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The Holocaust By: Kim Michal Photo Credits:

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1 The Holocaust By: Kim Michal Photo Credits:

2 Hitler “Once I really am in power, my first and foremost task will be the annihilation of the Jews…until all Germany has been completely cleansed of Jews.” -Adolf Hitler, 1922 Photo Credit:

3 What was The Holocaust? the mass slaughter of European civilians, gypsies, homosexuals, handicapped, and especially Jews, by the Nazis during World War II Lasted from Photo Credit:

4 Anti-Semitism in Germany
Hitler blamed Jews for loss of WWI The Aryan Race - “Pure Germans” superior Incorrectly names Jews as a race

5 Nuremberg Laws Germany - 1935 Defined who was a Jew
Laws passed to take rights away from only Jewish people and other minorities. After months of new laws German officials allowed a deadly riot to take place called……


7 Kristallnacht 1938 - Germany “Night of the Broken Glass”
Violent riot against Jews throughout Germany. Jewish businesses were destroyed and Jews were mugged in the streets.


9 The fire department only made sure the fire did not spread to the building next to the synagogue

10 Ghettos Small run down areas of a city where Jews were moved to.

11 Concentration Camps Prisoners were forced to go into concentration camps Also called labor camps Some camps were called death camps Controlled by the Nazi’s

12 Auschwitz Auschwitz was the largest camp during the Holocaust (1.5 million people killed here) Prisoners were forced to give up all belongings

13 Close your eyes and imagine…

14 Ways of Genocide Gas chambers Cremation Starvation Malnutrition
Torture Death Marches

15 The Victims…



18 Camp Doctors Nazi doctors tortured men, women, and children at death camps Performed experiments on victims Victims were: put into pressure chambers tested with drugs frozen to death Experimental surgeries without anesthesia Injections of lethal germs

19 Josef Mengele Known as Angel of Death
Performed experiments on twins in Auschwitz: Carried out twin to twin transfusions Stitched twins together Organ and limb removal

20 Liberation of the Camps
Liberation began in 1944 Soviets liberated Auschwitz in 1945 “Liberators confronted unspeakable conditions in the Nazi camps, where piles of corpses lay unburied”

21 The Numbers 11 million prisoners were murdered
6 million victims were Jews Number of European Jews who survived: 3,546,211 Percentages: Polish Jews killed: 91% German Jews killed: 36% Jews killed in Europe during war: 63%

22 Words from Survivors… 1sRYDAYY&feature=channel qDuA9Vp8

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