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Undeniable and unconditional acceptance of all students.

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2 Undeniable and unconditional acceptance of all students.
Welcome to the School Year in 5th Grade! Undeniable and unconditional acceptance of all students. The Gretna Elementary School staff is committed to developing capable and lifelong learners. The Gretna Public Schools uses the Macmillan/McGraw-Hill Reading program. This program is based on the philosophy of guided reading instruction. Short whole group mini-lessons and reading of a story common to all students are combined with small group reading of leveled texts. Phonetic skill practice, comprehension strategies, and curriculum enrichment activities are emphasized in small “skill group” instruction. Quality literature books are used extensively in class and students are strongly encouraged to select these books for recreational reading enjoyment. Fifth grade reading goals include: Read a variety of literature Continue vocabulary development Story Structure Author’s Skills Comprehend effectively Locate information Organize meaning Evaluate text Roots, prefixes, and suffixes are the building blocks upon which all words are formed. A thorough knowledge of these elements will greatly enhance the students’ vocabulary and improve their understanding of otherwise unfamiliar words. Each week we will be studying four to eight new vocabulary words. We will be looking at word parts, definitions, synonyms, antonyms and using the words in context. READING and VOCABULARY

3 WRITING The fifth grade at Gretna Elementary will be using Lucy Caulkins Units of Study for writing. Units include, Writing Fiction: Big Dreams, Tall Ambitions; Breathing Life Into Essays; Poetry; and Memoir: The Art of Writing Well. Writing will be done in the form of Writer’s Workshop. Fifth Grade English-Writing Goals include: Organize and write paragraphs and stories using the Six Traits of Writing qualities. Use the writing process effectively Prewriting First Draft Revising Editing Final Draft Investigating Modes of Writing: Poetry Fiction Narrative Memoir Descriptive Weekly Spelling: The spelling lists will be taken from the spelling component of our reading series. The list is sent home with the student on Friday. The posttest will be given on Friday of the next week. It is important that the students practice their words at home. Spelling in Writing: Students are expected to use correct spelling in all their work. During the drafting stage of the writing process, students are encouraged to get their thoughts down without having to stop constantly to check spelling. Students receive direct instruction and practice in editing for spelling errors. Fifth grade spelling goals: • Correctly spell words at their own level • Learn and use a variety of spelling skills and strategies • Successfully use spelling patterns in written language SPELLING

DRAGON CLUB Intervention and enrichment activities that fits each student as a learner Students will work in various 5th grade classrooms 20 minutes of Reading 20 minutes of Math The fifth grade Scott Foresman-Addison Wesley Math enVision 2.0 Program focuses on helping students make sense of mathematics in meaningful ways. Number sense is the driving force of the program. Number sense includes estimation, mental math, and much more. Students who develop strong number sense become more proficient with computation and more powerful as problem solvers. Problem-solving strategies are analyzed in specific lessons, as well as thoroughly developed and practiced throughout. Students become proficient problem solvers as they learn to apply their reading skills and the eight math practices. TOPIC COVERED IN 5TH GRADE • NUMBERS & COMPUTATION • Place value of whole numbers and decimals • Add & subtract whole numbers, decimals to hundredths, & fractions • Multiply & divide multi-digit numbers, decimals, & fractions • Use models & multiple strategies to divide whole numbers & decimals • Use equivalent fractions to add and subtract fractions • MEASUREMENT & DATA • Volume • Convert measurements • Represent & interpret data • OPERATIONS & ALGEBRA • Algebra: • Write & interpret numerical expressions • Analyze patterns & relationships • GEOMETRY • Graph points on coordinate plane • Classify 2D figures based on their properties MATH PRACTICES Make sense of problems & persevere in solving them Reason abstractly and quantitatively Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others Model with mathematics Use appropriate tools strategically. Attend to precision Look for and make use of structure Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning. HOMEWORK Daily - most will be done in class Topic Tests - review will be assigned the day before MATH

American history is a key theme in this curriculum area. The curriculum is built around goals in the areas of history, geography, economics, culture and civics. Fifth Grade Social Studies covers the following topics: The Ancient Americans European Explorers Come to the Americas Settlement of the Thirteen Colonies American Revolutionary War Constitution of the United States Development of the United States: 1776–1800 Civil War Foss Science Curriculum provides students with many opportunities to construct their own knowledge of science. Students record their observations and conclusions as they work through the activities, investigate further extensions, and work on unit project links. Fifth Grade Science covers the following topics: Earth and Sun Mixture & Solutions Living Systems The Sun Separating Mixtures Earth Systems - energy transfers from sun to animals Planetary System Developing Models Earth’s Atmosphere Concentration Nutrient Systems Heating Earth Saturation Transport Systems Local Weather Chemical Reactions Sensory Systems Water Planet Tests: There are 3 – 4 tests per unit in each topic Study guides will be sent home for students to start filling out about a week before the test. Students should study at home We will review the day before. SCIENCE

6 1:35-2:10 SS/Science 2:15-2:50 Writing
PARENT COMMUNICATION The best way to get in touch with us is through . Weekly notes will be sent to you through about what’s going on through the week and any other important information. PLANNERS Students are expected to get their planners signed daily. This is a way to communicate between home and school regarding daily work. MESSAGE TO STUDENTS: Please the office or call. They will make sure your child gets the information they need. 7:50-9:00 Math 9:00-9:45 Specials 9:45-11:00 Reading 11:00-11:45 Dragon Club 11:45-12:05 Language Arts :05-12:30 Lunch :30-12:50 RECESS 12:50-1:35 SS/Science 1:35-2:10 SS/Science 2:15-2:50 Writing Technology: Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday every 3 weeks Guidance: 1st Semester: Every other week 2nd Semester: Once a month DAILY SCHEDULE

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