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What happens after you receive an FCDL?

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Presentation on theme: "What happens after you receive an FCDL?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What happens after you receive an FCDL?
Post commitment

2 PROCESS CHECK We have… Posted 470 Waited 28 days
Kept process “open, fair, and competitive” by posting Q&A and other related RFP docs: No secrets Every potential bidder has the same info at the same time All’s fair in love and competitive bidding.. Restarted 28 day clock for any substantive changes.

3 PROCESS CHECK We have… Evaluated ALL bids
Selected the winning provider. Documented all necessary processes and decisions Cost effectiveness Winning and losing bids (including those disqualified) Memorization date of approved bid/contract If possible, entered into a legally binding agreement… Signed a contract or a month-to-month agreement

4 PROCESS CHECK We have… Completed contract module for all **new** contracts Completed connectivity questions (if data has changed) Gathered all necessary FRN/Line-item data Updated entity profiles Including new schools, library outlets, student counts, NSLP, square-footage, etc. *make sure to call CSB to create BEN’s for new entities

5 PROCESS CHECK We have… Filed and certified FCC Form 471
Reviewed RAL for any M&C errors Answered all PIA inquiries Generated FCDL Saved all related documentation

6 PROCESS CHECK We need to… File FCC Form 486
Track provider invoices (monthly) for accuracy Fore reoccurring services, complete invoicing template (each month) Track any changes to services. File necessary forms. Complete SPI or BEAR forms Pat self on back…


8 FCC Form 486

9 FCC Form 486 Purpose Notifies USAC that services have started for the recipients of service included on one or more funded Funding Request Numbers (FRNs). Indicates the status of compliance* with the Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA) for the recipients of service for the FRN(s). Only FRN’s including internet access must comply with CIPA. “In general, school and library authorities must certify either that they have complied with the requirements of CIPA, that they are undertaking actions, including any necessary procurement procedures, to comply with the requirements of CIPA, or that CIPA does not apply to them because they are receiving discounts for telecommunications services only.” Adopts rules proposed in the Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to implement the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) for Schools and Libraries program. NOTE: You will not be able to file for reimbursement until the FCC 486 has been filed and approved by USAC.

10 FCC Form 486 When? File after an applicant has received an FCDL and when they can make the following statements: Confirmed with service provider that services have been installed or began. Can truthfully make all certifications on the form, including CIPA. Only FRN’s including internet access must comply with CIPA. “In general, school and library authorities must certify either that they have complied with the requirements of CIPA, that they are undertaking actions, including any necessary procurement procedures, to comply with the requirements of CIPA, or that CIPA does not apply to them because they are receiving discounts for telecommunications services only.” Deadline: FCC Form 486 must be received or postmarked no later than 120 days after the Service Start Date shown on the FCC Form 486 or 120 days after the date of the FCDL, whichever is later.

11 FCC Form 486 Live Demo Only FRN’s including internet access must comply with CIPA. “In general, school and library authorities must certify either that they have complied with the requirements of CIPA, that they are undertaking actions, including any necessary procurement procedures, to comply with the requirements of CIPA, or that CIPA does not apply to them because they are receiving discounts for telecommunications services only.”


13 Why would you need to file a service substitution?
If you miss this deadline, USAC will adjust your Service Start Date to a date 120 days before the date you certified your form, and your funding commitment may be reduced to reflect the reduction in service time.

14 Why would you need to file a service substitution?
When your services have changed after receipt of an FCDL.

15 Service Substitution EXAMPLES:
An applicant can be granted a request to use 87 six-port network modules instead of a different brand of 58 eight-port network modules as originally approved in the applicant's FCC Form 471. Applicant applied and was funded for a 1 gbps circuit. However, the installation is delayed. Applicant informs USAC that the currently installed 500 mbps circuit will be billed from months July-Oct and 1 gbps Nov-June.* *Both the 500 mbps and 1 gbps has to be covered through the originating 470 and contract with the same provider.

16 Service Substitution The substituted services or products have the same functionality as the services or products contained in the original proposal. The substitution does not violate any contract provisions or state or local procurement laws. The substitution does not result in an increase in the percentage of ineligible services or functions. The requested change is within the scope of the establishing FCC Form 470, including any Requests for Proposal (RFP), for the original service.

