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1 Lead team presentation
FOR PUBLIC OBSERVERS Pembrolizumab combination for untreated non-squamous NSCLC [ID1173] – STA Lead team presentation 1st Appraisal Committee meeting Committee D Lead team: Lindsay Smith, Robert Hodgson, Libby Mills, Malcolm Oswald ERG: Peninsula Technology Assessment Group (PenTAG), NICE technical team: Stephen Robinson, Victoria Kelly October 2019

2 Key clinical effectiveness issues
CONFIDENTIAL Key clinical effectiveness issues Are the comparators used by the company relevant to NHS clinical practice? Company excluded pemetrexed maintenance therapy following chemotherapy regimens Were the treatments received in KEYNOTE-189 relevant to current UK clinical practice? Are the results from the company’s indirect treatment comparisons appropriate given the heterogeneity between the included studies?

3 Key cost-effectiveness issues
CONFIDENTIAL Key cost-effectiveness issues Is the company’s model structure appropriate? What is the most appropriate cut off point for OS? What is the most appropriate extrapolation to use for OS? What is the most plausible assumption of duration of treatment effect? Is the time to death approach used to estimate utility values appropriate? How should subsequent therapies be modelled (company, ERG or other?) Is the end of life criteria met?

4 CONFIDENTIAL Disease background In the UK, more than 45,000 people are diagnosed with lung cancer and over 35,000 people die from the condition each year NSCLC accounts for 85-90% of lung cancer cases Approximately 50% of people with NSCLC are diagnosed with incurable advanced local or metastatic disease (stage IV) Estimated 5-year survival rate of approximately 10% NSCLC: 2 major histological subtypes: Squamous cell carcinoma (25 to 30%) Non-squamous cell carcinoma including adenocarcinoma (30 to %), large-cell carcinoma (10 to 15%) and other cell types (5%)

5 Pembrolizumab (keytruda) + pemetrexed and platinum chemotherapy
Mechanism of action Humanised monoclonal antibody which binds to the programmed cell death-1 (PD-1) receptor Marketing authorisation First-line treatment of metastatic non-squamous NSCLC in adults whose tumours have no EGFR or ALK positive mutation Administration, dosage & duration of treatment Intravenous infusion in outpatient setting of 200 mg every 3 weeks Cost (list price) £2,630 per 100 mg vial. Average cost of treatment: 77,218 (list price) Other NICE recommendations/ appraisals NICE TA531: Pembrolizumab for untreated PD-L1-positive metastatic non-small-cell lung cancer

6 Treatment pathway for NSCLC without EGFR or ALK mutation
CONFIDENTIAL Treatment pathway for NSCLC without EGFR or ALK mutation PD-L1 negative NSCLC or positive with TPS < 50% PD-L1 positive with TPS ≥50% Docetaxel or Gemcitabine or Paclitaxel or Vinorelbine PLUS Carboplatin or Cisplatin (CG121)* Pemetrexed + cisplatin (TA181) Adenocarcinoma or Large-cell carcinoma Pembrolizumab (TA531) Pembrolizumab + pemetrexed + platinum chemotherapy (TODAY) * If platinum cannot be tolerated: Docetaxel or Gemcitabine or Paclitaxel or Vinorelbine Pemetrexed maintenance (TA190/TA402) TPS = Tumour proportion score

7 Patients and carers perspective
CONFIDENTIAL Patients and carers perspective No new submissions from patient organisations - Previous submission from the Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation (TA531) ‘Targeted therapies (EGFR and ALK) have made a real difference in first line therapy to those specific patient groups. For remainder of patients, platinum-based chemotherapy is currently the first line therapy option’ ‘Improving quality of life and even small extensions in duration of life are of considerable significance’ ‘Outcomes remain relatively poor from traditional first line chemotherapy, with many patients experiencing significant side effects.’ ‘… ‘end of life’ considerations are very important to this patient group…it is not appropriate, for example, to give the same weighting to the final six months of life as to all other six months of life’ ‘Patients with metastatic NSCLC are often debilitated with multiple and distressing symptoms. Symptoms such as breathlessness are very difficult to manage clinically. Therapies with anti-tumour activity often provide the best option for symptom relief’

