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Upcoming Quizzes/Tests

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1 Upcoming Quizzes/Tests
Name:______________________ First Grade Newsletter Week of: 01/22/18 Spelling Words Homework lend spend fast past sink wink run bug of who Phonics Skill: short u Spelling Test Date: Friday, January 2nd *Your child should be able to spell these words. Please practice daily. Day Math Practice Book Reading Language Arts Other: Monday Study for Chapter 5 Test Tomorrow Chapter 5 Homework will be checked tomorrow Read “Kit & Rex” to an adult. Assessment on: Thursday & Friday (random selection) Study Spelling Word Tuesday NONE  Spelling Word Categories Wednesday SAT Dailies pgs. 36, 41 Read “Kit & Rex” to an adult. Assessment TOMORROW & FRIDAY Study Spelling Words Thursday 42, 47 Read to an adult  Friday 48,3 Read to and adult  High Frequency Words eat of no under who High Frequency Word Test: Thursday, January 1st *Please review daily. Your child should be able to read & recognize these words in text.* Upcoming Quizzes/Tests Chapter 5 Math Test on Tues., Jan. 23rd “Kit & Rex” Reading on Thurs., Jan. 25th & 26th Homework Reminders: Please remember to use the list of fiction & non-fiction questions when reading with your child  Contact Ms. T: Parent Signature: __________________________ Comment: ________________________________ _________________________________________

2 Important Reminders for this week: What We’re Learning This Week
Vocabulary Parade on Thursday, January 25th Danny Berry Social on Thursday, January 25th Dress Down Day for $2 on Friday, January 26th Vocabulary Reading: depend, habitat, hibernate, tolerate, tranquil Science: living, non-living, plants, animals Math: related facts A.K.A fact families Social Studies: history, time-line, community, technology, past, present What We’re Learning This Week Science: Living & Non-Living things Math: Chapter 5 – Addition & Subtraction Relationships, SAT Prep Reading: Unit 2 Week 3 – Main Topic (Main Idea) & Key Details, Inflectional ending –ing (action word that is happening now ex: running, jumping, drinking) Language Arts: Unit 2 Week 2 – Grammar: Possessive Nouns ‘s (who or what has something/it belongs to) Writing: Main Topic and details in regards to animals that live together in a habitat Social Studies: Change over time Upcoming Events Family Fun Day – Sunday, February 11th - PLEASE SIGN UP DURING DISMISSAL OR VIA .

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