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Responsible for Japan Standard Time Space-Time Standards Laboratory

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1 Various activity in NICT Space-Time Standards Laboratory including optical clocks and applications
Responsible for Japan Standard Time Space-Time Standards Laboratory Applied Electro-magnetic Research Institute National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) Tetsuya Ido

2 80 ns / 0.6 year = 4 × 10-15

3 JST Kobe sub-station started since Jun. 10, 2018
Distributed generation of JST Kobe sub-station is scheduled to begin time-keeping in June 2018 2 H-maser & 5 Cs clocks Primary purpose is a backup of Koganei HQ against disasters (JST has never stopped in more than 40 years) HM Cs (5071A) DT (Koganei-Kobe) (ns) SD=2.0ns SD=6.7ns Time (day) Operation mode: Copy of Koganei HQ Independent operation JST as an ensemble of all clocks operated in 4 stations ・JSTも、セシウム原子時計の合成から作る原子時を元にしていますが、 ・UTCとは違って、JSTはリアルタイムに連続に時を刻む実時計を持っています。 LF station 1 LF station 2

4 Statistics in services
Total wave clocks  ~ 50 (million)  ~ 63  ~ 78  ~ 93  ~ 107 Now almost one clock per one Japanese citizen Number of NTP access per day  ~ 170 million  ~ 300 million  ~ 1.57 billion  ~ 1.33 billion Telephone-JJY Access per month 140k→ 100k→ 80k→ Telephon-JJY  ~ 80k  ~ 100k/mon  ~ 140k/mon

5 Time scale steered by an optical clock

6 JST and International Atomic Time
NICT institute k BIPM EAL (ensemble) UTC(k) H-Maser >400 clocks Local Ensemble adjustment TAI Cs (or Rb) fountains 18 clocks Phase Micro Stepper adjustment leap second adjustment UTC(NICT) UTC UT + 9h Interval of UTC-UTC(k) is 5 DAYS in Circular T (BIPM monthly report) Generating a real signal in institute k Japan Standard Time (JST)

7 Optical clocks utilized for time scale
NICT institute k BIPM EAL UTC(k) H-Maser >400 clocks adjustment (~1e-13) TAI Cs (or Rb) fountains PMS adjustment (~1e-15) adjustment leap second UTC(NICT) UTC UT Japan Standard Time (JST) PMS: Phase micro stepper

8 CIPM# (2015): (2)Hz

9 INTERMITTENT Evaluation of a HM for 6 monthsby Sr and UTC(NICT)
1×10-13 104 s measurement

10 Steering Linear drift estimation interval: T=25days
Number of OFS operation in T : N+1 >4 (once per week or more frequently) One HM free evolution time: DT = T/N

11 Comparison against UTC & TT(BIPM16)
TA(Sr)-TT(BIPM16) Clearly detect the frequency offset of UTC Phase difference against TT(BIPM16) < 1ns after 5months Stability 20 days TA(Sr)-UTC TT(BIPM16)-UTC

12 Supplying frequency standard @ 2um for Lidar experiment
Two laboratories (standard lab. & lidar lab.) don’t need to be physically close.

13 All-optical direct comparison between NICT & UT clock
Google map NICT UT (Hongo) 45 km 12 km Air part Otemachi All-optical direct comparison between NICT & UT clock Beat measurement 769 nm 698 nm 87Sr 56 m NICT UT 24 km ×2 Optical Carrier transfer 1538 nm laser 57km

14 Frequency difference & stability between distant Sr clocks
A Hz-level frequency difference is clearly visible over the time scale of minutes nNICT - nUT (Hz) Offset: predominantly due to differential gravity shift Obtained instability consistent 5×10-16 Dick-effect-limited instability UT : NICT :

15 Requirement of frequency standard for LIDAR
Wavelength: /- 10 nm (CO2, R30 line) Spectral width: 100kHz Frequency drift: <10kHz/hour Minimum operation time: 10 hours Not difficult in Standard laboratory. But need to be transferred to the LIDAR site. Option A: transfer 1.5um CW, and converts to 2um at remote site Frequency comb operated in remote site Option B: transfer 2um. Large loss limits the distance of transfer Option C: transfer 1.5um pulse, and optical spectrum broadened in remote site Frequency comb unnecessary in remote site Our choice


