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The Three Whys Of Christmas

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Presentation on theme: "The Three Whys Of Christmas"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Three Whys Of Christmas

2 Why did He come? To Destroy- 1 John 3:8 To Give Life- John 10:10
To Seek and Save- Luke 19:10

3 Why did they celebrate? Shepherds- Luke 2:8-20 Magi/Wise Men
Angel of Lord appeared Hurried to find the Savior Spread Word, glorified and praised God Magi/Wise Men Saw a star (Num. 24:17) Walked and traveled for around 2 years Bowed Down and Worshiped

4 Why must we Change? To focus on Christ To glorify and worship
To celebrate the true reason He came to earth

5 How will you remember Christ this week?
What else can you do to keep the focus on Him?

6 To Wrap it up He Came- to destroy, to give life and to seek and save the lost They Celebrated- His birth, His Life and what He was meant to do We must Change- Because the devil uses things to distract us from the real meaning of Christmas


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