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Religious beliefs, values and teachings

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1 Religious beliefs, values and teachings
Islam Topic 1 Sample Essay Booklet Religious beliefs, values and teachings Miss Connolly

2 ESSENTIAL IDEAS The interpretation and application of the 6 beliefs
The belief in Allah as one (importance of Tawhid) The Nature of Allah The 99 names of Allah The Belief in Angels-what these are and their role in relation to prophets and mankind. The belief in the Holy Books The belief in the prophets (role of the prophets, examples of prophets and the importance of Muhammad as the Seal of the Prophets) The belief in Akhirah, the day of judgement, including beliefs about death, the afterlife, the self and the meaning and purpose of life The belief in predestination, (Al Qad’r) including beliefs about the meaning and purpose of life The belief in Allah as just-the importance of Adalat for Shia Muslims The centrality of the 6 Beliefs for the life of Muslim believers You need to be able to explain the implications of each of the 6 key beliefs for Muslims-in other words, how do these beliefs influence them in their daily lives? Sunni and Shi’a Where possible in your work, you should include specific reference to differences between Sunni and Shi’a beliefs in Islam. Sunni and Shia Sunni-6 key articles of faith Shi’a-Usul ad Din (5 key beliefs)

3 Possible questions (Remember this is a new A level and it is impossible to practice every possible exam question.) Focus on combining your knowledge with technique. Make sure you do not rely on sample essays for revision. Mind maps summarising all of the content in your own words are a better approach. 8 marks: Explore the importance of tawhid for Muslims Explore the 6 main beliefs in Sunni Islam Explore the 5 main beliefs in usul ad din for Shi’a Muslims Explore the importance of prophets within Islam Explore the Muslim beliefs about the nature of Allah Explore the importance of angels in Islam Explore Muslim beliefs about akhirah Explore the importance of adalat for Shi’a Muslims 12 marks Assess the view that Tawhid is the most important belief for Muslims Assess the claim that Muhammad is the most important prophet in Islam. Assess the claim that for Muslims, this earthly life is not as important as the next (akhirah). Assess the claim that Allah cannot be immanent and transcendent.” Assess the view that belief in the Imamate is the main difference between Sunni and Shi’a Muslims. 30 marks “Muhammad is the most important prophet for Muslims.” Evaluate this statement (30 marks) “If Allah is all merciful, then surely there is no need for Judgement Day.” Evaluate this view. (30 marks)  “Predestination effectively means Muslims have no free will.”. Evaluate this view (30 marks)

4 Assess the view that Tawhid is the most important belief for Muslims
Assess the view that Tawhid is the most important belief for Muslims. (12 marks) Introduction: Tawhid means belief in the unity of Allah. Although there are 99 names used to refer to him in the Qur’an, Muslims firmly believe that there is only one God called Allah. Unlike Christians who believe in the Trinity of God, (that he is divided into three separate beings), Muslims strongly believe that Allah is one being. Tawhid is an important part of both the 6 articles of faith for Sunni Muslims and 5 Usul ad Din for Shia Muslims, leading me to conclude that it is the most important belief for Muslims. Argument for: I believe tawhid is the most important belief for Muslims. The importance of Tawhid for Muslims is explained by SH Nasr, “Allah is first and before everything else One, and it is the Oneness of God that lies at the centre of both Qur’anic doctrine of God and Islamic spirituality.” Furthermore, the concept of tawhid is the central idea in the Shahadah, the Muslim declaration of faith. "There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is his messenger." A person becomes Muslim by acknowledging the oneness of Allah. Muslims declare this belief every day and it is evident in important rituals like birth and death which indicates to me that tawhid is the most important belief for Muslims. Argument against: However, some people disagree and argue that there are many important beliefs for Muslims and that some may be even more important than tawhid. For example, the belief in akhirah and the day of judgement may be seen as more important that tawhid as it has more of an influence on how Muslims live their lives on earth. It influences them to be a good Muslim, and to be kind in their interactions with others. Some people believe this is more important than a belief about Allah that does not directly influence their actions. Others may believe that belief in the Holy books is more important than Tawhid as they actually give a guide to Muslims about how they should live their lives today, which the concept of tawhid does not. These points lead some to conclude that tawhid is no more important than any of the other beliefs. Counter argument: Whilst I acknowledge that there are many important beliefs for Muslims, I still maintain that tawhid is central to their faith and the most important belief. It clearly states in the Qur’an 112:1-4 “He is Allah, the One, the Eternal and the Absolute. There is none like him.” reflecting the importance of this belief. Furthermore, it is important to note that the most unforgivable sin for a Muslim to commit is shirk, putting anything on par with Allah or worshipping any other thing. This reinforces the importance of belief in Allah as one and only believing in one God. This lends weight to the view that Tawhid is the most important belief. Conclusion: In conclusion, having considered both points of view, I think that all of the 6 articles of faith and all of the 5 Usul Ad Din are important to Muslims and each belief helps Muslims to follow the straight path in different ways. Because the Qur’an is the revealed word of Allah and his oneness is repeatedly referred to, then his unity is central to all belief and practice. This strengthens my opinion that tawhid is the most important belief for them.

