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Target Reconstruction through Fusion of Vision and LIDAR for AR&D On-Orbit 3D Reconstruction in absolute scale is necessary for autonomous rendezvous on-orbit.

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Presentation on theme: "Target Reconstruction through Fusion of Vision and LIDAR for AR&D On-Orbit 3D Reconstruction in absolute scale is necessary for autonomous rendezvous on-orbit."— Presentation transcript:

1 Target Reconstruction through Fusion of Vision and LIDAR for AR&D On-Orbit
3D Reconstruction in absolute scale is necessary for autonomous rendezvous on-orbit Vision-only reconstruction has an overall scale ambiguity Camera & line-scanning LIDAR solution potentially enables smallSat AR&D missions Line-scanning LIDAR has lower power budget (currently) than 3D Flash LIDAR Jose Padial, Aerospace Robotics Laboratory, Stanford University 1

2 Quasi-Good 10-Frame Reconstruction Bad 10-Frame Reconstruction
Target Reconstruction through Fusion of Vision and LIDAR for AR&D On-Orbit Current framework is a good start, but requires significant additional development to be a viable, robust solution Quasi-Good 10-Frame Reconstruction Bad 10-Frame Reconstruction Jose Padial, Aerospace Robotics Laboratory, Stanford University 2

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