17 Why would you need to file a service substitution?
Your invoices MUST match your FRN line-item detail! Keeps USAC informed of any minor changes to your application. Avoids possible denials and/or future audit findings!

18 When do you need to file a service substitution?
After the Receipt Acknowledgement Letter… After the FCDL… Prior to the last date to receive service for the FRN… Before invoicing USAC. Corrective Service Subs can be filed with USAC after the last date to receive service.

19 Where to file a service substitution?

20 Where to file a service substitution?

21 FCC FORM 498

22 FCC Form 498

23 FCC Form 498 The form requires information such as:
Basic information about the applicant, which will mostly auto-populate based on your E-rate Productivity Center (EPC) account, such as billed entity name and address. A Federal Employer Identification Number (EIN/Tax ID) Remittance contact information Financial contact information for the financial institution, such as an account and routing number Any other billed entities (BENs) that should be associated with the same banking account information Must be filed prior to completing BEAR.


25 Your BEAR submissions should match your FRN line-item.
Reimbursement BEAR FRN Contract Bid Response 470 Your BEAR submissions should match your FRN line-item. Your FRN line-item should match your contract. Your contract should match the vendor’s response (bid). The bid should match your FCC Form 470. Example: You can’t apply for Category Two Internal Connections if you did not request bids for IC’s on your 470.

26 Reimbursement Choose Wisely

27 Reimbursement BEAR Demo

28 Extensions- Invoicing
Invoice Deadline Extension Available for both SPI and BEAR invoicing methods Covers recurring (MRC) and non-recurring costs (NRC) Either provider or applicant may request DEADLINE: Request before invoicing deadline, the later of: FCC Form 486 RNL date generated calendar days Last date of service +120 calendar days

29 Extensions- Service Delivery
A Funding Commitment Decision Letter (FCDL) is issued by USAC on or after March 1 of the funding year. Operational SPIN changes or service substitutions are approved by USAC on or after March 1 of the funding year. The applicant or service provider requested an extension because the service provider was unable to complete delivery and installation for reasons beyond the service provider's control. The applicant or service provider requested an extension because the service provider has been unwilling to complete delivery and installation after USAC withheld payment for those services on a properly-submitted invoice for more than 60 days after submission of the invoice. USAC will automatically extend the service delivery deadline in situations where the first two criteria are met. Recipients of non-recurring services that fall under the third and fourth criteria must file an FCC Form 500 on or before the last date to receive service (generally September 30 following the close of the funding year) to request an extension of the service delivery deadline.

30 Extensions- Service Delivery
Filed via an FCC Form 500 Recurring services must be delivered during the relevant funding year (July 1 through June 30).. In general, non-recurring services must be delivered and installed between July 1 of the relevant funding year and September 30, following the June 30 close of that funding year (i.e., 15 months after the beginning of the funding year)


32 Beneficiary and Contributors Audit Program (BCAP)
The primary purpose of audits is to ensure compliance with FCC rules and program requirements. “Schools, libraries, and service providers shall be subject to audits and other investigations to evaluate their compliance with the statutory and regulatory requirements for the schools and libraries universal service support mechanism, including those requirements pertaining to what services and products are purchased, what services and products are delivered, and how services and products are being used.” (§ 47 CFR ) BCAP audits are based upon agreed-upon procedures approved by the FCC.

33 Payment Quality Assurance (PQA)
PQA assessments support the Improper Payments Improvement Act of 2002 (IPIA) and the Improper Payments Elimination and Recovery Act of 2010 (IPERA) requirements. PQA assessments are conducted to calculate improper payments. USAC assesses specific payments made to applicants and determines if the payments were made in accordance with Federal Communications Commission (FCC) rules. Improper payment rate is reported to the FCC annually

34 Invoice Reviews

35 Document Retention Documentation must be retained for at least 10 years after the latter of the last day of the applicable funding year or the service delivery deadline for the funding request. Documents can be in electronic format or paper as stated in the E-rate Modernization Order (FCC 14-99). Applicants and service providers must retain ALL documentation that shows compliance with all FCC rules. Any document from a prior year that supports current year activities must be kept for a period of 10 years after the last day of service delivered. E.g., contract from 2005, used to support FY2016 recurring service FRNs, must be kept until at least June 30, 2027.


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