5 Assess the claim that Muhammad is the most important prophet for Muslims (12 marks)
Introduction: A prophet is someone who brings Allah’s message to the world so Muslims know how to behave. Belief in the prophets as Allah’s messengers is one of the important 6 articles of faith for Sunni Muslims. Twenty five prophets are named in the Qur’an, although Muhammad, whose name means “highly praised” is considered by most Muslims as the last and most important prophet. Muhammad has restored Islam to what Allah wants it to be, and Muslims believe it can never go wrong. This essay will essay the importance of some of the other prophets, before concluded that Muhammad is the most important. Argument for: One reason why Muhammad can be seen as the most important prophet is because he was given the words of the Qur’an directly from Allah as delivered by Angel Jibril. Muslims believe it is the final word to humanity, given to Muhammad in such a form that it cannot be distorted. Muhammad is “The Apostle of God and the Seal of the Prophets” (Sura 33v 40) Because Muhammad was given the Holy Book in its final unchangeable form, he is the ultimate guide for Muslims. “The only source, therefore, for the knowledge of God and His Way is Muhammad (PBUH). We can only know of Islam through his teachings”. (Abdul Mawdudi) He also gives Muslims a perfect example of how to live their lives by providing the Sunna and Hadith “Ye have indeed in the Apostle of God a beautiful pattern of conduct.” (Sura 33 v 21) These beliefs lend credibility to the idea that Muhammad is the most important prophet. Argument against: The teaching of Islam is that all prophets should be regarded with equal respect. There are other prophets such as Isa, Musa and Adam that could be considered just as important if not more so than Muhammad. Isa is one of the most prominent figures in the Qur’an-Sura 19 is all about him. Isa, unlike Muhammad was able to perform miracles. He was also given a holy book, Injil (The Gospels). Muslims believe Isa will return before the end of the world and gather all true Muslims together, whereas they do not think Muhammad will return. Adam was created as God’s first vice regent on earth. Adam is important to Muslims as a prophet because God gave him knowledge and Adam passed this on to members of the human race. Allah revealed to Adam the food that Muslims are allowed to eat and how to repent for wrong doing. They also believe that Adam built the first Ka’ba in Mecca, an extremely important structure for Muslims. These ideas lead some to believe that Muhammad should not be the most important prophet for Muslims Counter argument: All prophets brought the same message of Islam, but there have been only four who were given the Holy Books, and of these only Muhammad was given the book in its final, unalterable form. The basic statement of Islamic faith refers directly to Muhammad, “There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is his messenger.” This suggests he is more important than other prophets. Conclusion: Muhammad (pbuh) interpreted the words in his daily life. Therefore many of the things which Muhammad (pbuh) did and said were remembered and carefully recorded. The stories and sayings help Muslims to understand the Quran and put what it teaches into practice in their daily lives. As there will be no more prophets, it must follow that Muhammad’s example must be the final example of how Muslims should live their lives. For Muslims, the Qur’an proves that Muhammad was God’s messenger who has restored Islam to what Allah wants it to be, and because of this, Muslims believe it can never go wrong. Therefore, it is my opinion that Muhammad (PBUH) is the most important prophet within Islam.

6 Assess the claim that Allah cannot be immanent and transcendent
Assess the claim that Allah cannot be immanent and transcendent. (12 marks) Introduction: Both immanent and transcendent are words used by Muslims to describe the nature of Allah. Our limited human understanding leaves us thinking, “How can God be both.?” This essay will examine Muslim responses to this problem, but I will ultimate conclude that I do not think Allah cannot be both. Argument for: The Qur’an specifically states with reference to Allah “He is with you wherever you are” and also “Allah is closer to you than your jugular vein.” This suggests Allah is immanent. However, the Qur’an also states “No vision can grasp him.. He is beyond all human comprehension.” These two terms, immanent and transcendent are mutually exclusive-how can he be on the outside looking in, and yet involved in the world? This does not make sense.   Argument against:  many Muslims would argue that the concept of Allah as both of these things can be understood if you accept that there are many different ways to understand Allah. Through the eyes of Muslim faith, it can be understood. Allah can be both because he is creator of the universe, therefore outside and not limited by the physical world, yet he is also within all things on earth and compassionate towards people. Counter argument: Conclusion:



AO1 Introduction/overview What is your essay going to argue? Acknowledge that you will evaluate but make your point of view clear from the start-don’t sit on the fence. AO2 YOUR VIEW ON THE STATEMENT Reason 1– detailed explanation Reason 2– detailed explanation Reason 3 – detailed explanation REASONS WHY SOME MAY DISAGREE WITH YOU Reason 1 – detailed explanation Reason 2 – detailed explanation COUNTER ARGUMENT Counter argument 1 – detailed explanation Counter argument 2 – detailed explanation Counter argument 3 – detailed explanation CONCLUSION

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