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The Association of Average Adjusters

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Presentation on theme: "The Association of Average Adjusters"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Association of Average Adjusters
Michael Harvey - Chairman


3 “Is it true that you can’t walk and chew gum?”


5 Communication Interactive Transactive Intentional Unintentional

6 Communications Talk Listen Confidence Judgement

7 Communications & Marine Insurance Claims

8 The Keys Expertise and experience An open mind An ability to listen
Respect for the views of others

9 "Your profession is a singular one - not merely because the vast majority of your fellow-citizens have not the remotest idea what your duties are; but because, above any other profession that is not actually legal, you are required to have, and in fact possess, a very exact knowledge of a very special branch of the law."

10 What do you need from an average adjuster?
Expertise Experience Independence

11 Average Adjusters and the World Market
Standing Expectations Communication Practices

12 The Role of the Association
Professional Standards Market & Industry Maintain skills

13 The Future Maintain and encourage expertise
Use skills efficiently and effectively Change working practices Engender trust and confidence

14 The Association of Average Adjusters
Michael Harvey - Chairman

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