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French and Indian War Standard 8.17, 8.19.

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1 French and Indian War Standard 8.17, 8.19

2 The British Empire The American Colonies were part of the British Empire and were expected to fight and defend its interests

3 French and Indian War Global war mainly between Britain and France 7 Years' War--name of the conflict occurring in Europe French/Indian allies against the English Colonies (w/ some Indian allies) Ended in complete British victory

4 Answer on your Bellringer.
Thinking back to the way that the French colonized America, analyze why they had a better relationship with the Indians than the English did.

5 Did you say…. …because: smaller French settlements/population = less Indian land taken-trapped furs/fished rather than farmed. - learned their languages – married their women – didn’t to force religion on them Native Americans ultimately wanted to protect their own independence!

6 connection – Ft. Loudoun
Cherokees originally sided with the English colonists – provided protection from the French, Creeks, and trade with each other

7 connection – Ft. Loudoun
English built Ft. Louden on the Little TN river.

8 connection – Ft. Loudoun
-The English stop trading with the Cherokee. -Their friendly relationship is over.

9 connection – Ft. Loudoun
-Cherokee surround the fort and offer the English the chance to surrender and leave. -The English surrender -The Cherokee attack the fort, kill 30 people and burn down the fort.

10 Cause of the War Who controls the Ohio River Valley???

11 Washington’s First Command
-Sent to take Ft. Duquesne (near present day Pittsburg) from the French. -French won’t give it to him -Washington builds Ft. Necessity

12 George Washington Begins his Career

13 A Little Rain

14 The French Arrive

15 Washington Surrenders
He signs the document of surrender written in French…he doesn’t speak French…not smart—it says he is a war criminal.

16 Fort Duquesne Washington and General Braddock are sent to take it.
Braddock is shot and killed. They don’t get the fort.

17 Washington and the French and Indian War
Video Clip Washington and the French and Indian War

18 -Franklin takes the idea from Iroquois Confederacy---5 tribes that worked together as one.
-Colonies should work as one unit.


20 1757  William Pitt Becomes Foreign Minister
-He is willing to spend as much money necessary to win the war.

21 Answer on Bellringer What city do you think is named after Pitt?
Do you think Pitt’s plan is a good idea? Why or why not?

22 Treaty of Paris 1763 Treaty of Paris 1763.
1. France lost ALL territory in North America 2. Spain gets everything WEST of the Mississippi River 3. Spain gives Florida to Britain 4. England gets Canada End of French power in North America


24 Effects in the West Pontiac’s War –Pontiac wanted to organize Indians and drive British colonists out. - terrorized frontier for 2 years! -shows America is large and hard to control

25 Proclamation of 1763 -Halt settler’s westward expansion
–Settlers cannot move west of the Appalachian mtns

26 Can’t live here X

27 Colonial elected assemblies allowed more voting privileges than in England
Meanwhile…Britain wanted to “rein in” the colonies and needed to repay the huge debt accrued during the 18th Century wars

28 So if Britain needed $$ to repay itself for the war, how will they get it?

29 Did you say……levy taxes?
If so, how will England go about getting more tax money? Who will pay them? If you were the prime minister, what kind of tax would generate the most revenue and the quickest?

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