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Social Institution : Education

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1 Social Institution : Education
Purpose and Functions of Education and South Korean Education system Case Study HSP3UI

2 Purpose of Education: Sociological Theories
Functionalist Theory education teaches knowledge and skills aids in cultural transmission of values and social integration replaces functions no longer provided by family

3 2. Conflict Theory education teaches obedience to authority and blind conformity to cultural norms values taught are those needed to work for the elite, “keep the rich rich and the poor poor” and fill job market requirements Kindergarten as “boot camp” marks as “allotment” into society (S.E.S.)

4 Case Study: Education in South Korea

5 A temple in the mountains...

6 Quiet peaceful countryside. Is this the real Asia
Quiet peaceful countryside...Is this the real Asia? Or the Asia in your mind?

7 South Korea has been at war for 50 years against the North

8 Seoul, a city of 25 million people...
50 million in a country smaller than Lake Superior

9 A Nice Day at the Beach... Busan
1 million people gather on a beach 1.5 km long You even need to line up to go swimming

10 Apartments and mountains..
Overcrowding leads to a highly competitive environment The average Korean works 70 hours a week

11 Some of the food can be a little shocking...
This is called Kay-Bool, it's a type of seaworm


13 Bun Dae Gi...a popular children's snack...Fried Silkworm Larva

14 The Korean Education System
Sport's Day! All day mass exercises

15 Kindergarten Kindergarten starts as young as 2 years old.
They study from 9-4pm, 1 hour a week outside playtime.

16 Elementary School Vacation Homework School from 8-4 Academies from 5-8

17 Almost every student in the country “studies” English
Like all kids, they spend as much time playing as possible

18 After School Studying Most Children have 4 or more
English Math Science Chinese Piano Taekwondo Korean Essay Writing Study Rooms Golf Speed Reading Ballet Hip Hop Dancing Exam Prep English Exam Japanese Robotics Design Art Vacation Schooling

19 How much does it cost? Monthly English academy fees are approximately $250 The average family spends 33% of their income on private lessons This averages about $1000/month for 1 child

20 Middle School School from 8-5 Academies from 6-10 or 11 Uniforms
Hair length rules Mandatory Extra Classes Saturday School Academies on Sundays

21 Corporal Punishment Known as the 'lovestick'
Hitting students on the knuckles The buttocks The thighs The palms of the hands For low test scores or not completing homework

22 High School 8 am – 10 pm Private Classes until midnight or later
Grades 10 & 11 have 1 week summer holiday Grade 12 has 3 day holiday Final Year countdown to KSAT

23 KSAT Exam 365 day study plan Highly competitive, all grades are posted
Only students who attend top universities can get good jobs Highest Teen Suicide rate in the world Test score decides your major Boys must take 2 years off after high school to go into the army

24 Collaboration Compare the education systems in Ontario and South Korea, using a “t-chart” for similarities and differences. Which sociological theory do you believe is more accurate when it comes to education in Ontario, the functionalist theory or the conflict theory (or is it a bit of both ?) Explain using examples.

25 3. Is South Korea’s education system more in
line with the functionalist theory or conflict theory ? Explain. 4. What does the education system say about the cultures of Ontario and South Korea (ie. how is the overall culture of each society reflected in each school system ?)

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