area and goods for processing)

5 General trade system

6 Special Trade system

7 Trade System in the EU Special trade, relaxed version
Territorial vs. Procedural approach: premises of inward processing Community goods in Customs warehouses Free zones Customs Transit, Goods in simple circulation

8 Data collection in the EU
Intrastat Community goods Goods in free circulation Goods which enter/leave the statistical territory of the reporting Member State supplied from or bound for another Member State; Traded by VAT registered companies Extrastat Non Community goods Lodged by Customs SAD document Some goods are excluded for methodological reasons – List of exclusions For some goods particular provisions are applied – Specific goods&movements

9 SAD document Introduced in 1988 in the EU
Radical modernisation in 2003 Largely uniform application in Member States, including mandatory data elements and codeset Some national particularities – optional data elements, codes Joint document for Customs & Statistical purposes

10 Data elements on SAD used for ITGS
Reference period Flow Identification number of the Trader Partner Country Transport data Delivery terms Customs procedure Nature of the transaction Commodity Preference Quantity Value

11 Reference period Theoretically: The calendar month in which the goods ‘move’ Practically: Lodgement of SAD, accepted by Customs Export: Exit of the EU territory (max. 90 days)

12 Flow indicator IM: goods having entered the statistical territory of the Community which are released for free circulation or are subject of a processing under contract. EX: : goods being due to leave the statistical territory of the Community which are definitively exported, or are exported in view or after a processing under contract. CO: special transactions – trade with territories not being part of the EU VAT territory; transitional SAD by EU accession

13 Trader ID Consignor/Exporter Consignee Declarant/Representative
EORI – uniform Customs ID used throughout the EU Trade register – matching with Tax ID (VAT ID)

14 Partner country Import: Export: Country of consignment
Country of origin Export: Country of (last known) destination

15 Partner country for imports
IMTS EU HU Intra-EU trade Country of origin Country of consignment Extra-EU trade

16 Partner country, example
HK AT Origin: CN HU Partner country IMTS EU HU Free circulation in HU CN HK Free circulation in AT AT

17 Transport data & Delivery terms
Mode of transport at the border Nationality of means of transport Inland mode of transport (Extrastat only) Container Delivery terms – Incoterms 2010

18 Customs procedure The actually requested customs procedure combined with the preceding customs procedure (4-digit) e.g.: ‘4071’ = free circulation (‘40’) of goods which had previously been placed under a customs warehouse (‘71’) e.g. for exclusion: ‘7100’ - placing under a customs warehouse ‘4051’ - free circulation, previously under inwd. proc. + 3 digit supplementary code e.g. ‘F01’= Relief from import duties for returned goods National codes

19 Nature of transaction Purely statistical data element Exclusion
Adjustment for Balance of Payments and National Accounts purposes Factors: change of ownership, (fiscal) compensation


21 Commodity HS6 CN8 – subheading, EU Combined Nomenclature
TARIC 10 digit (imports only)

22 Preference 3-digit code on the customs import declaration standing for a specific trade policy measure e.g.: normal or reduced duty rate, tariff quota, etc… Importer’s request for the application of the measure Obtain comprehensive statistics on the volume of trade in goods benefiting from the measures (->political relevance) Granted preference

23 Quantity net mass supplementary units
the actual mass of the goods excluding all packaging mandatory for all CN8 supplementary units possible units measuring quantity other than net mass, as detailed in the Combined Nomenclature e.g. l = Litre; GT = Gross tonnage; p/st = Number of items

24 Value Invoice value, Statistical value Currency, conversion
Customs value WTO Agreement on Customs Valuation

25 Statistical Value The value of the good at the national border of the reporting Member State Exports: FOB Value Imports: CIF Value Reporting MS Partner Country Adjustment by incidental expenses (freight, insurance) Intra The taxable amount Extra Customs value on imports only Based on the invoice value (excluding VAT, duties and taxes)

26 List of exclusions Monetary gold Means of payment
Temporary use (max. 2 years) Trade with enclaves Customised software, software downloaded Commercial samples, advertising material Repair Means of transport Customs threshold, oral declaration (max EUR or 1000 kg) Release into free circulation after processing

27 Specific goods or movements
Definition: Goods or movements which, by their very nature, call for specific methodological provisions Particular provisions may concern: Additional data sources The scope (whether, how and what shall be included) Simplification for the trader (burden to collect the information may not justify the output) Transmission of reduced data sets Deviation from general provisions regarding reference period, valuation, partner country due to methodological problems

28 Specific goods or movements
Industrial plants Staggered consignments Vessels & Aircraft Goods delivered to vessels and aircraft Goods delivered to and from offshore installations Sea products Spacecraft Electricity and gas Military goods

29 Goods delivered to vessels and aircraft
Goods consumed on board Important, high value: fuel Special commodity coding in CN Partner country according to ownership principle or country of destination, simplified coding QR,QS

30 Electricity & Gas Problem:
Intra-EU VAT system and market liberalisation related, traders without VAT registration Undercoverage of traditional data sources (Intrastat) Additional administrative information required: Grid operators: for the Quantity Estimations for the value – Energy Office, stock exchange Issues experienced : physical vs. commercial flows, transit, partner country, timeliness, cooperation with other administration

31 Thank you for your attention!

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