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Role of Flux Networks in Biogeosciences

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1 Role of Flux Networks in Biogeosciences
Dennis Baldocchi ESPM/Ecosystem Science Div. University of California, Berkeley AGU Biogeosciences, May 22, 2007

2 Acknowledgements Co-Authors Data Preparation Networks and Scientists
Dario Papale, Markus Reichstein Data Preparation Dario Papale, Markus Reichstein, Tom Boden, Bob Cook, Susan Holliday, Catharine Van Ingen, Deb Agarwal +++ Networks and Scientists AmeriFlux, CarboEurope, AsiaFlux, ChinaFlux, Fluxnet Canada, OzFlux, +++ Agencies NSF/RCN, ILEAPS, DOE/TCP, NASA, Microsoft, ++++

3 Eddy Covariance Direct and Quasi-Continuous

4 FLUXNET: From Sea to Shining Sea 400+ Sites, circa 2007


6 Global distribution of Flux Towers with Respect to Climate

7 Network Representativeness
Sundareshwar et al, 2007 Science

8 Evolution of FLUXNET Co-Development of Eddy Covariance Theory, Instrumentation and Microcomputers 1980s Measure Annual Cycle and Budget of NEE 1990s Flux Partitioning: NEE into GPP and Reco 2000s Measure NEE over multiple Land-Use and Disturbance Classes 2000+ Measure Inter-annual variations of NEE 2005+

9 Technical Developments: Evolution of FLUXNET
Instrumentation and Computational Issues Fast Response Instrumentation (10 Hz) and Data Storage Micromet issues Detrending Time Series Corrections due to Advection on non-ideal Terrain Corrections due to Spectral Filtering by Sensors DataBase Issues DataSharing, Trust and Collaboration Gap-filling Error Assessment QA/QC and Distribution

10 LaThuile Fluxnet Workshop, Feb. 2007
New Gap-Filled, Qa/Qc Dataset 180 Sites; 600 Site-years of Data

11 Recent Results and Advances:
Statistical Representation Processes Canopy-Scale Response Functions Emergent Processes Flux Partitioning, NEP=GPP-Reco Acclimation Carbon-Water Coupling Time Daily/Seasonal Dynamics Pulses, Lags, Switches Intra- + Interannual Variability Stand Age/Disturbance Space Climate/Structure/Function Coherence/Gradients Upscaling with Remote Sensing

12 Annual Time Series of Trace Gas Exchange
Xu and Baldocchi, AgForMet, 2004

13 Can we Integrate C Fluxes, Probabilistically, and Globally, driven with Spatially-Gridded Climate Data? Fluxnet Database

14 Potential and Real Rates of Gross Carbon Uptake by Vegetation:
Most Locations Never Reach Upper Potential GPP at 2% efficiency and 365 day Growing Season tropics GPP at 2% efficiency and day Growing Season FLUXNET 2007 Database

15 Light and Photosynthesis: Emergent Processes at Leaf and Canopy Scales

16 Emergent Scale Process: CO2 Flux and Diffuse Radiation
We are poised to see effects of Cleaner/Dirtier Skies and Next Volcano Niyogi et al., GRL 2004

17 Optimal NEE: Acclimation with Temperature
E. Falge et al 2002 AgForMet; Baldocchi et al 2001 BAMS

18 GPP has a Cost, in terms of Ecosystem Respiration
LaThuile, Fluxnet 2007 Dataset

19 Environmental Controls on Respiration
Xu + Baldocchi, AgForMet 2004

20 Understory Respiratory Efflux Scales with GPP
Misson et al., 2007, AgForMet

21 Linking Water and Carbon: Potential to assess Gc with Remote Sensing
Xu + DDB, 2003 AgForMet

22 Normalized Evaporation Scales with Surface Resistance
Surface Resistance = f(LAI, soil moisture, Ps Capacity, Ps Pathway)

23 Temporal Dynamics of C Fluxes
Hour Day Month Season Year Multiple Years Pulses Lags Switches

24 Decadal Plus Time Series of NEE: Flux version of the Keeling’s Mauna Loa Graph
Data of Wofsy, Munger, Goulden, et al.

25 Decadal Plus Time Series of GEE and Reco:
Data of Wofsy, Munger, Goulden et al.

26 Complicating Dynamical Factors
Switches/Pulses Rain Phenology/Length of Season Frost/Freezing Emergent Processes Clouds & LUE Acclimation Lags Stand Age/Disturbance Baldocchi and Valentini, SCOPE

