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Engineering Leadership Assessment Tool Profile

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1 Engineering Leadership Assessment Tool Profile

2 Introduction Difficulty in selecting appropriate courses to complete the Engineering Leadership Minor (ELP), led to thinking if it would be possible to create a tool that would guide students in selecting courses.

3 List of Approved Courses for the Engineering Leadership Minor (ELP)

4 Introduction Since the Engineering Leadership Minor has been started recently (Spring 2013), the need for an assessment tool has been realised to measure the effectiveness of the courses and to ensure that they are meeting their desired outcomes. To address these concerns, my work has involved creating an assessment tool that would not only aid professors and faculty, but also students who could use it to identify their strengths and weaknesses and thus work towards improving them.

5 Methods Conducted a literature review to find out if any assessment tool already exists and to see if such a tool has been used in other universities. The literature review confirmed that no such tool has been created and thoroughly tested although attempts have been made in this direction. Used the survey in the article “Creating an Instrument to Measure Leadership, Change, and Synthesis in Engineering Undergraduates” to create the assessment tool.

6 Assessment Tool Profile

7 Assessment Tool Profile

8 Assessment Tool Profile

9 Results The tool measures the student’s development on four fronts namely “Being an Engineering Leader”, Ability to positively impact society and economy through knowledge learned”, “Engineering Leadership”, and “Adaptability to Change”. The tool provides an indication of the student’s development relative to the average scores of other students.

10 Conclusion Further testing needs to be done to ensure the accuracy of this assessment tool, however it lays the framework for classroom assessment which has been shown to ensure overall growth of students. This assessment tool can be used before, after and even during courses to see the changes in student’s characteristics. Since this tool relies on self-assessment, it largely relies on accurate responses on the student’s part.

11 Key References Used for Creation of Assessment Tool
Ahn, B., Cox, M. F., London, J., Cekic, O., & Zhu, J. (2014). Creating an Instrument to Measure Leadership, Change, and Synthesis in Engineering Undergraduates. Journal of Engineering Education, 103(1), 115–136.

12 Acknowledgements Dr. Monica Cox Monique Ross Benjamin Ahn

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