17 No frequency drift when seed laser is stabilized to comb.
Result Slave Q-switch laser Tm. Ho:YLF based Pulse energy: 25mJ Pulse width:150ns Rep. rate: 30Hz No frequency drift when seed laser is stabilized to comb. Furthermore, it is JST traceable. S. Nagano et al., Opt. Express 4, (2016)

18 Members Space-Time Standards lab. Remote-sensing lab. S. Ishii Sr
M. Aoki R. Ohtsuka K. Mizutani S. Ochiai Sr H. Hachisu 2mm transfer S. Nagano Time Scale F. Nakagawa Y. Hanado JST operation team Fiber transfer M. Kumagai Y. Li Technical assistance H. Ishijima M. Mizuno S. Ito


20 International comparison Analog line Optical line
 Dissemination service of Japan Standard Time JST Generation and measurement system satellite H maser PFS calibration International comparison Optical frequency standards JST Cs clocks Radio wave(JJY) Telephone dissemination NTP service Provision to time stamp service Calibration service TAA ・次は供給サービスについてです。 TSA Analog line Optical line Via GPS internet Time stamp UTC 12:10:35 NICT Carry-in (5, 10MHz) 電波時計用 中継器

21 Advantage of “optical” steering
1 Operation 104 s of operation is sufficient to evaluate the scale unit of a HM at mid level Short term fluctuation of HM may be compensated by an optical clock.

22 Optically steered time scale
TA(Sr) No external reference Reference to compare with: UTC, TT(BIPM16)

23 Conclusion Realization of a real signal of “optically steered” time scale Synchronization to the most precise time scale TT(BIPM16) in sub-ns level in 5 moths Stability 20 days, same level as TAI using only one Sr and one HM Simple analytic formula to estimate the quality of intermittently steered time scale Seamless TAI calibration for six months, consistent with other PFS.

24 Steering by intermittent operation of Sr lattice clock
HM frequency and drift rate calibrated by Sr Adjustment of PMS offset frequency every 4 hours No servo to reduce the time offset UTC-T_Sr Based on our frequency* obtained in 2015 Source osc. (HM) Phase micro stepper (PMS) f(HM) based on Sr T_Sr Intermittent operation more than once a week for 104 s continued * Hz (Hachisu et al., Appl. Phys. B 34, 123 (2017)) … Hz (CIPM2015) → … Hz (CCTF WGFS, Jun 2017)

25 Potential provision to Univ. in Kansai
TWCP for optical standards 1st in Univ. Osaka –NICT in 2014 IEEE Trans. Ultra. Ferr. Freq. Control 63, 2231 (2016). 2nd in TWCP NICT-Korea Lattice CLK comparison in 2017 Possible benefit of Kobe sub-station Optical fiber (NICT(Kobe)- Osaka-Kyoto in future?) Two-way carrier phase (TWCP) [+portable HM] 1)<1e-16 accuracy confirmed With GPS Integer-PPP technique Stability Commercial transceiver hopefully available in late 2018 2)Sr(NICT)-Yb(KRISS) direct comparison using TWCP mobile In a lab. Portable system physically carry-in to NICT-Kobe GPS one carrier freq. (< 1million yen) TWCP NICT-KRISS arxiv (2017)

26 Simulation in worse HM & infrequent OFS operation
HM2 (dash) noisier than HM1 (solid) (HM2 Flicker floor: 5e-16) Blue: once per week, orange and green: once per two weeks (odd, even)

27 Evaluation of TAI scale interval by Sr
Effects Uncertainty (10-17) Sr systematic 6 Gravity 2.2 Hydrogen maser deterministic 25 stochastic (dead time) 18 Phase measurement 5 UTC-UTC(NICT) link 20 (30 days average) Sr frequency 9 (SD of mean in 14 measurements over 10 years) (40, secondary representation of the second) Total 36 (53) y(HM) 7 days 1 month t

28 Result: Evaluation of TAI scale interval by Sr
Sr standard frequency: Hz (weighted average of 14 measurements performed in various lab over 10 years) i = SYRTE-FO2, PTB-CSF2, NICT-Sr1 j = month in 2016 SYRTE-FO2 PTB-CsF2 NICT-Sr1 𝑑 𝑖,𝑗 − 𝑑 𝑗 /2 [10-16] 6.3 7.8 2.6 𝑑 𝑖,𝑗 − 𝑑 TT BIPM16 ,𝑗 /2 [10-16] 2.3 2.8 Mean of 3 evaluations in month j TT(BIPM16) is calculated by using all PFS data including SYRTE-FO2 and PTB-CsF2. So, it is a natural result that their value are close to TT(BIPM16).

