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we pose with Chad Michael Murray,

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1 we pose with Chad Michael Murray,
Booth #1607 we blog, we tweet, we e-newsletter, we pose with Chad Michael Murray, WE’RE JUST LIKE YOU!

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4 Instant New York Times Bestseller!
Debut! Instant New York Times Bestseller! VOYA Booklist Kirkus Reviews Publishers Weekly School Library Journal The Bulletin of the Center for Children’s Books THE HAZEL WOOD Melissa Albert Now Available Hardcover | $16.99 Young Adult Fiction / Fantasy / Contemporary Ages 12 to 18 | | E-newsletter:

5 Coming soon in trade paperback!
LEGENDARY Stephanie Garber May 29, 2018 Hardcover | $18.99 Young Adult Fiction / Fantasy Ages 13 to 18 250,000 CARAVAL Stephanie Garber May 1, 2018 Trade Paperback Young Adult Fiction / Fantasy Ages 13 to 18 | | E-newsletter:

6 Young Adult Fiction / Fantasy / Epic Ages 12 to 18 100,000
SKY IN THE DEEP Adrienne Young April 24, 2018 Hardcover | $17.99 Young Adult Fiction / Fantasy / Epic Ages 12 to 18 100,000 Debut! “A rousing saga and moving coming-of-age tale, perfect for those who appreciate the wild and the wildlings, strong female protagonists, and cinematic battles.” —Kirkus Reviews, starred review | | E-newsletter:

7 Spring 2018 Fiction KISSING GAMES I’M NOT MISSING Tara Eglington
Debut! KISSING GAMES Tara Eglington June 5, 2018 Hardcover | $18.99 Young Adult Fiction / Romance / Contemporary Ages 13 to 18 25,000 I’M NOT MISSING Carrie Fountain July 10, 2018 Hardcover | $18.99 Young Adult Fiction / People & Places / United States / Hispanic & Latino Ages 13 to 18 35,000 | | E-newsletter:

8 Spring 2018 Fantasy / Science Fiction FROM THE EARTH TO THE SHADOWS
Amanda Hocking April 24, 2018 Trade Paperback | $10.99 Young Adult Fiction / Fantasy / Contemporary Ages 12 to 18 100,000 STAR-TOUCHED STORIES Roshani Chokshi August 7, 2018 Trade Paperback | $10.99 Young Adult Fiction / Fantasy / Epic Ages 13 to 18 50,000 THE RAGING ONES Krista & Becca Ritchie August 14, 2018 Hardcover | $18.99 Young Adult Fiction / Science Fiction Ages 12 to 18 25,000 | | E-newsletter:

9 Spring 2018 Nonfiction HOW I RESIST: CHASING NEW HORIZONS:
Activism and Hope for a New Generation Maureen Johnson May 15, 2018 Trade Paperback | $18.99 Young Adult Nonfiction/ Social Science/ Politics & Government Ages 13 to 18 50,000 CHASING NEW HORIZONS: Inside the Epic First Mission to Pluto Alan Stern and David Grinspoon May 1, 2018 Hardcover | $28.00 Science / Astronomy 75,000 | | E-newsletter:

Debut! THE LOST MAP OF CHAOS Laura J. Burns & Melinda Metz September 11, 2018 Hardcover | $18.99 Young Adult Fiction / Thrillers & Suspense Ages 12 to 18 30,000 UNSTOPPABLE MOSES Tyler James Smith September 25, 2018 Hardcover | $17.99 Young Adult Fiction / Boys & Men Ages 12 And Up 40,000 SELFIE MADE Meridith Valiando Rojas September 4, 2018 Trade Paperback | $19.99 Juvenile Nonfiction / Careers Ages 12 to 18 50,000 | | E-newsletter:

11 Young Adult Fiction / Thrillers & Suspense
Fall 2018 Preview SADIE Courtney Summers September 4, 2018 Hardcover | $17.99 Young Adult Fiction / Thrillers & Suspense Ages 13 to 18 75,000 | | E-newsletter:

12 Young Adult Fiction / Fantasy / Epic
Fall 2018 Preview Debut! MIRAGE Somaiya Daud August 28, 2018 Hardcover | $18.99 Young Adult Fiction / Fantasy / Epic Ages 13 to 18 125,000 | | E-newsletter:

13 THANK YOU! PS: Make sure to check out
Books for Teens 2018: | | E-newsletter:

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