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Calculation of evaporative emissions with COPERT Giorgos Mellios

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1 Calculation of evaporative emissions with COPERT Giorgos Mellios
Thessaloniki, 22 June 2012

2 Further improvements to COPERT
Two main issues identified during the previous meeting (23.05) Effect of ethanol on canister performance (working capacity and degradation) Effect of ethanol on fuel permeation

3 Modifications to the COPERT model

4 Permeation emissions Non ethanol containing fuels:
0.6 g/day for fluorinated tanks (34 % of cars) 0.2 g/day for multi-layer tanks (66 % of cars) Ethanol containing fuels (E5 – E10): 0.3 g/day additional emissions from the fuel and vapour control system Other sources (leakage etc.): 0.3 g/day (depending on fuel volatility and temperature)

5 Canister efficiency No effect of ethanol on canister working capacity
Activated carbon efficiency decrease: 1% decrease every km  ~10% decrease over vehicle lifetime No additional degradation due to ethanol (Swedish data) Improved durability for scenario 3: 1% decrease every km  ~6% decrease over vehicle lifetime

6 Swedish in-use compliance data
Vehicle category (engine capacity classes) Average mileage (km) Diurnal emissions (g/day) Failure rate (%) All (73) cars 44 581 1.74 30 Small (<1.4 l) cars 42 731 2.48 52 Medium (>1.4, <2.0 l) cars 45 131 1.59 22 Large (>2.0 l) cars 46 058 1.24 18

7 Modified purging strategy
Reduction of conditioning drive from 33 to 19 km Scenarios Baseline

8 Emissions calculations with modified model

9 Modelling of scenarios
More aggressive purging Scenario 2 More aggressive purging Bigger canister (size x 2) Scenario 3 Improved durability (lower carbon degradation)

10 Input to cost - effectiveness study
COPERT model adjusted to simulate different scenarios Simulation runs with modified COPERT Calculation of diurnal evap emissions for baseline and 3 Euro 6 scenarios defined by the JRC 4 MS calculated so far (all EU27 to be included in the final dataset) All years from 2015 to 2030 Euro 6 vehicle fleet population and activity data from EC4MACS Estimation of environmental benefits for each scenario compared to baseline

11 Calculated diurnal emissions

12 Calculated diurnal emissions
Additional assumption for scenario 3: all cars equipped with multi-layer tanks

13 Evap vs exhaust emissions
Cumulative emissions over the period Exhaust emissions calculated assuming an average g/km emission factor

14 Observations Significant emissions reduction potential
Carbon canister size seems to have the greatest effect compared to other options (i.e. purging strategy & durability) No reduction in permeation emissions has been assumed Ethanol is assumed to have no effect on canister emissions Evap and exhaust emissions on the same order of magnitude for Euro 6 cars

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