29 Requirement for HM and OFS operation rate
𝐸 Δ𝜙 = 𝜀 𝑝 2 + 𝜀 𝐹 = 𝑇 𝑁 2𝑁+1 2𝑁+3 𝑁 𝑁+1 𝑁+2 𝜎 𝑝 ln 2 𝜎 𝐹 Linear drift estimation error (from LSF) Stochastic phase excursion in Flicker noise (*) 𝜎 𝑝 =4𝐸−16 104 s) 𝜎 𝐹 =3𝐸−16 Flicker floor of Hadamard dev. * D. Allan, IEEE Trans. Ultrasonic. Ferro. Freq. Cont., (1987)

30 Time scale NICT institute k BIPM EAL (ensemble) TAI UTC UTC(k)
H-Maser EAL (ensemble) UTC(k) >400 clocks Local Ensemble adjustment TAI Cs (or Rb) fountains 18 clocks PMS adjustment adjustment leap second UTC(NICT) UTC UT + 9h Interval of UTC-UTC(k) is 5 DAYS in Circular T (BIPM monthly report) Generating a real signal in institute k Japan Standard Time (JST)

31 Dissemination by telephone line
number of accesses per month Telephone JJY Online traffic NICT Modem Code Generation Modem Broadcasting station, etc Telephone JJY ・ number: (042) 300/1200/2400 bps, 8 bit, non-parity, SJIS ID (Name?): TJJY Time delay measurement by loop back

32 R & D on the way, and International activity
Distributed generation of JST Kobe sub-station is scheduled to be ready in June 2018 with 2 H-maser & 5 Cs clocks Firstly, as a backup of Koganei HQ But also in Future: JST as total ensemble of clocks in Koganei-HQ, Kobe, two radio-wave clock broadcasting stations Activity for Asia-Pacific region Mutual recognition agreement Help GPS calibration in other institutes APMP International contribution Contribution for the computation of TAI ・JSTも、セシウム原子時計の合成から作る原子時を元にしていますが、 ・UTCとは違って、JSTはリアルタイムに連続に時を刻む実時計を持っています。

33 Estimation of linear drift rate
y(HM) How long? The frequency drift of the HM is estimated from recent calibration by Sr. How long should we use for the linear fitting? t 3 sample variance is not affected by linear frequency drift. The duration of the minimum 3 sample variance would be the best to obtain the drift rate 3-sample variance (Hadamard variance) 1 6 𝑀−2 𝑖=1 𝑀−2 𝑦 𝑖+2 −2𝑦 𝑖+1 +𝑦(𝑖) 2 = 1 6 𝑁−3 𝜏2 𝑁=1 𝑁−3 𝑥 𝑖+3 −3𝑥 𝑖+2 +3𝑥 𝑖+1 −𝑥 𝑖 𝑁=1 𝑁−3 𝑥 𝑖+3 −3𝑥 𝑖+2 +3𝑥 𝑖+1 −𝑥 𝑖

34 Comparison between UTC and a real-time signal of TA(Sr)
TA(Sr): Sr-based time scale Frequency difference 6.4 x 10-16 From Circular T 345

35 TAI (UTC) evaluation by Sr clock Japan Standard Time (JST) system
UTC(k) Cs ensemble BIPM UTC(NICT) HM 100 MHz measurement Comparison Df Monthly Yearly 100 MHz Circular-T - Frequency differences - ・f(UTC-UTC(NICT)) in Circular T UTC-UTC(k) 5 day interval UTC-TT(BIPMyy) 10 day interval ・f(UTC(NICT)-HM) in JST system ・f(HM-Sr) in Sr operation f(UTC-Sr)

36 Comparison between TT(BIPM) and TA(Sr)
| TA(Sr)-TT(BIPM) | < ±1.5 ns Instability of TA(Sr)-TT(BIPM) 20 days UTC-UTC(k) link dominant @5, 10 days Sr clocks able to evaluate the TAI scale (as PFS worldwide do) even in the intermittent operation →D2L-A, Thursday in last session of Opt,. clock TA(Sr) clearly detects that UTC does not realize the SI second. For 5 months, frequency standards in level were kept generated.

