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Statistical Parameters

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1 Statistical Parameters
Table 11.1

2 In-Class Example Determine the mean and variance of x(t) = 3sin(4pt) for one period and 1.5 periods. What is the period of 3sin(4pt) ? one period equals one cycle → determine the time for one cycle frequency = 4p radians/s = (x cycles/s) • (2p radians/cycle) → x = 2 cycles/s → 0.5 s/cycle So, one period = 0.5 s and 1.5 periods = 0.75 s. Mean: for one period:

3 In-Class Example for 1.5 periods: Variance: for one period:

4 The Root-Mean-Square (rms)
For a continuous waveform: For a discrete waveform: Figure 11.8

5 In-Class Example Determine the rms for 3 cycles of the ramp function y(t) = At/T. A y(t) t T 2T 3T What kind of signal is this? periodic How many periods must be considered for this waveform? ONE

6 In-Class Example for t1 = 0 and t2 = T What is the mean value of y(t)?

7 In-Class Example Determine the rms of x(t) = 3sin(4pt) for one period.

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