8 Clinical expert comments
CONFIDENTIAL Clinical expert comments Longer progression free survival (PFS) with combination compared with monotherapy Toxicity is no greater than when chemotherapy and pembrolizumab given separately Experience of managing patients on combination should not be significantly different No greater capacity required, will actually reduce chemo suite chair numbers as both given together rather than sequentially Outcomes superior to standard of care No increased adverse event rates KEYNOTE-189 suggests the PD-L1 marker is irrelevant in this setting of combination therapy which would simplify patient selection

9 NHS England comments CONFIDENTIAL
platinum plus pemetrexed +/- maintenance pemetrexed is the most commonly used standard treatment the median duration of follow-up in the KEYNOTE trial is short (median months) and at the most recent data cut, there are very few patients in the survival analysis who are at risk after 15 months link between degree of benefit and PD-L1 status is seen → hazard ratios for overall survival for the PD-L1 groups show a greater benefit as TPS increases concerned that the serious, longer term toxicities of pembrolizumab (colitis, pneumonitis, hepatitis etc) may not have been fully captured in the economic model → 39 deaths due to an adverse event were observed in the pembrolizumab arm whereas the corresponding figure was 12 deaths in the placebo arm company’s long term projection of overall survival is pessimistic for the comparator arm The company and ERG have used the wrong chemotherapy delivery tariffs although NHS England does not regard this as making a substantial difference to the ICERs

10 Decision problem & company’s submission
Scope Company Population Adults with untreated metastatic non-squamous NSCLC Intervention Pembrolizumab combination Comparators Pemetrexed + carboplatin or cisplatin Chemotherapy + carboplatin or cisplatin (both with or without pemetrexed maintenance) Pembrolizumab monotherapy X Outcomes overall survival (OS) progression-free survival (PFS) response rates (RRs) adverse effects (AEs) of treatment health-related quality of life (HRQoL) Duration of response (DOR) Time on treatment (ToT) ERG comment: Pemetrexed maintenance was excluded from the pair-wise comparisons with platinum plus vinorelbine, gemcitabine, docetaxel, and paclitaxel. No reason given by company but most trials included in the ITC pre-dated it’s availability for this indication. Company excluded pemetrexed maintenance with chemotherapy What is standard of care for this population and is pemetrexed maintenance therapy used with chemotherapy?

11 Clinical effectiveness

12 Clinical effectiveness
CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL Clinical effectiveness Clinical evidence for pembrolizumab in combination with chemotherapy: KEYNOTE-189 Data from the final analysis of KEYNOTE-189 is currently anticipated in 77,218 Trial design Randomised, double blind, Phase III : ONGOING Population adults with advanced or metastatic non-squamous NSCLC No EGFR or ALK ECOG performance score of 0 or 1 Intervention* (n=410) Pembrolizumab 200 mg + pemetrexed 500 mg/m2 + platinum cisplatin [75 mg/m2] or carboplatin [AUC 5 mg/mL/min] every 3 weeks for 4 cycles, followed by pembrolizumab + pemetrexed Comparator* (n=206) Placebo + pemetrexed + platinum cisplatin or carboplatin, followed by placebo + pemetrexed Outcomes Primary: Overall survival, progression free survival Secondary: objective response rates (ORRs), adverse effects (AEs) of treatment, health-related quality of life (HRQoL), Duration of response (DOR) *Treatment with pembrolizumab or placebo continued until 35 study treatments had been administered or one of the discontinuation criteria occurred

