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Councillor Mark Shelford

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1 Councillor Mark Shelford
Executive Member for Sustainability Resilience Transport and Highways Phone: Claverton Group/GMP Energy Conference Why Councils are Challenged by the Concept of Green Energy

2 £ Key Facts & Figures 11.3% 13.5% Resident Employment B&NES England
GVA per worker (2016) B&NES 707 Enterprises per 10,000 WAP England 677 Enterprises per 10,000 WAP Resident Employment Business Death Rate 2014 1st/8 lowest City-region LEP areas 14th/39 lowest of LEP areas Professional Scientific & Technical Areas: B&NES – 26.5% GB – 20.2% Manager & Directors: B&NES – 55.8% GB – 45.6% 13.5% Business Birth Rate 2014 6th/8 City-region LEP areas 26th/39 LEP areas B&NES – £27,683 UK – £26,584 5 Year Business Survival Rate Degree Level Bath – 46% B&NES 46.7% England 41.4% West of England – 44% England – 37%

3 Challenges

4 Challenges Budget 80% Adult and Children Social Services.
Culture – So What Brigade-Spend to save. A complete shift to very low and zero carbon electricity, mostly renewable, much of it decentralised 50% reduction by 2035 Smarter and more flexible management of demand, including storage, to enable higher penetration of renewables Huge reductions in energy demand in buildings and the equipment and processes within them (Change in Planning Law/Interpretation - Georgian Buildings) Decarbonisation of heat A dramatic rise in use of electric vehicles and other steps to cut the carbon emissions of road transport (NOx v CO2) Ensuring new build developments ( Especially Affordable/Social Housing) achieve their full low carbon potential and contribute effectively to a smarter energy system

5 Take up of EVs since 2011: WoE vs England
If Residents replaced all their cars for EV’s Bathnes would need an extra 18 GW of power.

6 Current Energy Production from Waste
Type of waste Tonnage Treatment Location Energy produced Residual 23500 9100t MBT NES Avonmouth 72% energy recovery, and RDF creating 2262 kw in CHP in Europe 11900t MBT Hills Westbury 46% energy recovery and RDF creating 1895 kw in CHP in Europe 2500t EFW Suez Avonmouth 274 kw electricity local grid Food 6000 Anaerobic digestion Geneco Avonmouth Biogas Landfill 8900 Landfill gas recovery Shortwood and Calne

7 Emerging near term actions: ‘first next steps’ Spend to save.
Right Vision, Right People and Right Support. Large scale (post subsidy) solar programme – roofs, storage, peer-to-peer trading, local energy markets Home-owner low carbon retrofit supply chain and market accelerator Co-ordinated anti-fuel poverty ‘No one suffers a cold home’ programme Shared energy management capacity across public sector West of England energy efficiency fund for commercial buildings Heat decarbonisation taskforce Maximise Local Energy from Waste ( But Not chasing waste) EV growth co-ordination group Policies across regional and local plans to ensure that all new developments zero carbon & ‘smart enabled’ (plus shared crack team to support realisation)

8 Questions

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