37 Summary Generation of real time-scale signal for a half year with reference to an optical clock, which is operated intermittently once in a week. Capability to provide frequency standards in level in 24 hours 7 days a week

38 Estimating the scale interval of TAI with an optical clock
EFTF-IFCS 2017 10th-13th July 2017 The Micropolis Convention Center, Besançon, France National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) Hidekazu Hachisu & Tetsuya Ido

39 Optical clocks utilized for time scale
T. Ido et. al., in A2L-B 1077 NICT institute k BIPM EAL UTC(k) H-Maser >400 clocks adjustment Cs (or Rb) fountains TAI PMS adjustment adjustment leap second UTC(NICT) UTC UT Japan Standard Time (JST) PMS: Phase micro stepper

40 JST : Time scale generation
Clocks for generating UTC(NICT) : Cs 5071A : 18 (ensemble timescale) Anritsu H-Masers : 1(source) + 2(backup) The behavior of UTC(NICT) : | UTC – UTC(NICT) | < 20 ns. Stability ~ 10-30d. ・Let’s move on each topic. ・This blue line shows the UTC-UTC(NICT), and red points show the additional frequency adjusting to trace UTC. ・frequency stability at month is almost 2e-15. Accuracy conservative: 5e-14 (employed for calibration service) Standard deviation: <4e-14 24hours, 7days a week

41 Optical clocks utilized for time scale
T. Ido et. al., in A2L-B 1077 NICT institute k BIPM EAL UTC(k) H-Maser >400 clocks adjustment Cs (or Rb) fountains TAI PMS adjustment adjustment leap second TA(Sr) UTC UT Japan Standard Time (JST) PMS: Phase micro stepper

42 Comparison between UTC and a real-time signal of TA(Sr)
T. Ido et. al., in A2L-B 1077 TA(Sr): Sr-based time scale 0.74ns TT(BIPM16): a time scale post-processed incorporating all data from Primary Frequency Standards (PFSs) by 2016 The averaged frequency difference 0.74 (ns) / 5 (months) = 5.7 × 10-17 Ref. Current sophisticated UTC(k)s are adjusted to UTC; ・UTC-UTC(PTB): <±5 ns ・UTC-UTC(OP): <±5 ns Possibility to generate UTC(NICT) on the same level as these UTC(k)s This is another evidence that supports our absolute frequency measured in 2015

43 Optical clocks utilized for time scale
T. Tdo et. al., in A2L-B 1077 NICT institute k BIPM EAL UTC(k) H-Maser >400 clocks adjustment Cs (or Rb) fountains TAI This work PMS adjustment adjustment leap second TA(Sr) UTC UT Japan Standard Time (JST) PMS: Phase micro stepper

44 [2] H. Hachisu and T. Ido, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 54, 112401 (2015).
TAI calibration 30 Time (day) Fractional frequency 1 yHM yUTC(k) yPFS yTAI Continuous operation Cs (Rb) fountain clock Ex. 10days[1] Optical clock 30 Time (day) Fractional frequency 1 yHM yUTC(k) yOptical yTAI [1] SYRTE, Metrologia 53, 1123 (2016). Need to operate for all through a month to reduce the satellite link uncertainty Hard to evaluate for all through a month and continue to do every month Intermittent operation [2] 30 Time (day) Fractional frequency 1 yHM yUTC(NICT) ySr yTAI Optical clock (Our scheme) 104 s per one operation once a week Five operations taken into account to obtain one-month mean [2] H. Hachisu and T. Ido, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 54, (2015).

45 [2] H. Hachisu and T. Ido, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 54, 112401 (2015).
TAI calibration Available to evaluate a scale interval of TAI all through a month as PFS regularly does Advantages Once per week makes it easier ! During a long non-operation time (dead time) of clock operation; ・Capable to evaluate the systematics ・Possible to improve the system and use it for other experiments Intermittent operation [2] 30 Time (day) Fractional frequency 1 yHM yUTC(NICT) ySr yTAI Optical clock (Our scheme) 104 s per one operation once a week Five operations taken into account to obtain one-month mean [2] H. Hachisu and T. Ido, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 54, (2015).