13 Pembrolizumab combination
CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL Clinical effectiveness results KEYNOTE-189 cut-off date for the analysis 8 November 2017 Median duration of follow-up of 10.5 months (range 0.2 to 20.4 months) Outcome Pembrolizumab combination (n=410) Control (n=206) Primary outcomes Overall Survival Median, months (95% CI) Not reached 11.3 (8.7 to 15.1) HR (95% CI) HR 0.49 (0.38 to 0.64) p < OS rate at 6 months % 77,218 OS rate at 12 months % 69.2% 49.4% Progression free survival 8.8 (7.6 to 9.2) 4.9 (4.7 to 5.5) HR 0.52 (0.43 to 0.64) p < PFS rate at 6 months PFS rate at 12 months 34.1% 17.3% KEY ISSUE: In KEYNOTE-189 patients with a TPS ≥50% received standard of care. In current UK clinical practice these patients would receive pembrolizumab monotherapy as first line. Were the treatments received relevant to current UK clinical practice?

14 Company’s indirect treatment comparisons
CONFIDENTIAL Company’s indirect treatment comparisons Company did 2 indirect treatment comparisons (ITC) to compare pembrolizumab with other drugs ITC 1 compared pembrolizumab combination vs: Platinum + pemetrexed Platinum + gemcitabine Platinum + vinorelbine Platinum + docetaxel Platinum + bevacizumab + paclitaxel Platinum + paclitaxel ITC 2 compared pembrolizumab combinations vs pembrolizumab monotherapy ERG comments: Agree with decision (and broadly the methodology used) to carry out an ITC of combination vs monotherapy as a separate analysis

15 Company’s ITC 1 results CONFIDENTIAL Overall Survival
Pembrolizumab combination statistically significantly improved overall survival vs all other comparators Biggest benefit observed vs platinum + paclitaxel (HR 0.40, 95% CrI 0.25 to 0.63) Progression free Survival Pembrolizumab combination statistically significant improved progression free survival vs all other comparator Biggest benefit observed vs platinum + paclitaxel (HR 0.28, 95% CrI 0.13 to 0.55) ERG comments: ERG noted a large treatment benefit with combination therapy but that 95% Credible confidence intervals were wide, which may be due to the limited number of studies included and indicates significant heterogeneity between studies – ERG queries the size of the effect of pembrolizumab combination vs chemotherapy regimens Are the results of the company’s NMA appropriate given the heterogeneity between included studies?

16 Company’s ITC2: Pembrolizumab combination vs pembrolizumab monotherapy
In this ITC, studies KEYNOTE-189 and KEYNOTE-024 (pembrolizumab monotherapy vs pemetrexed plus carboplatin/cisplatin) were used Only those patients with a tumour proportion score (TPS) ≥50%)were selected from both studies. As the control arm in KEYNOTE-189 is carboplatin/cisplatin plus pemetrexed chemotherapy, patients with the corresponding investigators’ choice of SOC were selected from the KEYNOTE-024 dataset. Numerical benefit in overall survival for pembrolizumab combination vs pembrolizumab monotherapy Difference was not statistically significant HR 77,218 Numerical benefit in progression free survival for pembrolizumab combination vs pembrolizumab monotherapy Difference was not statistically significant (HR 77,218

17 Key clinical effectiveness issues
CONFIDENTIAL Key clinical effectiveness issues Are the comparators used by the company relevant to NHS clinical practice? Company excluded pemetrexed maintenance therapy following chemotherapy regimens Were the treatments received in KEYNOTE-189 relevant to current UK clinical practice? Are the results from the company’s indirect treatment comparisons appropriate given the heterogeneity between the included studies?

18 Cost effectiveness

19 Company’s model structure
CONFIDENTIAL Company’s model structure Model structure as reported in company submission: Model design Three-state partitioned survival Time horizon 20 years Cycle length 1 week Half cycle correction Yes Treatment waning effect No Discount rate 3.5% Perspective NHS (PSS) Stopping rule 2-years Treatment effect Lifetime

20 ERG’s comments on model structure
Structure is not a 3 health state partitioned survival model: uses 4 states to estimate utility, based on the OS outcome, using a time-to-death approach costs are based on intent of treatment progression status does not drive model Subsequent therapy is modelled only as far as 2nd line Same structure used in TA447/531 pembrolizumab monotherapy 1st line ERG interpretation of the company base case model - cost evaluation ERG interpretation of the company base case model - utility evaluation <30 days to death Death ≥ 360 days to death 30 to 180 days to death 180 to 360 days to death Death Alive – on treatment Alive – not on treatment Is the company’s model structure appropriate?

