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2010 Content Standards for K-12 Second Language

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1 2010 Content Standards for K-12 Second Language
Publishers’ Briefing March 18, 2010 Rendy Jantz Second Language Education Specialist Office of Educational Improvement and Innovation Oregon Department of Education

2 Oregon Content Standards
Adopted by the Oregon State Board of Education to define what all students are expected to know and be able to do Adoption Anticipated June 2010 Discuss the Standards for All Students and the Advanced Standards.

3 Oregon Content Standards
New Core Standards Structure Revised to align with the core standards structure adopted by math and ELA Still built around “big ideas” for language acquisition Articulate learning progressions within and between proficiency levels Standards are not grade level assigned Allow for more effective lesson design, focused instruction, and creation of formative assessments Endurance, Leverage, and Success We are beginning a new generation of standards-based education. We can now create standards purposefully and mindful of how students best learn. Research-based. Endurance: Will the standard provide students with knowledge and skills that will be of value beyond a single test date? Leverage: Will the standard provide knowledge and skills that will be of value in multiple disciplines? Success: Will the standard provide students with essential knowledge and skills that are necessary for success in the next level of instruction? Beyond school?

4 Overview of Oregon’s Standards Revision Process
Review and revision cycle Content and assessment panels (ORS ) used to develop new standards Stakeholder engagement/external partners National and international research/experts Public input on draft documents Input used to revise drafts State Board adoption Adoption Schedule: March 31st due to State Board April 16-17th First Read at the State Board (I will be in Japan from April 10-30th) May State Board Adoption

5 Organization and Content of the Revised Second Language Standards
Guiding Principles and Goals: Reflect the second language standards all Oregon high school students should learn. Reflect alignment with the National Second Language Standards Clear representation of Communication, Cultures, Communities, Comparisons, Connections (ACTFL 5 C’s) Strive for coherence, clarity, and measurability.

6 Oregon’s Standards Revision Process at Work
Second Language Standards Revision 2004 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) Foreign Language Framework ACTFL Standards for Foreign Language Learning State Standards 2009 Oregon Second Language Content Panel Recommendations 2010 COFLT Board Review Oregon University and Community College Input Public comments Process Standards are: Problem Solving, Reasoning and Proof, Communication, Connections, and Representation. Additionally, we expect students to be able to reflect on their solution and understand and use all mathematical concepts and skills from previous grade levels as they apply to these standards. ( Discuss the opening paragraph of the standards and the table aligning process standards and essential skills.) Nearly 100% aligned with (NAEP) – some concepts not aligned e.g. standard deviation, permutations and combinations, conditional probability. We used national standards documents such as Achieve and College Board. We reviewed over 30 state standards documents to support our work. We reviewed the National Math Advisory Panel Recommendations and specifically focused on some of the Major Topics of School Algebra such as: Polynomial expressions, rational expressions, real numbers, linear equations and inequalities, systems of linear equations, factoring polynomials, linear, quadratic and exponential functions.

7 Planned Guidance and Support Documents
Core Standards Document Expanded Standards Student work samples Sample assessment items Sample proficiency requirements Glossary of terms In their core standards identification report, WestEd suggested developing a set of content specifications to clearly outline the content boundaries of each standard, as this would also allow the core standards to be expressed in more general terms.

8 Thank you!

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