46 Absolute frequency of 87Sr lattice clock
CIPM recommended # (2015): (2)Hz, Uncertainty: 5×10-16 ->CCTF recommended # (2017): (2)Hz, Uncertainty: 4×10-16 Weighted mean of 5 data points (25)Hz Standard error: 6×10-17 [*] CIPM frequency was somewhat too high… We employed our result of the measurement in 2015, which was 5×10-16 lower. Accuracy of 5.7× [*] [*] H. Hachisu, et al., Opt. Express 25, 8511 (2017) Accurate enough as a reference for evaluating scale interval of TAI with a level of 10-16

47 TAI (UTC) evaluation by Sr clock Japan Standard Time (JST) system
UTC(k) Cs ensemble BIPM UTC(NICT) HM 100 MHz measurement Comparison Df Monthly Yearly 100 MHz Circular-T - Frequency differences - ・f(UTC-UTC(NICT)) in Circular T UTC-UTC(k) 5 day interval UTC-TT(BIPMyy) 10 day interval ・f(UTC(NICT)-HM) in JST system ・f(HM-Sr) in Sr operation f(UTC-Sr)

48 Evaluation of TAI scale interval by Sr
Effects Uncertainty (10-17) Sr systematic 6 Gravity 2.2 Hydrogen maser deterministic 20 stochastic (dead time) 18 (*) Phase measurement 4.5 UTC-UTC(NICT) link 20 (30 days average) Sr frequency 6 (using recent results of SYRTE, PTB x2, NICTx2) (40, secondary representation of the second) Total 35 (53) y(HM) 7 days 1 month t (*)Optimum prediction uncertainty: τ· 𝜎 flicker ln2 D. W. Allan, IEEE UFFC 34, 647 (1987) 86400×7×3× 10 −16 ln2 Dead time per 7days: = 0.22 ns Dead time per month: 4 times 7days dead time in a month (30 days) 0.22 ns × /(86400×30) = 1.8×10-16

49 Result: Evaluation of TAI scale interval by Sr
BIPM’s reports Thin error bar: aggressive evaluation Thick error bar: secondary representation of second i = SYRTE-FO2, PTB-CSF2, NICT-Sr1 j = month in 2016 SYRTE-FO2 PTB-CsF2 NICT-Sr1 𝑑 𝑖,𝑗 − 𝑑 𝑗 /2 [10-16] 7.2 5.8 3.1 𝑑 𝑖,𝑗 − 𝑑 TT BIPM16 ,𝑗 /2 [10-16] 2.3 2.8 3.6 Mean of 3 evaluations in month j TT(BIPM16) is calculated by using all PFS data including SYRTE-FO2 and PTB-CsF2. So, it is a natural result that their value are close to TT(BIPM16).

50 Absolute frequency measurement of 87Sr with TAI link
Advantage: The measurement uncertainty is not restricted by uB of the local PFS [1, 2] [1] H. Hachisu, et. al., Appl. Phys. B 123, 34 (2017) [2] H. Hachisu, et al., Opt. Express 25, 8511 (2017)

51 Absolute frequency measurement of 87Sr with TAI link
Advantage: The measurement uncertainty is not restricted by uB of the local PFS [1, 2] [1] H. Hachisu, et. al., Appl. Phys. B 123, 34 (2017) [2] H. Hachisu, et al., Opt. Express 25, 8511 (2017) July in 2016 (x10-17) half year Sr systematic 6.3 6.6 Gravity 2.2 Hydrogen maser deterministic 25 12 stochastic (dead time) 18 7.3 Link UTC-UTC(NICT) link 20 7.9 Phase measurement 4.5 1.8 UTC-SI second systematic (uB) 14 15 other parts 5.6 Total 42 23 uB of each PFS is not correlated

52 Absolute frequency of 87Sr lattice clock
CIPM recommended # (2015): (2)Hz, uncertainty: 5x10-16 CCTF recommended # (2017): (2)Hz, uncertainty: 4x10-16

53 Summary Evaluation of TAI (UTC) scale interval by an optical clock all through a half year using intermittent measurements Feasible to monitor the scale interval of TAI as regularly as Cs & Rb fountains Evaluation of 87Sr frequency with TAI link (using multiple PFSs) through 6 months to be (10) Hz, which is one of the most precise optical absolute frequencies reported so far We thank Dr. Petit for providing TAI calibration data including late reports from institute k.