21 Company’s overall survival extrapolations (1)
2-phase piecewise model chosen (because proportional hazards did not hold) For both arms, a piecewise model was fitted using the Kaplan-Meir data up to week 28 followed by an exponential distribution (see next slide) 2 additional cut offs explored in sensitivity analyses (at week 18 and week 38) KEYNOTE-189 cut-off date for the analysis 8 November 2017 Median duration of follow-up of 10.5 months (range 0.2 to months)

22 Company’s overall survival extrapolations (2)
77,218 Company preferred extrapolation : Exponential

23 Company’s overall survival estimates
Company’s overall survival estimates from KEYNOTE-189 Pembrolizumab combination (n=410) Control (n=206) Overall Survival Median, months (95% CI) Not reached 11.3 (8.7 to 15.1) HR (95% CI) HR 0.49 (0.38 to 0.64) p < OS rate at 6 months % 77,218 OS rate at 12 months % 69.2% 49.4% Company’s overall survival estimates for 3 data cut-offs Week 28 Week 38 Week 18 Pembro+ SoC 5yr 10yr Exponential 77,21 8 77,2 18 Log Logistic

24 ERG comments on company’s approach to estimate overall survival
KEYNOTE-189’s median survival is only reached in SoC arm  considerable uncertainty in extrapolations Exponential distribution provides the worst statistical fit for SoC Clinically implausible overall survival estimates at 5 & 10 years Proportional hazards assumption did not hold  exponential distribution inappropriate According to DSU guidance the company incorrectly: Used only one cut-point of the 3  “…exponential distributions with different rate parameters should be fitted to each of the time periods identified as having different (constant) hazard rates.”[DSU TSU14] Other distribution choices do not require use of cut-offs in this way  “Models other than the exponential also allow for non-constant hazards over time” Use of the naïve KM curve up to week 28: this is trial data so sample data. should be used to inform the trend of whole population  should be a smooth trend ERG in its base case followed DSU guidance and separately fitted the log-logistic curve from Week 0 to both arms. Based on: consistently good statistical fit of the curve to the observed data (AIB and BIC), external face validity of SoC 5 and 10 year OS estimates (8% and 2.88%).

25 Overall survival extrapolations – comparison of approaches
Issue Company ERG Proportional Hazards does not hold Hazard Ratios change over time Modelling approach 2-phase piecewise model with a single cut-off point at week 28 Full KM data fit from week 0 Distribution choice for 2nd phase Exponential Log-logistic

26 ERG comments: comparison of overall survival estimates
In TA447/531 committee accepted 8-11% as a reasonable overall survival for standard of care at 5 years Source/Population 5-year OS 10-year OS Company approach: Standard of Care arm using KM up to 28 weeks + exponential curve after 28 weeks 77,218 ERG approach: Standard of care arm using Log- logistic from week 0 NICE TA447/531 (ERG): Standard of care untreated PD-L1-positive mNSCLC estimate 9.60% 1.50% What is the most appropriate cut off point for OS? What is the most appropriate extrapolation to use for OS?

