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(A) The Knights Templar (B) The Bounty Hunters (C) The Jedi Knights

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Presentation on theme: "(A) The Knights Templar (B) The Bounty Hunters (C) The Jedi Knights"— Presentation transcript:

1 1. What is the name of the ancient order to which Obi-Wan (Ben) Kenobi belongs?
(A) The Knights Templar (B) The Bounty Hunters (C) The Jedi Knights (D) The Sith 2. What does Princess Leia hide in R2-D2’s memory? (A) The location of the hidden Rebel base (B) The technical plans for the Death Star (C) Pictures of herself in a gold bikini (D) The secret of her father’s identity

2 3. Why does Han Solo owe Jabba the Hutt so much money?
(A) He dumped a smuggled cargo before he was boarded. (B) He lost to Jabba at cards. (C) He lost to Jabba at tennis. (D) He owes Jabba for the Millennium Falcon. 4. What is C-3PO’s primary function? (A) Hand-to-hand combat (B) Cooking and cleaning (C) Mechanical maintenance (D) Etiquette and protocol

3 5. Why does Grand Moff Tarkin destroy Alderaan
5. Why does Grand Moff Tarkin destroy Alderaan? (A) To build an interstellar bypass (B) To demonstrate to the galaxy the power of the Death Star (C) Because the Rebel base is hidden there (D) No particular reason 6. Why does Darth Vader want to face Obi-Wan so intensely? (A) Obi-Wan was Vader’s former master. (B) Obi-Wan stole Vader’s wife. (C) Obi-Wan is Vader’s father. (D) Vader is Obi-Wan’s father.

4 7. Why is Luke able to destroy the Death Star
7. Why is Luke able to destroy the Death Star? (A) He uses the targeting computer. (B) He trusts in his own skills. (C) He uses the Force. (D) He gets lucky. 8. What sort of planet is Hoth? (A) Swampy (B) Desert (C) Icy (D) Forest

5 9. How does Vader show displeasure with his officers
9. How does Vader show displeasure with his officers? (A) He writes them up. (B) He strangles them with the Force. (C) He kills them with his lightsaber. (D) He feeds them to a creature. 10. What does Han find so annoying, yet attractive, about Leia? (A) She won’t admit her true feelings for him. (B) She always cleans up after him. (C) She won’t tell him who her father is. (D) She’s in love with Luke.

6 11. What does Leia find so annoying, yet attractive, about Han
11. What does Leia find so annoying, yet attractive, about Han? (A) He never picks up after himself. (B) He’s a bad mechanic. (C) He acts like a scoundrel. (D) His best friend is a Wookie. 12. Why does Lando betray Han and the others? (A) He wants to protect the mining colony. (B) He needs the money. (C) He hates Han for stealing his ship. (D) Vader controls him mentally.

7 13. Why does Yoda act so silly when he first meets Luke
13. Why does Yoda act so silly when he first meets Luke? (A) He enjoys being annoying. (B) To test Luke’s patience and character. (C) He can’t help it. (D) He wants to convince Luke not to attack him. 14. What does Luke see in his vision at the cave? (A) His friends suffering (B) His own face in Vader’s mask (C) Ben’s face in Vader’s mask (D) Leia in a gold bikini

8 15. What shocking truth does Vader reveal to Luke on Bespin
15. What shocking truth does Vader reveal to Luke on Bespin? (A) Luke is Vader’s father. (B) Ben is Vader’s father (C) Chewbacca is Luke’s father. (D) Vader is Luke’s father. 16. What does Jabba do with Han’s frozen body? (A) Hangs it on the wall (B) Uses it as a coffee table (C) Hangs coats on it (D) Uses it to keep drinks cool

9 17. How does Boba Fett die? (A) Leia strangles him. (B) Luke blasts him. (C) The Sarlacc eats him. (D) An Ewok jabs him. 18. What shocking truth does Ben reveal to Luke on Dagobah? (A) Vader is Luke’s father. (B) Leia is Luke’s sister. (C) Han is Luke’s brother. (D) Luke and Chewbacca are twins.

10 19. What do the Ewoks think of C-3PO. (A) He is an Ewok
19. What do the Ewoks think of C-3PO? (A) He is an Ewok. (B) He tastes good. (C) He is something of a dandy. (D) He is a god. 20. How do the Ewoks help the Rebels on Endor? (A) By showing them the back door to the shield generator (B) By fighting the Imperial troops (C) By helping Leia kill an Imperial scout (D) All of the above

11 21. How do Ackbar and Lando try to neutralize the effectiveness of the Death Star? (A) Leaving the area (B) Attacking it directly (C) Moving in among the Imperial ships (D) Ignoring it 22. Why does the Emperor try to increase Luke’s fear, anger, and hatred? (A) Simply for fun (B) To turn Luke to the dark side of the Force (C) To prevent Luke from turning to the dark side (D) So that Luke will kill himself

12 23. Why is the Emperor so pleased to see Luke defeat Vader
23. Why is the Emperor so pleased to see Luke defeat Vader? (A) He expects Luke to become his new apprentice. (B) He looks forward to killing Luke himself. (C) He enjoys a good lightsaber duel. (D) He always hated Vader. 24. What is Darth Vader’s real name? (A) Leon Skywalker (B) Loki Skywalker (C) Obi-Wan Kenobi (D) Anakin Skywalker

13 25. At the very end, who does Luke see together
25. At the very end, who does Luke see together? (A) His mother and father (B) Anakin, Ben, and Yoda (C) Anakin, Owen, and Ben (D) Yoda and Ben

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