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Ulrike Döring (German Environment Agency, Dep. Emission situation)

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Presentation on theme: "Ulrike Döring (German Environment Agency, Dep. Emission situation)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ulrike Döring (German Environment Agency, Dep. Emission situation)
TFEIP 2017 – Agriculture Expert Panel Update of the Guidebook Chapter 3.D.f Agriculture other including use of pesticide Ulrike Döring (German Environment Agency, Dep. Emission situation)

2 Outline Background & History EEA Guidebook Methodology 27.11.2018
TFEIP Meeting 2017 in Krakov

3 Background & History Stockholm Convention & Protocol on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) 1998 Aarhus Protocol on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) & as amended on 18 December 2009 Objective of the Protocol: ban of the production and use of some products outright ( aldrin, chlordane, chlordecone, dieldrin, endrin, hexabromobiphenyl, mirex and toxaphene).   Scheduled for elimination at a later stage (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT), heptachlor, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), hexaclorobenzene). Emissions reduction of dioxins, furans, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and hexachlorobenzene (HCB) below their levels in 1990. TFEIP Meeting 2017 in Krakov

4 Background & History Issues Decision 2011/13 (ECE/EB.AIR/109/Add.1), Reporting of persistent organic pollutants emissions Para 3 (b): Improve and complete the emission inventories of POPs, where needed; Para 4 (a), (iii) The different use of notation keys among Parties; (iv) The consistency of reported POP emission estimates with the reporting guidelines, the EMEP/EEA Air Pollutant Emission Inventory Guidebook and among Parties; TFEIP meeting in Bern 2012 => Reviewing the POPs sections of the Guidebook (GB) general lack of information on HCB => still open issue in the GB until now!! TFEIP Meeting 2017 in Krakov

5 Background & History Sector split of HCB emissions of the EU28 in 1990 and 2014 (percentage share per sector) Data source: National emissions reported to the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (LRTAP Convention, submission 2016) provided by European Environment Agency (EEA) TFEIP Meeting 2017 in Krakov

6 HCB emissions inventory in the EU
Background & History HCB emissions inventory in the EU High uncertainty: not every sector is reported by all countries! No or not updated methodology to estimate HCB emissions published in the GB! For pesticide use (NFR 3.D.f): only 6 MS reported HCB emissions with the submission 2016 =>Inconcistency of the used methodology or used EF TFEIP Meeting 2017 in Krakov

7 EEA Guidebook, 3.D.f, 3.I Agriculture other including use of pesticide
Simple approach Tier 1, Consideration of the pure substances, most of them are prohibited since 2001 in production and use. Data source: TFEIP Meeting 2017 in Krakov

8 EEA Guidebook, 3.D.f, 3.I Agriculture other including use of pesticide
Not considered in the GB: pesticides with HCB impurity or used as a by-product Following active substances contained HCB as a contaminant: atrazine, simazine, picloram, pentachloronitrobenzene (PCNB), chlorothalonil, dimethyl tetrachloroterephthalate (DCPA), tefluthrin, lindane, technical HCH, PCP and PCP-Na. Some of these substances are still in use. Issue: Description of the methodology needs to be updated. TFEIP Meeting 2017 in Krakov

9 Proposal: Epest = Σ(ADpest_i · IFpest_i) · EFpest_i
EEA Guidebook proposed methodology, 3.D.f, 3.I Agriculture other including use of pesticide Proposal: Epest = Σ(ADpest_i · IFpest_i) · EFpest_i Epest = Total HCB emission of active substances (in kg a-1), ADpest = Mass of individual active substances applied (kg a-1), IFpest_i = HCB impurity factor of individual active substances (mg kg-1) EFpest = EF for individual active substances (kg kg-1). AD: Activity data Statictic of pesticide sales (legal act EC regulation No 1185/2009 with list of active substances), Article 3, para 1 Member states shall collect the data necessary for the specification of the characteristics listed in Annex I on an annual basis and for the specification of the characteristics listed in Annex III in five-year periods …. TFEIP Meeting 2017 in Krakov

10 IF: Impurity factor (HCB content)
EEA Guidebook proposed methodology, 3.D.f, 3.I Agriculture other including use of pesticide IF: Impurity factor (HCB content) National standards for HCB impurity with permissible value can differ in the MS and depends on the year. Where do you find or get information for your country? (Quick links to the EU pesticide database), Legal acts: Directive 2005/53/EC (max. permitted HCB concentration 10 mg/kg), Directive 2006/76/EC & regulation (EU) no 540/2011 (max. impurity value 40 mg/kg), ask directly the producers (Syngenta, Dupont, Dow AgroScience, Bayer, BASF etc.), chemical analysis of some products. TFEIP Meeting 2017 in Krakov

11 IF: Impurity factor As an example for Germany:
EEA Guidebook proposed methodology, 3.D.f, 3.I Agriculture other including use of pesticide IF: Impurity factor As an example for Germany: TFEIP Meeting 2017 in Krakov

12 EEA Guidebook proposed methodology, 3. D. f, 3
EEA Guidebook proposed methodology, 3.D.f, 3.I Agriculture other including use of pesticide EF: Emission factor Very little published information about the HCB quantities that are actually emitted during application of relevant pesticides is available that also takes account of factors such as climate, application procedures, formulations and behaviour over time (Bailey, 2001). In the GB: EFHCB 50 % with a high uncertainty, derived from vapour pressure UK HCB emission inventory (source: UK IIR (1990 to 2014)): “…70% of the new HCB is emitted into atmosphere and over 95% of the HCB emission into atmosphere is through the use of chlorthalonil…” More information is welcome!!! TFEIP Meeting 2017 in Krakov

13 Thank you Ulrike German Environment Agency, Dep. I 2.6 Emission situation TFEIP Meeting 2017 in Krakov

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