27 Company modelling assumptions: quality of life
Company modelled EQ-5D data from KEYNOTE-189 & pooled the values for both arms Difference between pre and post-progression utilities is small, indicating that utility values were only collected for a few weeks after progression  time to death (TTD) approach used by company Correlation between utility and time to death 2 company scenarios: Using progression-based utilities as an alternative approach to estimate quality adjusted life years (QALYs) based on KEYNOTE-189 Using utilities per treatment arm instead of pooled utilities from KEYNOTE-189: With the time to death approach With the progression-based approach Time to death Mean utility ≥ 360 days 77,218 between 180 and 360 days between 30 and 180 days < 30 days Progression status Mean utility Progression free 77,218 Progressive disease

28 ERG comments on company's approach on quality of life
In TA447 (updated in TA531), utilities based on time to death alone, with 4 health states considered  same approach used here Method supported by clinical opinion gathered by the ERG: quality of life correlates better using this approach than occurrence of first progression ERG in its scenarios analyses explored utility values based on: progression status Time to death with a quality of life decrement associated with progressive disease applied for progressed patients progression status with a quality of life decrement associated with time to death of less than 360 days applied for patients with less than 360 days to live Is the time to death approach used to estimate utility values appropriate?

29 Subsequent 2nd line therapies
Company assumed 43% of patients who discontinue 1st line therapy in the pembrolizumab combination arm, and 56% in the SoC arm, receive second line (2L) pembrolizumab as per KEYNOTE-189 Company adjusted the proportions to exclude the 7% patients who had pembrolizumab monotherapy after it had been discontinued first line (1L) in the combination arm of KEYNOTE-189 as this was not clinically plausible ERG comments: Third and subsequent lines of therapy not included in company base case ERG not able to establish the adjustment methods used by the company in their calculation of the up-take and the distribution of therapies at second-line ERG in its scenario analyses explored unadjusted estimates from KEYNOTE-189 of the proportion of patients taking-up 2L treatment after 1L discontinuation 30.5% for pembrolizumab arm, 46.6% for SoC - unadjusted estimates from KEYNOTE-189 (Ghandi Supp.) How should subsequent therapies be modelled (company, ERG or other?)

30 CONFIDENTIAL Assumptions from previous lung cancer appraisal: TA531 Pembrolizumab monotherapy Conclusion from TA447/531 Company base case ERG base case 2-year treatment stopping rule Duration of treatment effect: scenarios of 3 & 5 years explored Lifetime 5 years (3 years in scenario analyses) Cost of PD-L1 testing Included for patients receiving pembrolizumab 2L Removed cost from both arms as PD-L1 testing is routine Time to death approach for HRQoL ✓ (method based on progression in scenario analyses ✓ (various methods explored in scenario analyses) End of life criteria met

31 Company’s deterministic base case results
CONFIDENTIAL Company’s deterministic base case results Including confidential discount for pembrolizumab, but not including confidential discount for pemetrexed maintenance (available in part 2) Pembrolizumab combinations vs Incremental costs (£) Incremental QALYs ICER per QALY gained Standard of care £41,344 0.89 £46,568 Platinum + Paclitaxel £58,956  1.08 £54,654 Platinum + Docetaxel £56,932  0.73 £78,242 Platinum + Gemcitabine £57,752 1.01 £57,064 Platinum + Vinorelbine  £56,661 0.90 £63,262 Platinum + Pemetrexed  £42,077  £46,504

32 ICER (£) versus baseline (QALYs)
Company base case result of sub-population comparison for PD-L1 positive with TPS ≥50% Including confidential discount for pembrolizumab, but not including confidential discount for pemetrexed maintenance (available in part 2) Technologies Total costs (£) Total LYG Total QALYs Incremental costs (£) Incremental QALYs ICER (£) versus baseline (QALYs) Pembrolizumab monotherapy £72,319 2.17 1.57 - Pembrolizumab combination £102,480 3.20 2.35 £30,161 0.78 £38,699 TPS= Tumour proportion score

33 ERG’s changes and base case
ERG preferred changes: Coding correction (% patients utilising 2nd line therapy; half-cycle correction) Log-logistic parametric distributions for overall survival extrapolation from week 0 Adjustment for background mortality (due to the relatively short length of the trial compared to the model time horizon) Treatment effect discontinued at 5 years (effect unlikely to remain over 20 year time- horizon) Excluding cost of PD-L1 testing (now routine in the NHS) Other ERG scenarios included: Estimation of long term OS Estimation of utilities Estimation of high cost drug consumption Exponential from week 0, 18, 28 and 38 TTD (Chang 2017) Dose intensity (actual vs expected) Log-Normal and Log-Logistic from week 0 ToT as proxy for PS Proportion taking up 2nd line treatment after 1st line discontinuation Generalised Gamma/Weibull/Gompertz Combined TTD and classic progression Less pembrolizumab at 2nd line in SoC strategy

