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Some Observations Regarding Bank of America Mobile Banking

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1 Some Observations Regarding Bank of America Mobile Banking
e-Marketing Some Observations Regarding Bank of America Mobile Banking Arvind Rangaswamy November 28, 2016

2 Device-Based Thanksgiving
and Black Friday Sales, 2016 2016 Sales (in millions) Mobile sales includes smartphones and tablets. Source: Adobe Digital Insights

3 Sources of Traffic for Thanksgiving
and Black Friday Sales, 2016 CNET and RetailMeNot are examples of review sites. Adobe’s Black Friday report is based on aggregated and anonymous data from 22.6 billion visits to retail websites. Adobe measures 80 percent of all online transactions from the top 100 U.S. retailers, more than any other technology company**, and uses its proven predictive model powered by Adobe Sensei to forecast online sales and trends. Seven dollars and fifty cents out of every 10 dollars spent online with the top 500 U.S. retailers goes through Adobe Marketing Cloud. The tremendous volume of data puts Adobe in the unique position to deliver highly accurate, census-based online sales totals, pricing and product availability trends. Source: Adobe Digital Insights

4 Source: Consumers and Mobile Financial Services, 2016
Federal Reserve Board Reports.

5 Shares of U.S. Consumer Payments
By Type of Instrument OBBP: Online banking and bill payment Source: Survey of Consumer Payment Choice (SCPC), Federal Reserve Bank of Boston

6 Source: Oct 2012 Diary of Consumer Payment Choice (DCPC)
Federal Reserve Bank of Boston



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