27 NEE and Length of Growing Season:
Coherent response among sites, impact of length of growing season. Does not account for interannual variability at a site, due to snow cover, drought, cloudy vs clear summers etc. Baldocchi et al 2001, BAMS

28 An Objective Indicator of Phenology??
Soil Temperature: An Objective Indicator of Phenology?? Data of Pilegaard et al.; Baldocchi et al. Int J. Biomet, 2005

29 An Objective Measure of Phenology, part 2
Soil Temperature: An Objective Measure of Phenology, part 2 Baldocchi et al. Int J. Biomet, 2005

30 Sources of Interannual Variability

31 Lag Effects Due to 2003 European Drought/Heat Stress
Knohl et al Max Planck, Jena

32 Respiration Lags Photosynthesis, v1: Hourly Scale
Tang et al. 2006, GCB

33 Continuous Measurements Enable Use of Inverse Fourier Transforms to Quantify Lag Times
Tang et al. 2006, GCB

34 Quantifying the impact of rain pulses on respiration
Xu, Baldocchi, Tang, 2004 Global Biogeochem Cycles

35 Spatial Variations in C Fluxes

36 Spatialize Phenology with Flux-Based Transformation & Climate Map

37 Flux Based Phenology Patterns with Match well with data from Phenology Network
White, Baldocchi and Schwartz, GRL, submitted

38 Do Snap-Shot C Fluxes, inferred from Remote Sensing, Relate to Daily C Flux Integrals?
Sims et al 2005 AgForMet

39 MODIS GPP Algorithm Test
Heinsch et al RSE

40 Limits to Landscape Classification by Functional Type
Stand Age/Disturbance Biodiversity Fire Logging Insects/Pathogens Management/Plantations

41 Use of Chronosequences to Study Disturbance and Succession
SINK SOURCE Goulden et al.

42 Ecosystem Model Testing and Development
Kucharik et al., 2006 Ecol Modeling

43 Seasonality of Photosynthetic Capacity
Wang et al, 2007 GCB

44 Optimizing Seasonality of Vcmax improves Prediction of Fluxes
Wang et al, 2007 GCB

45 FLUXNET Successes Mountains of data from a spectrum of canopy roughness and stability conditions, functional types and climate spaces have been collected A Model for Data Sharing FLUXNET Web Site, a venue for distributing Primary, Value-added and Meta-Data products Value-Added Products have been produced Development of Gap-Filling Techniques Production of Gap-Filled Daily and Annual Sums Many New Findings on Emergent Processes, Environmental Controls and Seasonality and Annual C fluxes Data for Validating and Improving SVAT models used for weather, climate, biogeochemistry and ecosystem dynamics Collaboration & Synthesis through Workshops and Hosting Visitors Building a Collaborative, Cooperative, Multi-Disciplinary & International Community of Researchers Training New and Next Generation of Scientists, Postdocs, Students

46 Current and Future Scientific Directions
NEE in Urban and Suburban, Africa, India, Latin America and High Arctic Environments Quantifying and Understanding the controls on Interannual Variability of C and energy Fluxes Monitoring the Metabolism of Ecosystems as we undergo Global Change Coupling CO2, Trace Gas Deposition/Emission (O3, voc) and Methane Fluxes Adopting New Technology (TDL, wireless networks) to embellish flux measurements Couple tower data with Real-time Data Assimilation Models. Boundary Layer Budgets using Fluxes and High Precision CO2 measurements Spectral reflectance measurements and Digital Photos across the network for phenology and dynamics of structure and function Spatial-Temporal Network-Scale Analysis Real-time Data Assimilation Matching Footprints of Tower and Pixels Model Lags, Switches and Pulses Using Fluxnet data to assess problems in Ecology, Ecohydrology, Biogeochemistry, Biogeography, Remote Sensing, Global Modeling, Biodiversity Testing Maximum Entropy, Ecosystem Ecology, Biogeography and EcoHydrology Theories

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