34 ERG deterministic base case results
CONFIDENTIAL ERG deterministic base case results Including confidential discount for pembrolizumab, but not including confidential discount for pemetrexed maintenance (available in part 2) Strategy Incremental costs (£) Incremental QALYs ICER (£/QALY) SoC - Pembrolizumab combination £42,454 1.13 £37,622 Platinum + Gemcitabine £59,571 1.43 £41,710 Platinum + Vinorelbine £57,946 1.00 £57,939 Platinum + Docetaxel £58,201 1.26 £46,337 Platinum + Paclitaxel £60,926 1.52 £40,096

35 ERG base case result of sub-population comparison for patients with TPS ≥ 50%
PC versus pembrolizumab monotherapy (deterministic) Strategy Total Costs (£) Total LYG Total QALYs Incremental costs (£) Incremental LYG Incremental QALYs ICER (£/QALY) PC £106,292 4.19 3.11 Pembrolizumab monotherapy £76,503 3.21 2.37 £29,788 0.98 0.74 £40,225

36 End of life considerations for ITT population
Confidential End of life considerations for ITT population Strategy  Source (time in months) Standard of care (SoC) Pembrolizumab combination (PC) Increment (life extension) Mean OS: company base case 16.61 32.17 15.56 Mean OS: ERG base case 22.73 43.68 20.96 Median OS in KEYNOTE- 189 11.3 (95%CI, ) Not reached NA SoC = Standard of Care National Institute for Health and Care Excellence Pre-meeting briefing – insert title in notes master view Issue date: [Month year]

37 Increment life extension
Confidential End of life considerations by TPS ≥ 50%: standard of care vs pembrolizumab combination Source (time in months) Strategy  SoC PC Increment life extension Company base case mean OS 17.11 42.24 25.12 ERG base case mean OS 23.89 58.33 34.44 ERG: With background mortality; 5 year DoT effect; No test costs* 16.88 35.22 18.34 Median in KEYNOTE-189 Not reported Not reached NA *Differs from the ERG base case for whole population analysis in one assumption only: the method of OS extrapolation follows that of the company (2-phase piecewise exponential independent, both KM plot arms, fitted from week 28) National Institute for Health and Care Excellence Pre-meeting briefing – insert title in notes master view Issue date: [Month year]

38 Increment life extension
Confidential End of life considerations by TPS ≥ 50%: pembrolizumab monotherapy vs pembrolizumab combination Source (time in months) Strategy PM PC Increment life extension Company base case mean OS 27.59 42.24 14.65 ERG base case mean OS 44.44 58.33 13.89 ERG: With background mortality; 5 year DoT effect; No test costs* 26.92 35.22 8.3 Median in KEYNOTE-189 Not reported Not reached NA SoC = Standard of Care *Differs from the ERG base case for whole population analysis in one assumption only: the method of OS extrapolation follows that of the company (2-phase piecewise exponential independent, both KM plot arms, fitted from week 28) National Institute for Health and Care Excellence Pre-meeting briefing – insert title in notes master view Issue date: [Month year]

39 End of life consideration: ERG comments
CONFIDENTIAL End of life consideration: ERG comments Considerable uncertainty around extrapolation of overall survival beyond study follow-up Median overall survival was not reached in the pembrolizumab combination arm of KEYNOTE-189 Evidence from KEYNOTE-189, company and ERG economic models suggest that the average overall survival on standard of care treatment is <24 months; and life extension >3 months Pembrolizumab combination in the ITT setting probably fulfils the criteria for end-of-life status Whilst estimates of the extension to life are not robust the various point estimates are far in excess of the requirement Is the end of life criteria met?

