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Bertil Thorvaldsson Good morning!

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Presentation on theme: "Bertil Thorvaldsson Good morning!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Faster deployment of enterprise systems with industrialIT building blocks
Bertil Thorvaldsson Good morning! Today, we will give you a short demonstration on how ABB provides its customers with the “building blocks” for easier configuration and deployment of business systems in the fast-moving Connected Economy. . . ABB © ABB Ltd - Page 1

2 Challenge: New information requirements
Evaporater has failed! 8 plants in 5 countries. How do we manage today’s order backlog? eAuction today! Can we deliver 10,000 tons for xx$? Answer required in 10 minutes In this highly-competitive era, our customers are increasingly faced with the need for fast, real-time information. The unexpected failure of a plant component, for example, or the opportunity of a large eCommerce transaction, may require a complex analysis and response within minutes.

3 Challenge: New integration requirements
eSupply eCommerce Systems integration ERP/MES Supplier Customer Application software & services In addition, the eCommerce era is creating the need for better real-time integration of manufacturing and business processes -- linking plant operations with systems for order processing, supply management, and logistics, for highly-automated fulfillment. eLogistics and decision support

4 IndustrialIT building blocks
ABB expertise across the value chain ABB is meeting these needs by providing a broad family of compatible hardware and software “building blocks” -- based on industry standards -- that allow customers to configure customized solutions more quickly, more reliably, and at lower cost. We call this approach Industrial IT.

5 IndustrialIT architecture
Powerful Aspect ObjectsTM integration framework Keeps asset information together for faster deployment. Real object Model object Real-time information Configuration Cost & purchase data Control software Current location Maintenance records Engineering drawings Performance record Cost of ownership = At the heart of the Industrial IT concept is ABB’s powerful Aspect Object architecture. This allows users to view detailed, real-time information about each plant object, then “cut and paste” multiple objects together to configure new business systems.

6 From the IndustrialIT casebook . . .
Off-line simulation of robot systems Fast and easy programming via “virtual” robot model Create and optimize new scenarios without disturbing production Download to production equipment only when ready Asset Lifecycle Planning Design Config-uration Operation Maintenance Robot System Data Business Systems Optimization Plant Floor Concept Operations RobotStudio To illustrate this concept, we will use the example of a manufacturing robot which must be reconfigured today for a new product run. Using ABB’s Robot StudioTM software, which links the real robot to an off-line “virtual” robot, customers can accomplish this task in a fraction of the normal time -- without even stopping production.

7 From the IndustrialIT casebook . . .
Web-enabling of robot Cells Real-time interface to robotics systems -- anywhere! Remote diagnostics, production reports, file management, and more! Asset Lifecycle Planning Design Commis-sioning Operation Maintenance Robot System Data Business Systems Optimization Plant Floor Concept Operations WebWare Once the new robot task is on-line, another Industrial IT building block -- ABB WebWareTM -- makes information about the process available in real time, through office computers, the Internet, or even a mobile phone. Let’s take a look at how this works . . .

8 The ABB value proposition
Diverse automation portfolio Integrated IndustrialIT architecture Deep industry expertise Faster deployment Real-time information Greater productivity By linking the various “building blocks” from our growing Industrial IT portfolio, ABB is helping customers to create and manage complex new business systems faster than ever before. The result: Greater productivity with which to compete in the Connected Economy! May I answer any questions? ######


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