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5 5 levels of organization:

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1 5 5 levels of organization:
a. Protoplasmic: single cell, organelle level of function. b Cellular: aggregates of similar cells c. Cell-Tissue: specialized cells form few tissues d. Tissue-organ: different tissues organized into organs e. Organ-system: different organs work together in systems Increasing levels of complexity!!! 5

2 2 2. Tendency for maximum body size to increase…….. Fewer predators
Better offense Temperature/environmental buffer Less energy to move around Increased complexity means better circulation and respiration so it is one way to get big. The other way is be a flat ribbon. So increased complexity ALLOWS organisms to get big. 2

3 2 3. Parenchyma and stroma: Parenchyma: functional cells of the body
or organ. Stroma: connective/structural cells of the body or organ. 2

4 3 4. Fluid compartments in open and closed circulatory systems:
Intracellular space: within cells, so - like cytoplasm. Extracellular space: fluid between cells Closed Circulatory Systems blood and plasma contained in vessels extracellular or interstitial fluid between cells 3

5 Four major tissue types:
Epithelial Connective Muscular Nervous 1

6 1 6. Simple vs. Stratified epithelial:
Simple epithelial: single layer of cells with underlayment, delicate Stratified epithelial: two to many layers of cells with underlayment, tough and can withstand stretching. Good for lining because it is stretchy and cells are constantly being replaced. 1

7 3 Cells Fibers Ground substance
Elements and examples of connective tissue: Loose connective tissue Cells Fibers Ground substance Dense connective tissue Cartilage & Bone Alternative: Skin, bone, blood 3

8 8. 3 kinds of muscle: Skeletal: voluntary muscle, connected to bone, body movement. Striated. Smooth: involuntary muscle, lines tubes like gut and esophagus. Not striated Cardiac: involuntary muscle, specific to heart, hybrid between striated and smooth. 3

9 2 9. Structural and functional features of a neuron: Cell Body (soma)
Dendrite Axon Terminus (synaptic) Myelin sheath 2

10 5 10. Matching: C Protozoan -- Unicellular
G Nemertean -- Cell Aggregate D Flatworm Blind sac, acoelomate A Nemotode -- tube within a tube, pseudocolemate F Arthropod & B Vertebrate -- tube within a tube, eucolemate 5

11 4 Symmetry: Spherical: many planes of symmetry, ball-like, volvox
Radial: many planes of symmetry around a central axis: jellyfish (cnidarians)\ Biradial: many planes of symmetry around a central axis but with features that make them bilateral also: ctenophores Bilateral: two mirror images on either side of the sagittal plane 4

12 5 12. Body position Dorsal Anterior Posterior Lateral Proximal Distal
Ventral 5

13 13. Body planes 3

14 2 14. Segmentation, also called metamerism.
Serial repetition of similar body segments along the longitudinal axis. Significant evolutionary event permitting greater mobility and complexity. Annelida Chordata Arthropoda 2

15 15. 3

16 16. 2

17 Total = 46 pts!!!

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