40 Equality and Innovation
CONFIDENTIAL Equality and Innovation Equality No equality or equity issues were identified by either the company or the ERG Innovation (company view) The clinical efficacy and safety data show that pembrolizumab, when combined with chemotherapy, offers benefit in progression free survival and overall survival for all lung cancer patients, regardless of PD-L1 expression levels, with an acceptable tolerability profile

41 Committee decision-making: CDF recommendation criteria
Proceed down if answer to each question is yes Starting point: drug not recommended for routine use due to clinical uncertainty 1. Is the model structurally robust for decision making? (omitting the clinical uncertainty) 2. Does the drug have plausible potential to be cost-effective at the offered price, taking into account end of life criteria? 3. Could further data collection reduce uncertainty? 4. Will ongoing studies provide useful data? 5. Is CDF data collection via SACT relevant and feasible? and Consider recommending entry into CDF (invite company to submit CDF proposal) Define the nature and level of clinical uncertainty. Indicate the research question, analyses required , and number of patients in NHS in England needed to collect data.

42 Key cost-effectiveness issues
CONFIDENTIAL Key cost-effectiveness issues Is the company’s model structure appropriate? What is the most appropriate cut off point for OS? What is the most appropriate extrapolation to use for OS? What is the most plausible assumption of duration of treatment effect? Is the time to death approach used to estimate utility values appropriate? How should subsequent therapies be modelled (company, ERG or other?) Is the end of life criteria met?

43 Additional slides

44 ERG overall survival extrapolations scenarios
Distribution choice for 2nd phase Cut-off (weeks) Treatment benefit discontinuation (yrs) 5 year OC SoC ICER (£/QALY) Exponential 3 2.95% £61,480 18 1.82% £60,087 28 2.22% £63,980 38 5.70% £70,070 5 £50,569 £48,724 £53,208 £62,111 Log-logistic 8.05% £43,418 13.38% £49,147 17.53% £54,870 18.15% £56,711 £37,622 £50,549 £64,671 £65,192 ERG preferred

45 ERG HRQoL and resource use scenarios
Estimation of utilities Scenario PC vs SoC Inc. costs Inc. QALYs ICER Utilities driven by progression status - ToT as proxy for PS (follows company SA) £42,454 0.99 £43,092 Combined TTD and classic Progression status approach 1.03 £41,352 Estimation of high cost drug consumption Scenario PC vs SoC Inc. costs Inc. QALYs ICER ‘Dose intensity’ (actual vs. expected treatment cycles) of pembrolizumab combination: 95.6% reduced by 20% (76.5%) £33,207 1.13 £29,428 Proportion of patients taking-up 2L treatment after 1L discontinuation: unadjusted estimates from KEYNOTE-189: 30.5% PC, 46.6% SoC £44,960 £39,843 Less pembrolizumab at 2L in SoC strategy: from 72% in PC to 50% (and Docetaxel from 14% to 35%) £45,857 £40,534

46 ERG scenarios (combined)
Description 11 Utilities based on progression status 12.a Combined approach for utilities – main utility values based on TTD, with a utility decrement associated with progressive disease applied for progressed patients. 12.b Combined approach for utilities – main utility values based on progression status, with a utility decrement associated with TTD of less than 360 days applied for patients with less than 360 days to live 14 Unadjusted estimates from KEYNOTE-189 of the proportion of patients taking-up 2L treatment after 1L discontinuation (30.5% for PC, 46.6% for SoC) 16 Treatment benefit discontinuation at 3 years Scenarios Incremental costs (£) Incremental QALYS ICER (£/QALY) ERG base case £42,454 1.13 £37,622 11 0.99 £43,092 12.a 1.03 £41,352 12.b 0.98 £43,491 14 £44,960 £39,843 16 £41,395 0.95 £43,418 14, 16 £43,810 £45,950 11, 14, 16 0.84 £52,091 12.a, 14, 16 0.87 £50,138 12.b, 14, 16 0.83 £52,755

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