54 Time scale steered by an optical clock
National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT), Japan Tetsuya Ido Hidekazu Hachisu, Fumimaru Nakagawa, Yuko Hanado

55 80 ns / 0.6 year = 4 × 10-15

56 What’s the International Atomic Time?
NICT institute k BIPM EAL (ensemble) UTC(k) H-Maser >400 clocks Local Ensemble adjustment (~1e-13) TAI Cs (or Rb) fountains 18 clocks adjustment (~1e-15) adjustment leap second UTC(NICT) UTC UT + 9h “Tick” in UTC rarely happens, ONCE IN 5 DAYS. Japan Standard Time (JST) Real signal generated in NICT, which is Japan Standard Time

57 Optical clocks utilized for time scale
NICT institute k BIPM EAL UTC(k) H-Maser >400 clocks adjustment (~1e-13) Cs (or Rb) fountains TAI PMS adjustment (~1e-15) adjustment ? leap second UTC(NICT) UTC UT Japan Standard Time (JST) PMS: Phase micro stepper

58 CIPM# (2015): (2)Hz

59 Steering by intermittent operation of Sr lattice clock
HM frequency and drift rate calibrated by Sr Adjustment of PMS offset frequency every 4 hours No servo to reduce the time offset UTC-T_Sr Based on our frequency* obtained in 2015 Source osc. (HM) Phase micro stepper (PMS) f(HM) based on Sr T_Sr Intermittent operation more than once a week for 104 s continued * Hz (Hachisu et al., Appl. Phys. B 34, 123 (2017)) … Hz (CIPM2015) → … Hz (CCTF WGFS, Jun 2017)

60 Advantage of “optical” steering
1 Operation 104 s of operation is sufficient to evaluate the scale unit of a HM at mid level Short term fluctuation of HM may be compensated by an optical clock.

61 INTERMITTENT Evaluation of a HM for 6 monthsby Sr and UTC(NICT)
1×10-13 104 s measurement

62 Estimation of linear drift rate
y(HM) How long? The frequency drift of the HM is estimated from recent calibration by Sr. How long should we use for the linear fitting? t 3 sample variance is not affected by linear frequency drift. The duration of the minimum 3 sample variance would be the best to obtain the drift rate 3-sample variance (Hadamard variance) 1 6 𝑀−2 𝑖=1 𝑀−2 𝑦 𝑖+2 −2𝑦 𝑖+1 +𝑦(𝑖) 2 = 1 6 𝑁−3 𝜏2 𝑁=1 𝑁−3 𝑥 𝑖+3 −3𝑥 𝑖+2 +3𝑥 𝑖+1 −𝑥 𝑖 𝑁=1 𝑁−3 𝑥 𝑖+3 −3𝑥 𝑖+2 +3𝑥 𝑖+1 −𝑥 𝑖

63 Detrended to see the detail
Excursion of UTC(NICT) 7×10-15 HM scale steered by Sr deviates less than 3×10-15

64 Comparison between UTC and a real-time signal of TA(Sr)
TA(Sr): Sr-based time scale TA(Sr) has bias frequency from UTC obviously

65 Comparison between UTC and a real-time signal of TA(Sr)
TA(Sr): Sr-based time scale Frequency difference 6.4 x 10-16 From Circular T 345

66 Comparison between TT(BIPM) and TA(Sr)
| TA(Sr)-TT(BIPM) | < ±1.5 ns Instability of TA(Sr)-TT(BIPM) 20 days UTC-UTC(k) link dominant @5, 10 days Sr clocks able to evaluate the TAI scale (as PFS worldwide do) even in the intermittent operation →D2L-A, Thursday in last session of Opt,. clock TA(Sr) clearly detects that UTC does not realize the SI second. For 5 months, frequency standards in level were kept generated.

67 Members Sr H. Hachisu Time Scale F. Nakagawa Y. Hanado
Technical assistance H. Ishijima M. Mizuno S. Ito Special thanks to 1. G. Petit at BIPM for the fruitful discussions

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