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Presented by Darren McIntyre, Ed.S.

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Presented by Darren McIntyre, Ed.S. Celebrating 40 Years as an Interdisciplinary UCEDD Project Values Mission Statement Project Outcomes Students Use of collaborative teaming strategies High expectations and the assumption that all children can learn as described by Cheryl Jorgensen’s article, “The Least Dangerous Assumption” Practices that support inclusive academic and social experiences for all students, such as Universal Design for Learning, co-teaching, and differentiated instruction TA and training to over 4,000 students with complex support needs Average of 150 students per year Increase percentage of students placed inside general education classroom (i.e. 53% of students referred last year saw an increase in additional percentage of placement time inside general education class) To assist local teams of families, educators, and other service providers in the delivery of quality educational services to students on IEPs with complex support needs, through technical assistance, professional development, systems change, family support services and/or other consultation services. Vision Every child and youth in Vermont, who requires intensive special education is welcome in their general education class and community, is taught well, and has access to needed resources for a quality education. Students currently between the ages of 3 to 22 (EI I-Team Birth-2) and are receiving services through an IEP and has a disability, which significantly impacts learning, cognitive functioning, and adaptive behavior and requires intensive individualized instruction and significant supports to access the general education curriculum. Funding Celebrating 40 years as a project with funding from VT State Appropriation Received approximately $36,500,000 over the life of the project. Current year FY17 funding is $1,030,084 Use of the Grade Level General Education Curriculum as the foundation for all students’ learning Actions that ensure that all students are treated as true members of the general education teacher’s class and classroom References: Anish with his peers [Photograph]. (2015, December 3). VT I-Team and Rick Marcotte Central School, South Burlington. Jorgensen, C. (2005). The Least Dangerous Assumption: A challenge to create a new paradigm. Disability Solutions, 6(3), 1, 5-9. Order online at

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