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Please take a moment to silence your cell phones before the service.

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Presentation on theme: "Please take a moment to silence your cell phones before the service."— Presentation transcript:

1 Please take a moment to silence your cell phones before the service.
shhh Please take a moment to silence your cell phones before the service. Thank you!

2 Sunday night live A musical evening featuring:
Sunday, April 7:00 pm In the Sanctuary *Donations to support Hiatus House A musical evening featuring: Alan Brown, Alex Moir with Special Guest: Janice Richardson!

3 Please sign up on sheet in the foyer
Adult Games Night Saturday, April 9th Banwell Hosted by Al and Terri Prevett bring a snack to share Drinks provided Euchre and other Games Please sign up on sheet in the foyer

4 Men of Courage Wednesday, March 30th Next meeting:
@ 6:45pm in the Fireside Room I never knew a man that accepted Christ and regretted it. (Billy Graham) *Contact Ken Heuston for more information.

5 Banwell is Recycling Please place all paper cups, napkins and paper plates in the WHITE garbage bins. Thank you for helping us help the Planet!

6 Just a reminder that monthly or bi-monthly
pre-authorized payments are also offered for your tithing. Please contact a member of the Finance Committee for more information. The WFCU is now using scanning technology. Please use regular black or blue ink when completing your offering cheques.

7 This Friday, April 1st @7:00 pm
Free Movie Night Featuring: Bring a Friend! This Friday, April pm Everyone Welcome! *Donations of non-perishable food items or a freewill offering for the Women's Welcome Center appreciated. Snacks provided


9 Come Join Us For Games, Crafts, Bible Story,
Kids JK – Grade 5 Come Join Us For Games, Crafts, Bible Story, and a Snack. 6:30 pm

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