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Green bin recyclomania

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Presentation on theme: "Green bin recyclomania"— Presentation transcript:

1 Green bin recyclomania
A project on sustainable Product Development

2 Team members Aravind Baskar Anirudh Agarwal Eleftherios Christos Statharas Vadri Siva Sai

3 Background & motivation

4 Facts about wastes 2 billion tonnes of wastes generated every year globally. In SG, Waste is generally collected thrice a week by agencies. Solid waste management and recycling techniques are employed to deal with the wastes and requires support from the customers to improve efficiency. Reference : National Government Agency, Singapore & Waste Atlas TM

5 motivation 12% of food waste is only recycled.
85% of waste is disposed and there is a huge potential for further enhancements. Developing an incrementally integrated system for food waste management Reference : National Government Agency, Singapore , ZerowasteSG & Waste Atlas TM

6 Observations & understanding of the problems

7 Inefficient Disposal of Waste
Here’s the problem Inefficient Disposal of Waste Reference : Internet Search

8 Present technology & products
Reference : Internet Search, Merton Council UK, The Guardian UK

9 The need for a new system
Why? What can be done? Trash bins are not used to their full capacity. Processing of wastes becomes cumbersome No information on level of waste, lack of multi-functionality Indoor composting is impractical Can it stored/processed differently? What are the bottlenecks in post processing? Is it possible to provide information to the user and incorporate additional functionality? Aerobic/Anaerobic composting

10 Objectives & deliverables

11 Proposed objectives The system aims to improve the feasibility of reuse and recycle of wastes. The system aims to reduce the time for collection of wastes. The system aims to infuse a sense of pride in contributing to the green movement Bin for Collecting waste Fertilizer Production Stage I Biogas Plant Setup Stage II Biogas plant for HDB’s Stage III

12 The Proposal To develop a bin, process waste and setup an in-house waste management setup for HDB’s. The system aims to have a method to ensure that the bins are used to their full capacity. The system aims to have detachable parts to ensure multi- functionality. The system aims to have a method to indicate the level of waste to the user. The system aims to have a method to switch between automation/manual operation. The system aims to have a method to inform the agency if the bin needs to be emptied.

13 Economic analysis Possible earnings from fertilizers – SGD 120* per household per year – Stage I Possible energy saving of 11%** per household in a year and energy production up to 850** KWh/yr/household. Payback period for Bin would be around 1 year, as the proposed price of the bin is SGD 100*** Payback period for Biogas plant will depend upon no. of households and biogas production. If we have 250** households, the payback period will be around 1 years Reference : * Based on 50% conversion efficiency ** Based on biogas production of 0.3m3/kg *** To be ascertained


15 Concept selection

16 A look at proposed concepts

17 A look at proposed concepts

18 Concept selection matrix
Parameters Concept A Concept B Concept C Ease of use Manufacturing cost Assembly

19 Proposed deliverables
Reduce the no. of visits by the agency by about 30 % Improve the amount of wastes stored in the bin by a minimum of 30% Provide the scope for improved post processing and recycling. Setup an in house Biogas plant for HDB’s.

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