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Abby Hyne, Teal Weaver, Molly Hamel, and Tom King

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Presentation on theme: "Abby Hyne, Teal Weaver, Molly Hamel, and Tom King"— Presentation transcript:

1 Abby Hyne, Teal Weaver, Molly Hamel, and Tom King
HR Analytics Abby Hyne, Teal Weaver, Molly Hamel, and Tom King -have you taken a test or assessment as part of the recruitment process -have you had virtual interviews

2 Agenda Defining HR Analytics Importance Organizational Benefits
Implications for Candidates Future of HR Analytics IBM Kenexa Organizational Benefits Importance Defining HR Analytics -our goal is to have the class understand what hr analytics are and how they can be used to their and their company's advantage

3 Defining hr analytics O P E R A T I N S T R A E G Y
-HR has been transitioning from a required operation to a strategy -analytics uses data to look at the people in an organization – example: employee turnover, labor projections, employee engagement, performance reviews, internet and monitoring, etc -leveraging people data for a broad range of business problems - understand every part of a business operation -understand, at a far deeper level , what drives results -only 9 percent believe they have a good understanding of which talent dimensions drive performance in their organizations

4 Importance to Organizations
Understand performance drivers Strategize employee management Overall organization improvement Importance to Organizations Improve personal performance Become a better leader Understand organization as a whole Importance to You -use turnover and performance reviews to determine workforce needs and employees most likely to thrive in the organization -increased profitability and efficiency because there will be a focus on critical factors and improved cost  allocation -performance reviews provide detailed info on tasks and skills that you excel or are underperforming in -use subordinate data to determine which individuals are struggling and offer them additional development opportunities/guidance -understand the internal processes of your company to be a better employee and in the future, manager

5 Three Basic Components
Optimization Analytics Ongoing Feedback Analytics Hiring Analytics

Evidence-based decision making Increased employee engagement Prediction and control of attrition Reduced hiring and training costs Workforce forecasts Better insight for managers

7 Limitations Data Availability Data Privacy Training and Mindset
Biases and Fears

8 Software Selection Employee assessments, work performance, and training Psychological analytics capabilities  

9 Case study: dave & Buster’s
IBM Kenexa helps with hiring Simplifies applicant tracking processes Increases visibility and accessibility of candidate assessment results Scales up with company growth Frees up recruiters and operators for other tasks Offers web traffic analytics and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) -staffing is important to create the right environment -team must identify and encourage talent, turnover high in industry -knew would grow quick and go global – need same system Applicants go to career page and apply online – easier to show personality -recruiters see assessment results directly on talent application -recruiter can spend other time sourcing -software helps with applicant tracking, onboarding, perf management -makes it simpler and automatically progress indiv. – frees up operators so can be on the floor Web traffic analytics, CRM

10 The Future of HR Analytics
Real Time Data on Employee: Engagement Recognition Communication in Teams Wellbeing Sentiment

11 Implications for candidates
Resumes Core Requirements Better Fit Removal of Personal Bias

12 “We don’t need to make people better machines, we need to make people better people” – Alan Murray, Editor of Fortune Magazine Alan Murray, Editor of Fortune Magazine, ‘We don’t need to make people better machines, we need to make people better people’.

13 References Forbes: People Analytics: Here With A Vengeance a-vengeance/#1bc19aea32a1 Digitalist Magazine: The Future Of People Analytics: New Horizons Of Intelligent HR Consumer Experience work/2018/05/30/future-of-people-analytics-new-horizons-of-intelligent-hr- consumer-experience Centric Digital: How HR Analytics Can Transform the Workplace transform-the-workplace/ CMS Wire: Talent Analytics: What It Is And Why It Matters matters/ LiveMint: How talent analytics is becoming key to HR growth analytics-is-becoming-key-to-growth-of-human-reso.html IBM Kenexa Talent Acquisition Suite Home Page en/marketplace/talent-acquisition/details HBR Article: Competing on Talent Analytics Employsight: Limitations of HR Analytics

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